Her father patted her shoulder. “I imagine Anton has forgotten all about it whilst on his honeymoon. I should not worry. I would wager your aunt has exaggerated it all and it was no more than a whisper of interest from the man.”

Cassie let her shoulders drop. She hoped it to be true, but Anton always thought her unruly, and whilst he might love her, had he not been the one to set Luke the task of keeping an eye on her as though she were some mischievous child? He was open in his frustration that only Chastity had married and lamented having all unmarried sisters but would he really do such a thing?

“Do not fret, Cassie. It is bad for your health.”

She glanced at her father and offered a weak smile. “I know, Papa. I shall try not to.”

“You’re a good girl.”

He slumped into the chair and put on his spectacles. Cassie dropped a quick kiss to his head and headed back through the house toward the music room. She didn’t make it as far as the music room before Chastity and Demeter met her in the adjoining room.

Chastity folded her arms and Cassie frowned. She knew that look—it was the one where Chastity wanted to kill anyone who might harm her sisters. Had she heard of the engagement already? Did she wish to throttle Anton as much as she?

“I already spoke to Papa—”

“Where is Luke?” Chastity demanded.

Cassie flicked a look between her sisters. Demeter wore a petunia sealed in a glass orb around her neck. Something to do with anger, Cassie reckoned. Which mirrored her mood perfectly though she was not certain what Demeter had to be angry about.

“Mrs. Lamb said she’d seen him,” Demeter said quietly. “And that he was hurt.”

“He’s gone home.” Cassie gestured vaguely. “But—”

“He should have been protecting you,” Chastity snapped. “What if you had been injured? Or killed?” She shook her head and blew out a breath. “I do not know what is going on with this investigation, but I am not happy. This is not what Mama would have wanted. First you are vanishing at all hours and then it turns out you are spending more and more time with that rake.”

“He had been aiding me,” she mumbled.

“Aiding you in getting into trouble it seems.”

“Chastity,” Demeter warned.

“We investigate minor feminine problems. Occasionally we might come upon thieves and the like but nothing dangerous,” her oldest sister said. “Now it seems you are visiting all the dangerous parts of town and nearly ending up killed.”

“I wasn’t even in harm’s way!” She felt tears well in her eyes. All she wanted was for her sisters to be proud of her but apparently she could not even do that.

Chastity’s expression softened. “I could not bear it if something happened to you, Cassie. What would we do?”

“I am not going to let anything happen to me, I swear it.”

“You could have at least told us what was occurring.”

Demeter nodded. “We do not keep secrets.”

Cassie gave a little huff. “Some of us do it seems.”

“What do you mean?” Eleanor asked. “None of us have—”

“Anton is in talks with the Duke of Marsbeck to negotiate our engagement.” Cassie could not keep the bitterness from her tone.

All three of her sisters gasped.

“Aunt Sarah knew it seems but kept it from me.” Cassie waved a hand. “Goodness knows why.”

“Knowing her, she has her reasons but surely Anton would not go into negotiations without speaking with you first.” Demeter frowned.

Chastity grimaced. “I would not be so certain. Now he is married, he is keen indeed to finally have us wed. I overheard him saying as much to Eliza.”

Arms folded, Cassie shook her head. “Well, he will have to force me if he wants such a match.”