The sword and I size each other up. I often talk to my weapons while working. They’re far more forgiving than people are in conversation.
I run a finger over the cross guard, let it hover over the heated blade as close as I can stand without getting burned.
I’m so, so tired. Too many nights with not enough sleep. On top of that, living with fear is exhausting. The two try to battle for dominance within my body.
Kellyn gives me an encouraging smile. His golden-brown eyes are too trusting. I’m likely going to butcher this for the both of us.
“We’re tired, aren’t we?” I whisper to the blade. “You’ve been beat about, and I’ve been overworked. Perhaps we could use that on our enemies, hmm?”
I resist the urge to look about me and see if anyone suspects anything. Sometimes a weapon takes longer to magic. It’s nothing unusual for me to take more time with a stubborn blade.
Keep going.
“I want you to take my fatigue and build it into something. Can you do that for me?”
I try to be as specific as possible. Going through the motions of what I want it to do, begging the blade with my will and words to be my salvation.
When I feel the magic take root in the weapon, I feel shockingly refreshed. I feel strong. Like the weapon has taken the weariness right out of me, infused it into the blade.
A small smile creeps onto my face.
“I hear another batch is ready to be magicked today,” a voice says.
My whole body grows cold as I turn to find the prince entering the forges with his retinue of guards, all of whom now have magic weapons.
“Ziva’s already begun,” Elany says in response.
“Any surprises today?”
“No extraordinary weapons so far.”
“Pity. Maybe someone should try to scare the smithy. The results seem to be better when she’s under duress.”
The men behind him laugh, and I feel myself shrink away from it.
“Don’t mock her,” Elany says. “She’s helping you win a kingdom. Show some respect.”
Ravis stops laughing and rounds on my overseer. “You remember your place. You do not command a king.”
“You’re not a king yet, and if it weren’t for me and Ziva, you’d never become one. I came toyou, Prince, don’t forget that. We’re on the same side.”
Ravis scoffs. “Not that you’ve been much help.”
I hadn’t realized I’d been backing away slowly until Ravis’s dark eyes land on me, freezing me in place.
“What do you have there, smithy?” he asks.
My hands tighten on the hilt. “A sword I’m working on.”
“Bring it to me.”
My stomach sinks.I cannot hand this one over.
This very scenario right here is why I shouldn’t be allowed to have this gift.
I dart a look in Kellyn’s direction. The men around him have relaxed somewhat in their hold on him. He hasn’t tried to escape once, and he’s injured.
“Actually,” I say, “I was just going to duck out for a bit. Get some food. I haven’t had lunch yet.”