On a piece of parchment, I write,See if you can find somewhere out of sight to drop anchor.

Kearan reads it and nods.

Riden stands by my side on the aftercastle. He doesn’t speak; he couldn’t hear my response if he tried. But his presence is a comfort. The closer we approach the island, the louder the singing becomes.

The singing that interrupted me and Riden.

I suppose I could have pulled him back to bed with me when he came to. He certainly doesn’t need his ears for it, but I don’t want to take that step with him when he doesn’t have use of all of his senses. Not for the first time.

I go warm just thinking about it, and I quickly turn my thoughts back to the island ahead.

But that only heightens my anxiety.

Is my mother nearby? I equally dread and relish the idea of speaking to her again. I want to ask her—no, demand of her why she left me. I want to know what’s become of her. Is she stillfragile and weak? Does she remember our meeting at the keep at all? Or is she now a senseless monster with nothing but a need to kill men?

No one dares to speak as we sail. Several of the girls lean over the ship’s edge, peering into the water, looking for sightings of sirens.

Despite the fact that they must know we’re here, they’re staying out of sight.

Kearan finds the perfect spot to drop anchor.

The beach curves, making a little nook blocked by trees and other greenery. It’s far enough from the main shore for comfort’s sake and gives us some shelter from anyone heading this way. It also blocks our view of the sea, but I’m not worried now. My trick with the rudder should have had the fleet stopped for hours. Maybe even a full day.

“Shall I give the order to go ashore?” Niridia asks.

“No. We’re not going ashore. Not yet, anyway.” Not when the last island we stopped at housed such horrors. “I want to take a look below the surface first.”

She raises a brow. “You’re going into the sea alone?”

“If this legendary treasure has been hoarded by sirens, it’s probably better accessed by the sea. Besides, we need to know what we’re up against. It’s better that I go alone. I’m less likely to be noticed.” Not to mention it’s impossible for anyone else to follow.

“Keep a sharp eye out,” I say. “One on the sea and one on the island. Under no circumstances is anyone to go ashore.”

I lighten my load, removing my boots and corset. I don’twant to be weighed down, and I have no use for them where I’m going. I strap a knife to my ankle, but otherwise, I’m going unarmed. A sword and pistol have no use below water.

I grab Riden’s hand and pull him over to the ship’s edge with me. I jerk my neck toward the ocean, indicating what I want.

He shakes his head fiercely. He knows that this is what we’ve been practicing for, but he also knows there are sirens in the water right now.

I understand his hesitation, but I gesture around the ship.I need to do this to keep everyone safe.

His eyes are still hard, but he steps over the railing with me, giving in.

Trusting me.

He wraps his arms around me, and the two of us jump.

I hit the water; all that power rushes in, and—

I’m still me.

I can do anything right now.

I could sing forever. My limbs are strengthened. I can move faster underwater than I can on land. I was already the perfect killing device as a pirate.

But now—

It’s hard to remind myself I’m not invincible when I feel the opposite.