I can’t stand the pressure of my own thoughts. I need to keep busy.

I seek out Radita belowdecks.

“She took a few hits, Captain,” she says once I ask after the status of the ship. “A cannon struck through the galley. It took out most of the water storage, and all the water barrels on the deck were riddled with holes during the battle. We’ve lost most of our drinkable water.”

“How much do we have left?”

“A single barrel.”

“Only one!”

She nods. “The one we’ve already opened and started drinking from.”

I cover my face with my hands. Our days are numbered. I’ll order Trianne to start rationing the water. Even then, I don’t see how we can make it to the siren island with what’s left. Then there’s the return journey.…

“Can you see to the ship’s repairs?” I ask.

“I already have some of the girls on it.”

“Thank you.”

“It’s my job, Captain, but you’re welcome.”

When I pass by the bunks, Roslyn is fretting over Wallov’s injuries.

“It’s a scratch, sweet,” he tells her.

“No, it was a shard of wood to your shoulder. Now lie back down.”

“I’mfine,” he says, emphasizing the last word.

“In that case, there’s no reason to halt my dagger lessons.”

I manage a grin as I close the hatch behind me, heading now for my rooms. But my amused expression disappears as soon as I get inside.

Somebody is already here, waiting for me.

“What are you doing? You’re not allowed in here unless I invite you in.”

“I have a bone to pick with my captain,” Riden says. His body is rigid with fury, and I wonder how he manages such an even tone. “I thought it best to do so in private so you don’t hold me over the edge of the ship for mutiny.”

“You’re not the only one with problems,” I snap. “My own father blew holes in my ship. A third of the crew is injured. One of our own is dead. So unless your issues are bigger than those, I suggest you leave because I don’t need more added on to my load.”

His calm tone vanishes. “It was very nearly more than one casualty! What the hell were you thinking yanking me into the ocean with you?”

“I was thinking I had girls in the water and I needed to save them! I didn’t exactly have time to ask for your permission before eels would be upon them.”

“And I was what? Bait? An expendable body while you were off saving your real crew members?”

“Myrealcrew members? You can be so thick sometimes! I took a calculated risk. I had no choice but to involve you.”

His nostrils widen as he takes in another labored breath.

“I needed you,” I spit out. “Without you, I turn into a monster beneath the water. But you—you keep me human. You are what I needed to remember myself. I hate it, but I realized that something about you,onlyyou, keeps me human when my siren nature tries to take over.”

That brings him up short. “Why?”

“Hell if I know. I wasn’t about to let four girls under my protection die as I paused to figure that out.”