As quietly as I can, I flip over the table and reach for the leg on the bottom left corner. I hollowed it out with my dagger and shoved the lockpicks in there after knocking out Azek and Jolek. It’s a shame for Riden that he never thought to check here.

“You know, I might have something you’d like, Enwen.” Belor pulls out of his pocket what looks like a leather string. “Man who gave me this told me it came from a siren’s wrist. It’s supposed to give the wearer protection on the sea.”

Enwen looks at it with reverence, but I’m pretty sure Belor just pulled it off of his boot when no one was watching.

“I’ll give it to you for three gold pieces,” Belor says.

I’ve already got the door open. I stand before the two pirates. “It’s a terrible trade, Enwen. The man’s lying. He just wants your gold.”

“But what if he’s not? How can I pass up such a trade? No more harm at sea, Miss Alosa!”

“Then why in the world would he trade it for only three coins?”

“You’re right. I should give him five for it.”

Belor finally looks up from the sack of gold, the prospect of more money shining in his eyes. “Oi! What are you doing out of your cell?”

“Making sure you don’t take advantage of poor Enwen, here.” Although, now that I think of it, Enwen is probably intending to steal the gold back bit by bit over the next several days.

“Appreciate the help, Miss Alosa, but you best be getting back in your cell,” he says as he reaches for his sword.

“Can’t do that. Sorry about this, Enwen. I rather like you.”

I knock them both out a moment later. Enwen’s going to want to drink as much as Kearan to relieve the headache he’ll have when he wakes. I honestly feel bad, but I don’t have the time to wait for them to fall asleep. That could be a while, and I need to take advantage of a nearly empty ship.

Once I’m up top, I observe everything carefully. The two pirates who were guarding the deck have gone, and Theris is nowhere to be seen. They were probably permitted to go ashore now that Riden is on board. Shame, that. Best to avoid him. Probably in his quarters now. I pass by them silently and walk over to the railing, where I ended my search the previous night. I run my hands over it, thumping with my feet as lightly as possible on the wooden planks below, checking for dead spots.

“Hello, Alosa.”

I sigh and look heavenward before turning around.

“Hello, Riden.”

“Been waiting for you to come up. You don’t disappoint.” Riden steps out of the shadows cast by the stairs leading up to the second level. Ah, no wonder I didn’t see him.

“You knew I would try to escape again?”

“There are only three pirates left on this vessel, assuming you left Enwen and Belor alive. We’re close to land. And I couldn’t find whatever it was you used to escape your cell last time. So, yes. I assumed you would try to escape again.”

“So you’re no longer convinced I’m up to more nefarious deeds?”

“I would have continued to have my doubts had you not gone straight for the edge of the ship.”

Thank the stars I went there first. Who knows what would have happened if Riden had seen me searching the ship?

“Now, Riden. There’s no reason why you can’t let me go. You can tell your dear captain I got away due to your own stupidity. Shouldn’t be too hard for him to believe.”

“I’m afraid not, Alosa.”

“Please don’t put me back in that cell. I hate it down there. The smell is awful.”

“Perhaps we should find you different accommodations, then.”

I don’t like the sound of this. “How do you mean?”

“Here, allow me to escort you, princess.” He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

“What do you think you’re doing? Put me down right now!” I push myself up and get a hold of his head. His hair is tied back as usual, nice and long.