“Okay, Red. I love you.” I kiss him sweetly and turn to walk out the door to get the weapons.

I’m only a foot out the door when I hear him whisper, “I love you too.”

* * *

“This place is as tacky as his house. Why is the place with the underground fight club classy as fuck, but this place looks like it’s one misstep from a hepatitis shot,” I say, looking up at the building and the back down to the garbage and shit all over the ground. It’s daylight and not difficult to see the filth lining the surrounding areas. It’s also not difficult to spot us if you’re looking closely enough. We can’t take out the security cameras until we’re ready for them to know something’s up so we’re basically playing secret spy and counting on our espionage skills to get us by.

“Different clientele base. The people that come to this club in particular aren’t looking for anything other than a corrupt time. There’s no need to pretend around here. You want drugs? You want dirt on someone? You want sex? You want to find someone dirty or crooked enough to rough someone up? You’ll find it here. He calls itSesso Sporcobecause he’s an unoriginal fuck,” Noah responds a moment later.

“Gross. Why do people so disgusting—so blatantly evil exist? I’m not necessarily a good person, but this is next level disgusting. Does he sell women and children here too?”

“I wouldn’t put it past him,” Ren chimes in. “It’s one of his biggest sources of income these days.”

“If I see any of that shit go down, I’m not leaving until they’ve all been saved. I can’t.”

“None of us will, Q. We’ll save whoever might need saving,” Cohen declares. “I’ve managed to tap into the security system and put the cameras on a loop. If we can take out the guards back here and the ones stationed inside, we should, in theory, be able to get to the inventory room. From there we can check and see if I’m right that there’s some sort of mechanism that opens a door or a wall or tunnel of some sort. The blueprints show that there’s a large space unaccounted for behind the walls there. There’s a few strange anomalies throughout the building so I could be wrong, but it’s the most likely scenario. We need to take out as many of Lorenzo’s guys as possible so we aren’t ambushed when we rescue Matteo.”

“So basically, go in, kick ass—quietly—and hide in the storage closet while you find some sort of secret space like we’re in a god damn action movie instead of real life. Got it. Easy peasy, brother,” Noah jokes as he attaches a silencer to the end of his gun. He hands it to me and pulls out another one, then attaches another silencer. I look around and see Cohen and Ren are doing much the same. We’re all in black because it’s apparently dark as hell in there according to the brief surveillance the guys had gotten when they’d been there once before.

“Alright, let’s do this then. Let’s get our guy back,” I say, while giving myself an inner pep talk. This is unlike anything I’ve ever done before, but there’s a first time for everything and I can’t think of a better reason to run head first into danger. Isn’t it always love?

I move through the shadows, trusting them to conceal me like they did when I was younger. They’ve been my friends longer than any person alive and I’m counting on them heavily now. When I reach the hired thugs at the back entrance, I don’t think, I just pull the trigger. One shot, then another. Two dead bodies and they never even saw me coming.

The boys work quickly and hide the two men and then we make our way into the club. Ren stays ahead of me while Cohen and Noah pull up at my rear, guns drawn and eyes open. Danger surrounds us but we’re beyond fear now. We’re in this to win.

Ren moves fluidly, used to worse than this and I hate that for him. This shouldn’t be second nature to anyone, especially an eighteen year old. Only just a man. Noah whispers code words to Cohen and they both look at me, nodding their heads in either direction and I take it to mean they’re splitting up to take down Lorenzo’s men. There are two hallways coming up and they each move toward one. According to the floorplans I saw, it’s all one big loop that wraps around to the front where the bar and dance floor are. There’s a winding staircase that leads to a second level where private dances and shady deals go down.

I want to scream at them to come back to me but I know they’ll handle themselves and come back. Instead, I busy my mind by looking around to find a use for myself. I find a door that says dancers on it and don’t hesitate to open it. Ren looks back at me in alarm because I’m deviating from the plan, but if there are girls in here, I’m getting them out.

“Watch the door. Kill anyone that you see. If they’re dancers, send them away,” I whisper, then walk into the room and drop my hood back when I see that it really is a room full of dancers. “You all need to get out of here. Now,” I demand. A couple of the girls shriek in fear and a few others cower at the command. One girl, however, stands up and tells them all to stay.

I’m honestly a little shocked that Lorenzo still has the ability to surprise me. I definitely didn’t see this coming though. Standing before me is none other than pretty little Peach. The same girl that threatened me not that long ago over Noah. What the fuck is going on?

“Everyone out. You’re not safe here. Things are about to… get lit,” I smirk at the corny pun. “Seriously though, leave. You’re all in danger if you stay.”

“You’ll go nowhere until our master comes for us and tells us so,” Peach tells them all.

I hold up my gun and aim it at her face. “I said, get out. Do it, or Princess Peach here dies. Do you all want to see her head explode off her body? I for one would love to see if it happens like it does in the movies,” I laugh. The sound is a lot unhinged and I know my crazy is slipping the longer I have to worry about what’s happening to my man.

When they all scatter, I trust Ren to guide them where they need to go and hope like hell none of them rat us out before we complete our task of getting Matteo out.

“How fun. The big bad mafia bitch is here to play the master’s game,” she sneers.

“Master? Gag. You can’t possibly mean Lorenzo,” I say, barely holding back the nausea that’s threatening to rise.

“Of course I do. He’s got a plan and you’re falling right into his hands,” she laughs

“Were you told to hook up with Noah? What was all of that?”

“I was sold by my father to my master. I was raised to serve the men who own me. When he told me to seduce Noah, I did what I could, but he only had eyes for you. When I told my master, he set all of this up and kidnapped his son. I can’t wait to watch him kill you,” she giggles maniacally, smiling like some weird version of the joker.

Aren’t we two psycho peas in a deranged pod…

She grabs for something on the makeup table next to her and sprints toward me like I don’t have a gun aimed directly at her head. I have half a second to think about it before I pull the trigger. Senseless death doesn’t appeal to me, but she’s been a bitch from the first second I met her. On a scale of low to high on my guilt meter, she doesn’t even register.

Her brain matter explodes out from behind her and the knife she’d apparently grabbed falls to the floor with the rest of her flaccid body, until she’s a motionless heap on the floor.

It's at this exact moment that I know that I really am capable of taking over for mynonnobecause I’ve got a taste for blood and I’m coming for more.