“Papa! Come back here.”


I dash down the stairs, collide with Wallov in his rush to get above deck. The two of us roll head over heels all the way down the steps.

I groan as I rub my head, but Wallov is already back on his feet, ignoring the pain as he tries for the stairs again.

Roslyn races ahead of me and launches herself at Wallov, wrapping her tiny arms around his legs. She gets her legs around him, too, and squeezes with all her might.

It sends him to the ground again, which gives me the time I need to reach them. I dig a knee into his back, force the wax into his ears.

He stills.

“It’s okay, Roslyn,” I say. “You can let go now.”

She does and lets out a long breath. “That was close.”

“You did great,” I tell her.

Wallov stands, rubs at his side, which he must have hit on our tumble down the stairs.

I point to my own ears. He reaches for his, feels the wax. Realization shows in his eyes. Roslyn puts an arm around him. He nods to me.

I leave the two of them, returning up top.

“How are they doing?” I ask Niridia.

“Enwen’s back to himself. Riden, Kearan, and Deros are passed out cold. We tied them to the mast, lest they try to unplug their ears first thing upon waking. Sorinda is keeping an eye on them.”

“Good. The island isn’t even in view yet,” I say.

“I know. Perhaps the sirens are taking a swim away from its shores?”

“Or their song reaches farther than we realized.”

Niridia’s eyes widen. “You really think so?”

“No way to know.”

“It’s probably too much to hope that the king will be caught unawares like we were.”

I snort. “He’ll probably send a ship far ahead of his to test out the waters first.”

Niridia grimaces.

My father’s cruelty really knows no bounds.

“I want to know the second the island comes into view,” I say.



The singing comes and goes as we sail, but we dare not allow the men to uncover their ears. Not for an instant.

It’s a full week before the Isla de Canta comes into view. A full week without talking to our men. A full week without being able to talk to Riden.

I observe the isle now through my telescope. Trees cover the place, making it impossible to see anything else. Another jungle like the island we passed by in our search for water.