“Whatever did my green top do to offend you?” I ask.

“You’re not daft, Alosa. Do you think a single member of the crew would be able to focus on their duties if you wore that?”

That is exactly why I chose it. I need to get Draxen’s attention. He’s never looked at me as anything more than an inconvenience. Today that has to change, and I have to do it without wasting what’s left of my song.

He’s the captain, and I’m his prisoner. But I need him to look at me as more than that. He needs to be unable to see me as anything other than a woman. In that green assortment, it’simpossibleto mistake the fact.

“That’s hardly my problem,” I say. “I want the green one.”

“Well, you can’t have it. I’m tossing it over the edge of the railing.”

“Come now, Riden. That’s hardly fair.”

“You’re a prisoner. Nothing’s supposed to be fair for you.”

Fine, I will have to make do with the purple corset, but I can’t help but tease Riden a bit first. “Are you sure there’s not something more at work here, Riden?”

“What do you mean?”

“I think you’re acting like a jealous husband.”

“A what?”

“You know, men that women shackle themselves onto.”

“Yes, I know what a husband is.” He clenches his fists and glares at me. He’s awfully handsome when he’s angry. “There is nothing to be jealous of.”

“So you’re saying that if I were to wear that top, it would in no way affect you personally?”

“Not at all.”

“Then there’s no problem with me wearing it, is there? Give it to me.”

He clenches his teeth. “No.”

I suppose I will have to rely more on body language, but I think it can be done. With some men, I can catch their attention in a potato sack.

Draxen seems smart. Smart enough to realize if I’m trying too hard. This will have to be done very carefully.

“Fine. Leave so I can change. Or will you be unable to handle knowing I’ll be naked in your room?”

I’m baiting him, and he knows it. I’m impressed he manages another glare before slamming the door.

With expert fingers, I lace on the top and attach the sleeves. They curve out into points above my shoulders. I put on the hood as well. If I end up doing anything too embarrassing, it might be nice to have something to hide my face behind.

Riden did indeed bring me underthings. I try not to think about the fact that he touched them while I slip on the rest of my clean clothes. It’s amazing what a new outfit can do for my spirits.

I emerge from Riden’s room a new woman—free of snark, attitude, and morals. Everything I assume Draxen is attracted to.

Time to play.

I’ve spent so much time around pirates that I’ve adopted my own sort of swagger, but that is not my natural inclination when I walk. Sirens are creatures of grace and beauty. They’re more driven by instinct than learning and habits. I tap into that side of me, that place that I usually hide.

I suppose I don’t really need the green top.

In this form, I can sense exactly what men want. And I can be that for them in order to get whatIwant. They can’t hide their emotions from me. Each one swirls around them in a haze of color.

Each step on the deck is soft and graceful. My movements are fragile and angelic. My face is devoid of the intelligence lurking in my mind or the thieving force that drives me. I can feel each fragment of the wind as it slides along my skin. I can feel the salt in the air. I can feel each strand of hair on my head, sense the movements of those around me.