“What are we waiting for then boys? Let’s go get our girl.”



“Knock, knock!” My mom yells through the door to mine and Ren’s bedroom. She sounds… I don’t know. Purposeful maybe—intense. She’s always hesitant to come up here and usually waits for us to come downstairs, out of some weird misguided need to give us privacy.

We don’t live and breathe to fuck like bunnies. And even if we did, I was under the assumption that most parents take the opposite approach and try to keep that shit from happening. Though, I suppose most parents don’t have married teenage daughters living under their roof with their husbands.

My life is not normal.

“Come in!” I yell back, just as Ren reaches for the door handle to open it. I immediately regret it knowing that my mom is on the other side of the door because he’s only in a towel, straight out of the shower… and so am I.

Only when the door swings open, my mom isn’t the person—or persons—on the receiving end of our almost nudity. Instead I’m staring at the hard look of irritation on the face of Matteo, the miserably complex look on Cohen’s face, and the gleam of mischief in Noah’s eyes as he masks the rest of his expression.

Ren looks back at me with a look of passiveness, but when his eyes meet mine, they shimmer with untapped excitement and hope. He misses them all too. It’s so fucking cute. I follow the theme and keep my face blank, even as hope swells within me too.

“Boys. How nice of you to drop by.” I greet, and then let my towel fall to the floor, more confident with my naked body knowing my mom isn’t here to feel awkward.

I walk to the center of the room and they all step inside to meet me halfway. Ren closes the door behind them and the energy in the room changes—now charged and electrifying.

“That won’t work on me Alessandra,” Teo whispers into the space between us.

“What won’t work,your majesty?” I ask, coyly. “I’ve not done anything except shower in the privacy of my own home and remove my towel to walk freely in the confines of my own bedroom.”

“Always the confidence of a queen.” he murmurs, more to himself than anyone else. Then a seductive smirk graces his lips and I know he’s going to try and charm me in that shameless way of his. He’s either playing me or he’s nervous and doesn’t want to own up to it. I’m happy either way because he’s here and if he’s here then we have a chance to fix everything we broke. “And what exactly is it that makes you think being naked is a good idea?”

“It’s not that I think it’s a good idea, it just happens when one bathes. I just stepped out of the shower so it only makes sense that I lose the towel in order to put clothes on, don’t you think?”

“Hm, and where are these clothes that you’re wanting to put on? Your closet is that way,” he points back behind me without removing eye contact.

“True. Why are you here?” I ask. Without bothering to wait for a response, I turn on my heel, moving toward Noah to say hello properly—making sure to sway my ass a little extra just for the hell of it.

Out of my peripheral vision, I see Matteo’s eyes drop briefly to catch the show I’m putting on as I walk away from him. I hold back the laugh that tries to free itself but smile broadly when I look up at Noah.

“Hey there, Pretty Boy. Long time, no kiss.” I pout, reaching my arms up around him while getting up on my tiptoes to kiss him hello.

“‘Sup Feisty.” He grins before meeting my mouth with his own in a short but passionate kiss. “How about you stop distracting all of us with your exceptional tits and ass, and let’s work our issues out, yeah?” he laughs, and I bask in it, never wanting to miss a moment of his laugh again. It’s so carefree and heartfelt. He really can bring happiness to any moment. I almost lost that because I was selfish and thoughtless.

I owe them an apology. A real one. I was so angry. So hurt. But so were they. Now it’s time I get out of my own way and own up to my mistakes. I look to Noah, who looks as sure as I’ve ever seen him. Then I move my gaze to Cohen, who looks torn between staying and laying his heart at my feet and ready to bolt out the door and never come back. When I look at Matteo though, my confidence wanes slightly—not that I’ll let him see it. He’s closed off and his stoic mask is firmly in place. I know I deserve that, but my ego and self-preservation kick in and I stupidly stick my foot in my mouth.

“Doesn’t much look like his majesty wants to work anything out.” I say, frustrated that we ever got to this place—angry that I can’t turn off the attitude long enough to give these guys back something they’ve given me over and over again. Sincerity, trust, acceptance, and love. Why can’t I just keep my big mouth shut?

“Feisty.” Noah grabs my chin, forcing me to look him in the eye. “Stop pouting. It’s hot as fuck, but it’ll get you nowhere. If you’re a good girl, you might get your ass spanked and a fuck or two to make you feel better,” he says, grinning like an idiot and giving me a slow, playful wink. Damn I love this man.

Rolling my eyes I say, “yeah, yeah. Okay. Whatever you say, Pretty Boy.” Then head into my closet, grab the first thing I can find—an oversized black off the shoulder sweatshirt and some black boy short panties—and throw it on before making my way back to the guys.

Except, walking into the room, the tension is so thick I can practically see it settling on the air like fog. The guys look like they’re in a standoff. Matteo versus Noah and Ren, with Cohen standing in the middle holding his arms up in the air protectively as if they’re about to attack each other like a bunch of dogs fighting for dominance. These men are all alphas in the best and worst ways. I’d both love and hate to see how this plays out.

“What’s going on? It took me less than a minute to get dressed.” I question them, curious as to what’s made them all go head to head.

“What’s going on is that I think we’ve made a mistake in coming here. You’re still the headstrong, too good for us alpha female that won’t bend for fear of breaking.” Matteo says angrily. “Even now, we had to come to you. You showed up at the fights the other night to put Noah in his place, not to apologize or to accept your faults. You were jealous of some dumb bitch and reacted. You don’t want to be our partner. You don’t want to love us. You just can’t stomach the thought of someone else having us,” he says, tearing me apart.

His words hit their target, eviscerating me, and shredding my heart to pieces. Because he believes it. In his soul, he truly thinks that I don’t care enough to accept my part. He’s wrong. I just need to figure out how to convince him. Words will never be enough for this strong willed man.

“Shut the fuck up man! She is sorry. She is. You haven’t even given her the chance to try and apologize.” Noah argues.

“I’ve heard enough.” Matteo says, and then stalks out of the room.