
He points to my foot. I forgot completely that he’d tied his “siren charm” there. “Got you your freedom, didn’t it? And I know my pearls still work because I’m here safe and sound on your ship. Are yeh a believer yet?”

“I’m afraid I don’t believe in luck. Just skill.”

“Sometimes I think they’re the same thing.”

I’m not sure what he means by that, but I don’t really care at the moment. “It so happens I could use a good thief. Would you be willing to join my crew?”

He smiles. “Course. Don’t care much where I sail, so long as there is plenty of coin to be found.”

“Don’t worry. I promise that where we’re going, there will be more money than you can even fathom.”

Enwen licks his lips. “In that case, I promise to be the best thief you’ve ever seen.”

“Good. Report up top, then.”


As he disappears above deck, I realize I should have mentioned that he leave the thieving for when he’s off the ship. Best not forget next time I see him.

I survey the remaining prisoners before speaking up. “The rest of you will remain here until I decide what to do with you. You needn’t fear for your lives unless you try to escape.” I look at Draxen during the last bit. “Then you have great need to worry.”

Draxen stands. “What of my brother?”

“My best healer is seeing to his wounds.”

“If anything happens to him, I’ll kill you.”

“Draxen, empty threats are useless. Your brother is in my care, and whatever I decide to do with him will be done. There is nothing you can do to change it. Understand?”

I may have made it sound a bit worse than it is, but I don’t care. After so much time spent near Draxen, he should be glad I’m letting him keep his life.

I start for the surface, following after the two new members of my crew.

Though the pain of our loss is great, I think Kearan and Enwen will be nice additions. I have plenty of good fighters on the ship, but skilled thieves and navigators are hard to come by.

I breach the top and am greeted by the bright sun. It is a fine day with few clouds in the sky. The wind blows my hair over my shoulders. It’s perfect for sailing.

I stop short when I find Kearan frozen in place, facing the stern.

“Kearan?” I ask, poking him in the back. He doesn’t move.

I swivel around so I can look at his face. He’s staring at something ahead. Attempting to follow his gaze, I can only guess he’s looking at the aftercastle.

“Kearan?” I try again.

He opens his mouth, closes it again to swallow, and tries again. “Who is that?”

Oh, he’s looking at a person. I take another look. “Niridia? That’s my first mate at the helm.”

He shakes his head. “Not her. The dark beauty in the shadows.”

I look again. I hadn’t even noticed Sorinda hiding in the shadow cast by the end sail. “That’s Sorinda.”

He doesn’t look away. As far as I can tell, he hasn’t blinked. “And what is her job on the ship?”

I smile. “She’s my assassin.”