“What are you doing?” I demand. “You cannot keep touching me as though I’m a small child you can pick up and move whenever you want to.”

“If you insist on continually acting like a child, then there is no reason why I shouldn’t treat you as one.”

“What on Maneria are you talking about?”

“My room!” He huffs. “Look at it. It’sfilthy. Half of my things are ruined, thanks to your damned drawings. I ought to toss you overboard!”

“You locked me up in here! What did you think would happen? You should toss yourself over for being a complete idiot. And if you wanted me punished, then you should have let the captain continue on with me instead of asking him to stop!”

“Are you complaining because I helped you?”

“I had things under control.”

“Just yesterday you were making a fuss because I didn’t stick up for you. You can’t have it both ways! So pick one!”

“What do you care what I want? Why don’t you have the balls to do what you want?”

Riden sighs and looks heavenward. “Stop doing that.”

“Doing what?”

“You’re a woman. Act like it. You shouldn’t be saying such foul—”

“I’ll say whatever I please. I’m not a lady, I’m a pirate!”

“Well, you shouldn’t be!”

“And why’s that? I’m plenty good at it.”

“Because pirates aren’t supposed to look like you look and talk like you talk and do what you do. You’re confusing, and it’s messing with my head.”

“How is that my fault? I’m sure your head was plenty messed up before I came along.”

I can feel Riden’s breath in my face. He’s so close and so angry, I almost want to laugh.

“No, it wasn’t,” he insists.

Then he’s kissing me.

What the—I misread where that was going. I wanted to irritate him. To get under his skin. To mess with him because he’s working for the enemy. I hadn’t exactly expected him to get all mushy as a result.

But then again, I can’t exactly describe this as mushy.

It’s pure irritation expressed as a physical need. Interesting.

I’ve kissed many men, pirates and land dwellers alike. Normally it happens right before I’m about to steal something from them. Or because I’m bored.

Right now I’m not sure I have an excuse. In fact, I’m sure there are several reasons why I shouldn’t be kissing him. I just can’t think of them at the moment.

Perhaps it’s because Riden’s lips taste even better than I’d imagined. Or because his hands make my skin tingle where they hold the sides of my face. Maybe it’s the thrill of doing something my father wouldn’t approve of. I mean, he’s not exactly the overprotective type. He couldn’t care less about my dalliances. But he would most definitely be upset if he knew I was kissing the enemy, especially when I’ve nothing to gain from it. No, wait, that’s not true. It could definitely benefit me to have the first mate wrapped around my finger.

When Riden’s lips move down to my neck, I forget all about my father. There’s nothing except heat and chills all at once. He reaches the hollow at the base of my neck, and I let out a soft moan.

He returns to my lips with a new intensity. The burned spot on my tongue tingles when he traces it with his own. I rip out the band that holds together his hair and run my fingers through it.

The moment is perfect.

But the thought hits me like a hammer:This shouldn’t be perfect. In fact, it isn’t. I’ve gone too long without proper sleep and food. It’s making me act like a silly tavern wench. I can’t do this. I have thieving to do.