He searches through my clothes. I notice him quickly scanning over undergarments, careful not to touch them. Interesting. The larger, pocketed clothing, he searches through most thoroughly. Unsurprisingly, he finds nothing except some rather sharp hairpins, which he pockets. He passes over the books quickly.

Until he comes across a volume titledEtiquette: A Guide to Raising Proper Ladies.I had no problems hollowing out that one. The entire concept is ridiculous. Unfortunately, Riden thinks so, too.

“What is this?” he asks.

“A book,” I answer smartly.

“Am I to believe you would actually read a book like this? You’re a pirate.”

“And a lady, too.”

“I don’t think so.” He flips through the pages. When that doesn’t prove fruitful, he tears at the book, separating the binding from the spine.


A small vial containing a purple liquid falls into his hand.

“What do we have here?”

“It’s a tonic for seasickness.”

“Then why would you hide it?”

“It’s embarrassing.”

“That’s interesting, because this liquid is also the same color as a tonic used to help people sleep. When inhaled, the compound renders a person unconscious almost instantly.”

“What a coincidence,” I say.

“Yes, I’m sure.” He starts tearing through the rest of the books, finding different weapons. Miniature throwing knives, wires for choking, more poisons, and many other things.

Pockets overflowing, Riden stands and moves for the door.

“Where are you taking those?” I ask.

“I’ll put them in a safe place.”

“Also known as the bottom of the ocean?”

He grins before disappearing.

I’m really starting to despise that man.

Chapter 8

ENWENANDANOTHERPIRATEcome down to the brig not long after Riden leaves. I’m sure the replacement is necessary because Kearan is still passed out somewhere.

“This is Belor,” Enwen says. “He’s come to help me watch you. And a fine pirate, he is. He understands the importance of maintaining a healthy amount of superstition.”

“No doubt,” I say, though Belor seems to be more interested in watching the sack of coins that hangs from Enwen’s belt.

The night is young. Most of the pirates will still be in town, sleeping off their drinks. Tonight is perfect for some sneaking about. I need to find that map. I’m ready to be rid of this ship and its cocky first mate. I still can’t believe he managed to slice me. More than anything, it was a cut to my pride.

“The only amount of luck to be found is in cold, hard gold,” Belor says. “You have that, and you can buy all the luck you need.”

“Which is why I purchased these here pearls,” Enwen says, pulling out his necklace.

Enwen relays the story of how he got the pearls. I doubt Belor hears a word of it, as he does naught but watch Enwen’s purse. Neither pirate pays me any attention. They really are making it easy for me to escape. Not a soul on my own crew would ever be so careless. Not even little Roslyn, who is the youngest of my crew at six years old. Course, I would never have her watch over prisoners. She stays mostly in the rigging, where she climbs better than any monkey ever could.