Agreeing is the only way I’ll get out of this cage and have a chance of escape.

“You’re right,” I say in an attempt to tell Vordan exactly what he wants to hear. “I have been too afraid to break free of my father. I long to be rid of him. I want nothing to do with the Isla de Canta or Kalligan, but if you swear to me that you will grant me my freedom in exchange for my services, I will help you obtain what you seek.”

Vordan looks behind me. I turn. Theris shakes his head. “She’s lying.”

“I am not,” I say through gritted teeth. I was so focused on Vordan, I didn’t bother feeling for what Theris wanted to hear. I didn’t realize it was he and not Vordan who I needed to convince.

Theris smiles. “She’s using the same trick she used on Draxen. I witnessed exactly how Alosa can manipulate others by telling them what they want to hear.”

“I may have used my abilities on Draxen, but that doesn’t mean I’m using them now,” I say, though I know it’s pointless. I know now what it was I needed to say, and it’s too late to change my response.

“You didn’t put up enough of a fight, Alosa,” Theris says. “I watched you for a month on that ship. I listened to your conversations and… interactions.” At this he looks pointedly at Riden.

Riden has not said anything yet. He’s watching our captors closely, though, trying to understand the situation so we can get out of it. At Theris’s last words, he looks at me.

Just how much did Theris see?I think with disgust.

“I know exactly how stubborn you are,” Theris continues. “And I know how you feel about your father. You did not defend him as you usually do.”

I want to kick him, but he’s too far away for me to reach, and I couldn’t fit my leg through the bars if I wanted to. An arm, yes, but not a leg.

“Fine,” I say as I try to think of a new plan. “What now?”

“In the likely event that you did not prove accommodating,” Vordan says, “we are prepared to use you in a different way.”

I do not like the sound of this. I’ve put away the siren. I have no way to even prepare myself for what Vordan might be thinking now.

“Bring the supplies,” he orders to the two men who still have pistols pointed at Riden. Instantly they turn around and leave the clearing.

I can see Riden’s mind turning. Even though I can’t sense what he’s thinking, it’s not hard to guess. He’s trying to decide how to make the most out of not being so heavily guarded.

But before he can take a step, Theris has his gun out and cocked back.

“Don’t even think about it.”

“Why is he even here?” I ask. “You have me. Why would you take a second prisoner? Now Draxen will be out looking for him.”

“In time all will be revealed,” Vordan says.

He’s enjoying himself too much, and he’s eager for what is to come. I guess it didn’t matter whether I agreed to join him or not.

I wonder if I should change myself. Should I become Vordan’s perfect woman so he will wish to free me? It’s the only weapon I have left, but will it do any good? As I glance back over at Theris and his coin, I realize it won’t work. If I try something on Vordan, Theris will know, and he’ll put a stop to it.

I’m helpless. No weapon. No power. At this point, I can only hope someone will venture too close to the cage or that Riden somehow frees himself and then me. Since Riden isn’t too pleased with me at the moment, I doubt he’d want to help even if he did free himself.

When Riden’s guards return, they are not empty-handed. Each holds a bucket filled with water in one hand and something that looks a lot like a stick in the other. I can’t tell what they are at first.

“Alosa,” Vordan says, “you are here so I can learn all the skills you possess. For if I can’t use you to help me reach the Isla de Canta, then I will use you to learn all about sirens so I can be adequately protected once I’m there.”

An ice-cold dread freezes me.

I’m to be his experiment.

Chapter 17

“WHAT?” ISAYBECAUSEI can’t think of anything elsetosay.

“I can’t very well expect you to be honest about your abilities, so I’ll have to determine them for myself,” Vordan says. “Together, Alosa, we will identify all the powers sirens possess.”