He takes one final look at his father and makes a vow to him; “one way or another, you’ll pay for this,” he promises and takes a step like he’s going to follow my directions and walk away, only he doubles back like a flash of lightning and strikes Lorenzo in the nose with his elbow before making a run for me. I don’t hesitate to grab one of the blades strapped to me and throw it as hard as I can. A sick sense of gratification takes over when it sticks in his shoulder.

“Now, guys!” I yell, and my three avenging men step forward into the light like demons emerging from the pits of hell. Ren lifts his gun, takes aim, and shoots his dad directly in the heart. Lorenzo doesn’t see it coming and drops like a sack of rocks. “Time to light it up, boys! Let’s burn the world to the ground,” I say, laughing in a way that may seem a little deranged, but what part of tonight hasn’t seemed that way. I’m just so happy that Matteo’s okay and we actually did it—we saved him.

The guys take the small canisters of fuel they’d carried in their backpacks and start dousing the place. We trail the gasoline behind us as we run back to the exit, making sure to double back and ensure the additional hidden halls are clear.

Only once they’ve made it out safely behind me do I pull the lighter from my pants pocket and light the bitch up.

When I walk away from the blaze at my back, I feel nothing but relief and happiness that this chapter is over and we can finally move on.



“We’re home,” I whisper as I walk into my bedroom, exhausted now that the adrenaline has worn off. “Are you guys okay to call this home again for a little while?”

“Home is where you are, your highness,” Matteo smiles. “Thank you for saving my life,” he says, pulling me in for a kiss.

“Ren took the kill shot. You should thank him.” I step back and gesture toward his brother.

“Noamore, what you did was special, it was brave. I just didn’t want you to live with his blood on your hands, Matteo’s either. I’ve got enough blood on mine that they’ll never be washed clean. If I can help keep you a little less bloody, I will. It’s the kind of thing that begins to weigh on you over time,” Ren says quietly, then places a chaste kiss on my temple.

His thoughtfulness is sweet and loving and so very much appreciated. Not for the first time, I wonder if he’s okay. If he could’ve chosen the life he leads himself, is this the path he would’ve chosen? The more I think about it, the more I wonder if any of these guys want this life.

“We need to talk about that. Do you guys want this life? Because if you don’t want it, I swear I’ll help you get out. We don’t have to do this if you want a different life, one free of murdering people and crime syndicates—legit businesses or otherwise—I’ll help you go to college and be free of all this. Mynonnowon’t be pleased, but he’ll get over it.”

“Wait, what?” Noah asks, disbelief written all over his face.

“Why would you say that?” Cohen demands.

“Where is this coming from, Alessandra?” Matteo questions me.

I pull away from him and Ren and sit down on the bed to pull my boots off. I don’t know what I want more, a shower or sleep. We need to have this conversation though. I kick my boots to the side and stand up again to shimmy my pants off. The boys watch with avid attention despite the fatigue lining their every feature.

“Focus, guys. This isn’t a strip tease,” I laugh. “All I’m saying is that none of you chose this life. It was forced on you and there’s no one that’s capable of forcing you into it anymore. If anyone tries, I’ll kill them. I don’t care if it’s your family or anyone else. You’re all eighteen, have a fuck ton of money, and are smart enough to go to any college in the world. There’s nothing stopping you from becoming whatever or whoever you want in this life now.”

“You really think we’d walk away from you after everything we’ve been through?” Matteo asks.

“Who said anything about walking away from me? Where you guys go, I follow. Unless you tell me you don’t want me, that is.” I reply, confused as hell.

“You literally just said you’d take care of things so we can walk away from this life,” Cohen interjects.

“Oh my god, you guys. I’m so worn out. I said that so badly. I’m sorry. I meantwecan walk away,” I mutter and put my head in my hands, embarrassed that I can’t even speak correctly.

“Why don’t we all shower, eat, and sleep? I ordered a few pizzas through an app on the way home and it should be here any minute. You guys start the shower and I’ll go grab it and meet you back up here. Our girl is drained after such a big night. Let’s get rested and rejuvenated and we’ll have this talk in the morning, yeah?” Ren says. It’s more of a command than anything, but it’s sweet that he’s pretending it’s not.

“That’s a great idea, Ren.” Matteo says. “Let’s call it a night.”

* * *

Waking up this morning in the arms of my soulmates is the best feeling I’ve ever had. I took it for granted time and time again. I won’t do it anymore. These guys were always meant to be mine. The universe brought us together. Circumstance tore us apart. Love mended our broken souls. Now? Now we get to spend the rest of our lives living for each other, making mistakes, and then making up.

I never knew if I’d live this long. Every day I woke up alive was a miracle. Every night I went to bed untouched was a mercy. I fought and learned and grew. I made friends with my demons and played with them daily. Now most of the monsters live inside my head, but I think I can make friends with them too. It’s just a new way to grow and become everything I was meant to be.

If the guys want to continue down this path then it means I’ll do my best to fit myself for this role in life and I’ll do it happily. Helpingnonnotake his businesses legitimate and being the ultimate HBIC from coast to coast sounds like a blast. Then again, if they choose to bail on the mafia lifestyle, so will I. We’ll go to college and find our passion, build a business or two from the ground up, find a house to live comfortably and grow old together. Either way, I know I’ll find my happiness, because it begins and ends with them.

Noah rolls over and pulls me tight against him. I place a kiss against his lips and he stirs a little more. “Mm, a guy could get used to waking up like this,” he says.

“I wanna wake up like that too,” Cohen whispers. So I pull him over Noah’s shoulder and plant a big kiss on his lips as well. Tingles run through my body and as much as I know it’s desire, it’s equal parts love and happiness.