When the door opens a while later, I’m sitting at Riden’s desk, drawing pictures of sea creatures all over his maps, using a quill dipped in ink.

“What the bloody hell!”

“I got bored,” I say, not bothering to look at him.

“What did you do?”

“Well, I made you something. Look here. I gave this squid your face.”

There is silence, and then, “Alosa, I’m going to kill you.”

“It’ll be awfully hard to collect a ransom from my father if I’m dead.”

“Are you sure the man doesn’t want to be rid of you? We haven’t heard from him yet. I’m beginning to think we did him a huge favor. His loss was our bloody demise.”

I set the quill down and look up. “I’m out of parchment. Is there any more on the ship?”

Riden clenches his fists. I think his eyes might pop out at any moment. His face is as red as a crab.

“You don’t look well,” I note.

“I’ll have you know it takes every ounce of self-control I have not to pummel you right now.”

“Can’t imagine what it takes to break you, then. Tell me, Riden, does your skin itch to see your room so filthy?”

“I’m going to bed. In the morning, you’re going to wish you hadn’t done this.”

“Mmm. I’d be careful in the bed. I think I saw some glass shards in there earlier. You really should watch what you do in there.”

Riden rips off the sheets and shakes out his blankets. Glass does indeed fall to the floor. He takes the time to sweep it all up before dumping it over the side of the ship. At least I assume that’s what he does. Can’t be sure, since I’m confined to the room while he leaves.

When he gets back, I ask, “Where will I be sleeping?”

For the first time in a while, he grins. “I’ll be sleeping in my bed. Feel free to join me, but something tells me you’d prefer the floor. ’Tis a shame there’s not much room for you now that it’s covered with all my things.”

Riden locks the door on the inside. Then he pockets the key. He removes his boots and his shirt before climbing into bed.

“You’re seriously going to sleep while I’m in here alone with you? Aren’t you afraid I’ll kill you?”

“I’ve already made sure there are no weapons in this room. Besides, I’m averylight sleeper. You won’t be able to take one step without waking me.”

“Is that so?” I ask cheerily.

Riden’s face falls at my tone. He knows it can’t be good.

This night is already one of the best I’ve had in a while. First I destroyed Riden’s room and saw him blow up over it. Now I get to drive him mad when he tries to sleep.

His eyes droop closed. I wait a few minutes. Then I stomp on the floor. Riden’s eyes shoot open. He sits up, ascertains I’m not up to anything. Then he falls back asleep.

I repeat this process three more times, when Riden finally gets out of bed. He strides right up to me and gets in my face. “Do that again, and I will knock you unconscious.”

I stop my knocking and instead start humming.

It doesn’t seem to bother Riden, though. His eyes stay closed. If anything, he looks like he huddles down farther in his bed. My humming turns to singing. I’m not really saying any words, just testing out different notes. It’s a random tune that comes to me.

In moments Riden snores softly.

I’d hoped that by keeping him up later, he would sleep more deeply.