He relaxes visibly, understanding settling in. “I find you attractive.”

My chest grows tight, and I involuntarily hold my breath.

“I think it’s adorable when you stammer. I like that you don’t open up to most people. It makes it more of a challenge when I finally get you to trust me. You’re the perfect height. I barely have to bend down to be at eye level with you. When you fiddle with your hands, it makes me want to take them into my own, and—”

“Would you stop it!” I hiss between my teeth as loudly as I dare.

“Were any of those what the sword told you?”

“And then some!” I say rebukingly.

I can’t look at him. Doesn’t he realize how uncomfortable he’s making me? Is he amused by how unsettled I am? Was that his goal?

“I’m sorry,” he says. “You could even the score, though. Tell me some of your secrets about me. Then we would be even.”

“I don’t have any secrets about you.”

“Really? Then why did you come to me instead of staying with your family?”

In a voice barely above a whisper, I say, “They’ll kill me if they find out what I am.”

A heavy silence descends over the table. Meanwhile, the rest of the tavern is as busy as ever. Carrying on as if my whole life hasn’t fallen apart. As though I’m not the most scared I’ve ever been.

“They’re part of a religious sect that believes in exterminating magic at all costs. That’s why I’m here. I need to ask you if you would consider more money in exchange for me not making you a magicked longsword. I can’t risk revealing what I can do in this town. You were right about this city and these people. I fear for my life and my sister’s because of her relation to me.”

Kellyn sets down his drink. “I didn’t realize it was so serious.”

“It is, and I’m scared.”

Maybe it’s foolish to admit to him, but it’s the truth.

“Is it impossible to mask when you’re doing magic?”

I shrug. “Depends on how the magic turns out.”

“You don’t perform the magic until near the end, and it’s a one-time occurrence, yes? It’s not like glowing light is coming from your fingers the whole time or whatever?”

“Right. But what if someone sees?”

“I could come with you,” he offers. “Be with you in the forge while you’re working. I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.”

I swallow, try for honesty. “I don’t know if I could work with you watching.”

“Me specifically? Or anyone watching in general?”

The answer is somehow both.

But I’m still warmed by his words. He’ll protect me? He’llspend his days just sitting in the forge with me? Keeping me safe? No one but Temra has ever done that.

“I’ll even scare away anyone who tries to interrupt you,” he offers when I don’t answer his question.

I look up into those golden-brown eyes, framed by golden-red hair. How does this boy understand me so well so quickly? Is he really so observant all the time? Or is he somehow just so observant with me? Or does he just really, really want that sword?

That’s far more likely.

But that doesn’t change the fact that I’ve come to feel slightly more comfortable around him. It’s not perfect. He still makes me nervous at times, but I chose to come here, didn’t I? That’s huge for me.

And despite not enjoying being around people, I like him.