“I whispered my secrets to it while making the blade.”

“What kind of secrets?” Petrik and Kellyn ask at the same time.

Petrik wants to know for his book. Kellyn wants to know because he’s nosy, and I just ignore the both of them.

“Like stealing taffies from the larder,” Temra says, crossing her arms.

“Ah,” Kellyn says. “Such secrets you keep.” He grins in my direction.

My face heats impossibly at the real truth. How I wanted to touch Kellyn, who stood so far away, and the sword gained long-range abilities.

“Can I try it?” Kellyn wants to know.

“What?” I ask.

“The sword. Secret Eater. Can I try it out?”

“And just who do you plan to cut with it?”

Kellyn immediately looks at the scholar.

“No,” Petrik says. “I’m no good with blood, and I refuse to be party to your ill-conceived ideas.”

“Fine,” Kellyn says, put out. He turns to me instead. “You use it. On me.”

“You want me tocutyou? Why?”

“Curiosity. I want to know what it would tell you. I want to know if it really works.”

“No,” I say at the same time Temra says, “Okay.”

“Of course it works,” I say, ignoring Temra, “but I’m not about to slice you open.”

“I’ll slice him open,” Petrik says.

“You said you didn’t like blood,” Kellyn says.

“I’ll close my eyes.”

“Absolutely not,” I say.

Temra leans into me. “This could be good,” she whispers. “You wanted to know whether or not he could be trusted.”

“He’ll notice the sword doesn’t actually touch him when it cuts him,” I whisper in response.

“So we’ll make him look away.”

“And Petrik?”

“You heard him. He hates blood.”

“Fine!” I snap, probably louder than necessary. I stomp over to Reya, who swishes her tail at me.

I return to the fire with Secret Eater. Temra sits next to Petrik. Kellyn has rolled up his sleeve. He looks at me expectantly.

“Look away,” I order him.

“I’m not scared of being cut.”