“SB, chill. You’re scaring the freshmen.” I laugh, as they all scurry out of the way, obviously petrified that I’m about to start beating peoples’ asses for daring to get in my way. It would seem my reputation precedes me.

Sorry little freshies, I’ve got bigger fish to fry.

“Uh oh… It’s them.Dun, dun, duuuuun," she whisper-sings the silly sounds of a horror film.

Holding back a laugh, I look up and see Matteo glaring my way. Cohen is doing a good job of looking pissed, but I don’t miss the way his eyes flash with something upon seeing me, be it longing or regret, I don’t know, and I don’t fucking care.Heleftme. I’ll show him what regret really is soon enough. Noah hasn’t even bothered to look my way, instead choosing to lavish his attention on a small brunette who looks like she's doing a poor imitation of… well, me. It doesn’t go unnoticed though that he flinches slightly like he wants to look my way. He’s trying real hard to make it seem like he couldn’t give a shit less though. It’s no surprise given he’s forever playing the carefree, gives no fucks, fun guy.

I walk my ass up to them, with all the swagger I can put into my steps. No lie, it fucking hurts to be this close to them and I wonder if they are reliving all of our moments together like I am, but I know it’s not the case when Teo opens his mouth.

“What the fuck are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be dead?” he deadpans. Seeing he has everyone’s attention now, he adds insult to injury. “Should've stayed that way, if you ask me.”

Not even bothering with a response, I throw a fist into his jaw. Why in the fuck did I ever think these assholes deserved my love and affection? Idiedfor them. I stepped in the way of that bullet to keep Matteo alive and this is what he has to say to me in return?

I throw my knee up into his junk after the right hook to the face, and then I get pulled back by Ren before I can do any more damage or have the other two step in. Ren—my rock. My calm in the face of the chaos I’m lost to.

“Don’t you even fucking think about talking about her like thatbrother. She did die, no thanks to you. No thanks to any of youcodardi,” he growls. “All of you are shameful cowards, lowering your standard to the pathetic existence of ‘royalty’ within a school system. You could’ve been kings of the world with her. You could’ve reveled in the power that comes from loving her. It’s sad that you can’t see past your own pride to enjoy the magic Alessandra is. She died so you could live. Be thankful or get fucked,” he says directly to his twin, but it’s obviously a statement to them all. He’s beyond bothering with niceties at this point.

We have a whole crowd surrounding us before a teacher comes to break us up and starts sending kids to class. Only then do I step back, turning to go to class. Now that I have all three of the guys’ attention, I can’t help but deliver one last hit, though this one isn’t physical. “I loved you all. You took away any chance I had at safeguarding my heart from you guys. You may not have seen it and you likely still don’t even see it now, how deeply I fell for each of you, how much I’d have given up to ensure your health, happiness, and safety. I died for you—to fucking protect you. I may not have done things the way you wanted, or even the right way at all, but if you’d had bothered to stick around and pay attention, you’d know that I didn’t fuck you over. You let Raffaele infect your minds with the worst kind of toxicity, but you couldn’t even bother to trust the woman you claimed to love enough to find out the truth. Whatever you think you know, is dead wrong. A little faith would’ve gone a long way. Now I can’t wait to watch you all burn in the pits of hell you created.” I’ve dropped my voice to a whisper by the end to mask the thickness in my throat as it wells up with the sadness that threatens to overwhelm me. I look at them, watching their faces reflect so many different emotions, it’s physically painful to witness.

Matteo’s so angry, his red face is fast becoming a worrisome shade of purple, that is, if I was actually worried about someone who fucked me over so hard. Pride is an evil monster that worms its way into your heart and digs its claws in to make a home there. It’s eating me alive, even faced with the pain that’s clearly affecting the boys just as much as me. This push and pull is tearing me to shreds and might even be doing the same to them based on what I’m seeing. Teo’s mask never slips and the fact that I can see every emotion he’s going through flickering across his features is telling.

“You don’t get to do this. You can’t just walk in here after fucking destroying us and make our lives even more miserable. I’m not going to lie to you and pretend it’s not total shit living without you. But what you don’t seem to realize, is that it’s worse living with you here, in our faces, shoving your one true love down our throats. Do you get it now? Youwreckedus and the damage can never be undone. Just go away and never come back. Don’t force my hand on this, you won’t like the consequences if we have to make you leave,” he chokes out the words, a threat on the tip of his tongue, before reeling his emotions back into his typical stoicism. He stomps away, leaving behind his best friends and the groupies that were clinging to all of them.

“You should leave Q. You’ve done enough damage.” Cohen glares my way, as if he has any right.

“You can get fucked Red. Out of the three of you, you wereneverthe one I thought would leave me behind. You promised me forever. Youpromised,” I growl out, as I hold back a sob. My voice is barely audible at this point, but I know he heard me loud and clear by the way his voice cracks when he finally responds.

“Yeah, well not all promises can be kept. I know your next move will be ruthless. Just remember, that we don’t have hearts left to break.” He leaves me with no chance to acknowledge him before he walks away, leaving me an empty shell in the cold hallway.

I look up to Noah and notice that he makes a show of grabbing one of the girls he’s with and dragging her away with him.

I hate them all.



“Explain to me why we’re doing this again?” Ren asks skeptically.

He’s willing to hop aboard the petty train with me, even though I know he’d rather I try to fix things instead. He might be pissed at them, but he loves them all the same. I know the feeling only too well, the difference being I woke up choosing violence today. Well, maybe not violence in the same way I’d destroy a real enemy, but some inconsequential bullshit is what I’m here for.

“Look, I know this shit is dumb, and honestly immature as all hell, but everything else I came up with was dangerous and felt… I don’t know, wrong. No matter how much I hate them, my heart is still holding onto a part of them so to appease the hateful parts, we’re being petty as fuck and enjoying the little things in life.” I smirk, trying to laugh through the hollowness I feel at what’s to come.

He loves those guys more than he ever thought he would. He hasn’t flat out admitted it. I can see it in him though. He’s hurting at the loss of them too. Not that he wouldn’t hesitate to kill them for me, but I think it would destroy what’s left of his soul to do it. Regardless, he was willing to sneak around the school with me to set up everything that’s about to happen.

SB has already hacked the computer system to help me cut security footage and block Cohen from accessing anything related to the school system. The bitch is a genius and I only understood a little of what she walked me through. The end results will speak for themselves here in a short while though and I’m curious to see how they handle me being an asshole.

We’re standing outside the gym after our free period, which happens to be the same free period the guys have and use to work out. I’m standing in between Ren’s legs, feeling cozy and relaxing into the warmth of him. Step one of my plan essentially is to be around them as much as possible, making them see me. They fled like cowards so they wouldn’t have to and now I’m taking every opportunity I have to make them miserable just by existing. Step two will be to prank each one individually by causing semi-significant disruptions to their lives. Step three will be the grand finale that pushes them over the edge. I’m excited to see how the day plays out.

“I’m gonna kill—” Noah’s rant cuts short when he sees me, his death glare searing through me. I can’t help it when a laugh escapes me though and it enrages him to the point that his calm and happy demeanor is nowhere to be seen. “You,” he finishes his sentence, getting up in my face. Matteo and Cohen move in closer as well. Not like they’re going to hold him back though. More like they’ll be happy to try and help intimidate me, even knowing how unlikely it is. “I’m gonna killyou. What the fuck Alessandra?” he yells, causing Ren to stiffen at my back defensively.

“Oh wow, that’s some kind of new look you got there Noah,” I laugh it off, not even bothering to hide the fact that I’m responsible for the bright blue hair dye I put in his shampoo. “I like the smurfy vibe you’ve got going on, you could give Vanity Smurf a run for his money. I think I got the coloring just right for you.” I say, offering up a sarcastic wink.

“You know what?” he asks, his frown turning into an evil grin. “You’re right, I still look fucking good—totally fuckable really. I bet some of the girls around here will be dripping for me now that I’m rocking the hair of the gods,” he laughs. “Hades has nothing on me,” he smirks, and I swear to god, it takes every muscle in my body not to lose my own fake sunshiney expression. I can’t afford to let him know his words make me feel any kind of way.

“Mmm, I’m sure that hairstylist you walked out on will only be too happy to get her hands back on you. Have fun!” I force another laugh and pull Ren away with me as we turn to walk down the hall.

It’s that exact moment that the overhead speaker system comes on, calling Cohen and I to the Headmistresses office, and I look back at him in mock confusion. “Why would she want to see both of us at the same time, I wonder?” I tilt my head like I can’t figure it out.