Well, of course I’m going to react violently, but why should he expect it already?

I slam my heel into the foot of the pirate holding me on the right. He grunts and releases me to reach down. Then I jab the side of my freed hand into the other pirate’s throat. He makes a choking sound before placing his hands at his neck.

Draxen turns to see what the commotion is. Meanwhile, Riden levels another pistol at me, even whilst a smile still rests upon his face. Single-shot pistols take time to reload with gunpowder and an iron ball, which is why most men carry at least two on them.

“I have terms, Captain,” I say.

“Terms?” he says in disbelief.

“We will negotiate the terms of my surrender. First I will have your word that my crew will be freed and unharmed.”

Draxen removes his right hand from his belt and reaches down for one of his pistols. As soon as he has it, he points it at the first of my men in line and fires. The pirate behind him jumps out of the way as the body of my crewman falls backward.

“Do not test me,” Draxen commands. “You will get on my ship. Now.”

He is certainly eager to prove his reputation. But if he thinks he can intimidate me, he is wrong.

Again I pick up my sword. Then I rake it across the throat of the pirate recovering from the strike to the neck I gave him.

Riden’s eyes widen while the captain’s narrow. Draxen pulls out another gun from his waist and fires at the second man in line. He goes down like the first.

I ram my sword into the closest pirate next to me. He cries out before dropping first to his knees, then to the deck. The boots I wear are now sticky with blood. I’ve left a few red footprints on the wood beneath me.

“Stop!” Riden shouts. He steps closer, pointing his gun at my chest. It is of no surprise to me that his smile is now gone.

“If you wanted me dead, you would have already killed me,” I say. “Since you want me alive, youwillcomply with my terms.” In a matter of seconds, I disarm Kearan, the pirate who grabbed me from before. I force him to his knees. One hand yanks his head back by the hair; the other holds my sword steady against his neck. He doesn’t make a sound as I hold his life in my hands. Impressive, considering he has seen me kill two of his shipmates. He knows I will feel no guilt at his death.

Draxen stands before a third member of my crew, holding a new pistol.

This one’s Mandsy.

I don’t let the fear show on my face. He has to think me indifferent. Thiswillwork.

“For one who asked for the safety of her crew, you sure are being callous when I kill them off one by one,” Draxen says.

“But for every man I lose, you shall lose one as well. If you intend to kill them all after I’m on board, then it doesn’t really matter if I lose a few while bargaining for the safety of the rest. You intend to take me captive, Captain. If you wish me to board your ship willingly, then you would be wise to listen to my offer. Or shall we see just how many of your men I can kill as you try to force me over?”

Riden approaches his captain and whispers something to him. Draxen tightens his hold on his weapon. I feel my heart beating rapidly.Not Mandsy. Not Mandsy. She’s one of mine. I can’t let her die.

“State your terms,princess.” He practically spits out my title. “And be quick about it.”

“The crew is to be unharmed and released. I will come aboard your ship without resisting. Also, you will bring my accessories over.”

“Your accessories?”

“Yes, my wardrobe and personal belongings.”

He turns to Riden. “She wants her clothes,” he says incredulously.

“I am a princess, and I will be treated as such.”

The captain looks about ready to shoot me, but Riden speaks up. “What do we care, Captain, if she wants to get herself all fixed up for us every day? I for one won’t complain.”

Soft laughter resonates from his crew.

“Very well,” Draxen says at last. “Will that be all,Your Highness?”
