“Should I not? It’s not like you’ve given me any reasons not to doubt you lately.”

“Tou-fucking-che,” I say and then let the silence linger a short while longer as we sit in my parking space. “C’mon. Let’s go to my place and we can talk. Put this on though. I don’t need you giving nosy old lady Whittaker a heart attack because you’re not wearing a shirt,” I force a laugh, handing her my hoodie.

She only hesitates a moment before putting it on, looking at it with a gleam of defiance in her eye that makes me think she’d have left it off just to cause me trouble before thinking about poor Mrs. Whittaker’s old ass heart. Little does she know that Mrs. Whittaker lives a floor below me and doesn’t have access to my floor. I really just can’t stand to see that much of her on display without wanting to fuck the hell out of her.

I’m riding a fine line between sticking to the plan and telling it to fuck right off because I need a taste of my girl—mine—without a single fuck given if it screws up any plans. The only thing holding me back is that I haven’t talked to my brothers about it and I don’t want to betray their trust in me. Even that didn’t keep me from tossing her in my car though, now did it?

We exit the car and make our way to the private elevator that is penthouse access only. Taking my keycard out, I swipe it and then push her through the doors roughly. My desire to have her all to myself combined with the anger and regret I feel over so many things, has my emotions as fragile as a lit fuse set to ignite a stick of dynamite.

She whips around to face me with her jaw set in anger at my mistreatment of her, and just as the doors close, she moves in on me, completely unafraid of my size or temper—something that most people are afraid to do.

“Don’t you put your hands on me like that. If you want to fight, we’ll fight, but you don’t get rough with me with my back turned like some coward. I know you hate me but fuck you if you think I’ll let you put your hands on me in anger,” she growls, and it’s so hot it burns me like the fire from the sun. My blood is boiling with rage, and adrenaline, and a need unlike anything I’ve ever felt.

I let her push me into the wall of the elevator and reach out to blindly push the emergency stop button before flipping her around and boxing her into the wall, encroaching on her space like she’d done with mine. The tension lining the room is palpable like we’re both fit to combust at any moment.

“I’ll do whatever the fuck I want. Don’t act like you don’t like it rough, baby. I’ll have to prove you wrong,” I murmur, running a finger up and down the column of her neck, right along her pulse point. Her heartbeat quickens and she sucks in a sharp breath as she looks into my eyes right as my indecision turns into a bad fucking choice.

Grabbing her by the throat, I pull her to me at the same time I bend to crush my lips to hers. This kiss is everything I thought it’d be. We’re pouring all of our hate, misery, and love into it.

“I hate you. I hate that I fucking love you more,” I whisper against her lips. Her feral growl at my touch turns into a husky whimper when I bite her bottom lip hard enough to make her bleed.

“Fuck you, Pretty Boy,” she spits venom right back.

Not being one to back down she reaches her hands up the back of my neck and locks me into place as if I actually want to go somewhere other than my goddamn bed. Then she bites me back and soothes the sore spot with her tongue as she meets me with every aggressive swipe of my tongue. I kiss her with every bit of who I am and let her know just how much I’ve missed her.

Pushing my body flush against hers, I let my hard dick be known as I use my free hand to grab her ass and pull so she gets the hint to wrap her legs up around my waist. My feisty girl doesn’t miss a beat as she follows my cues, giving me the perfect access to grind my cock perfectly against the warm heat of her core—only our clothes to keep my dick pissed off and away from her pussy. That head having a one track mind and taking over every other thought to cross my mind and I moan loudly as I get lost to the sensations that overwhelm me.

I grip her throat tighter, just enough to block off her airway for a moment and then move it up to grab her behind her neck, leaving my thumb to brush across the silky soft skin along her cheekbone, but when I feel the wet tracks of her tears, I know I have to pull myself away from the haze I lost myself to.

“What’s wrong, Feisty? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“Do you really care? Isn’t that why I’m here? A final hate fuck and then you can run your ass back to your cunty little girlfriend,” she spits, clearly pissed off that I might have moved on so quickly. I didn’t. I haven’t. I couldn’t get it up for anyone that isn’t Alessandra “Quinn” motherfucking Salvatore even if I wanted to—which I don’t. I just wanted her to think I do, but I’m done with the games and the bullshit. I’m tired of conceding to Lorenzo and whatever manipulation tactic he’s trying to pull. I can’t tell her the truth about that though. No matter how badly I want to, I can’t do that without my boys by my side. I’m fucking this up enough already as it is and I know they miss her as much as I do. I’m sure I can convince them to stop all of this. I have to. Because now that she’s in my arms, the only way she’s leaving is if she’s pried from my cold dead hands.

“Of course I care. I asked, didn’t I?” I bite back, sounding like a dick, feeling like the words coming out of my mouth are a train wreck that don’t match how I really feel. I just don’t know what to say when I can’t lay the truth at her feet like I want to so I jump to being an asshole as a defense mechanism. I’m an idiot. I know this, yet it doesn’t stop the broken brain to mouth filter since I can’t seem to shut the hell up. “I’m so sick of your shit, you know that? You come here after keeping us in the dark about damn near everything and then have the audacity to come get some twisted sense of vengeance. You’re the one who got married and then lied about it!” I yell.

“I didn’t lie!” she screams back.

“Hiding the truth is still lying. Do you really not think the way you went about things was wrong? We told you that we’d support you always. We made promises that we clearly didn’t keep, but can you blame us? How much did you expect us to take before it became too much?” I yell, letting some of my truths come out.

“Why couldn’t you just trust me? I wasn’t going to keep you in the dark forever. I just wanted to protect you from Ren’s twisted grandfather! But no, you had to go and leave me instead of waiting for me to explain. You left me to die. You left me to die alone,” she chokes out, looking half devastated and half furious. She’s not alone. I want to hold her and tell her I feel the same way.

“You talk about how we should’ve trusted you, but did it even cross your mind to trustus? To maybe let us in on all of your secrets and let us fight those battles together, if for no other reason than to let us know to expect another enemy lying underfoot. The real problem was never that you married Ren. We love Ren. We’d long ago accepted him as our brother. The issue lies in the fact that you don’t trust us. You never have and I don’t think you ever will. That’s the reason we couldn’t stick around. Never knowing if we’re living half-truth or if you’ll be off to put yourself in danger again without our knowledge or our help. The big bad bitch. The mafia queen. The one woman fucking wonder. All we did was give you what you’ve been showing us you wanted all along and we left you with the guy you chose to blindly trust without question or fail,” I say, my words breaking at the end as emotion clogs up my throat.

“Oh god, no… Noah,no… I didn’t—I’m such an idiot. It was never about not trusting you. It was—I mean, I don’t really know what it was. I’ve been on my own for so long and I’m just broken or something. I don’t have an excuse for why I did what I did. I truly thought I was protecting you. Ren already knew that Raffaele was the devil incarnate. It was never that I trusted him more than you. I’m so sorry. So, god-damn sorry,” she cries, finally letting me see past her hard as nails exterior and it’s so damn beautiful.

“Listen to me Feisty,” I whisper, placing soft kisses to her tear stained lips. “You’re not broken. You were built by obstacles unlike that of which any of us have ever faced, and you did it on your own. Forged from the fires in the pits of hell, you were born to be strong enough to defeat anything that got in your way. You were born to overcome. You were destined to be a fucking queen. Am I pissed at how you handle things? Shit yeah. Can I get over it? Yes, but only if you promise me to never keep me at arm’s length again. Here and now I want you to give me your word that you won’t hide things from me again. You’ll trust me enough to be your partner in this life for as long as we’ve got together. I don’t need to be your husband to be your soulmate, but I vow to treat you as you’re my wife, my teammate, my whole world. Only you from now until forever,” I say, pledging my commitment.

Tears are streaming down her face, making her look more stunning than I’ve ever seen her. She’s fully with me now at this moment, as open as I’ve ever known her to be. She chokes out the most beautiful words I’ve ever heard over a sob. “I promise. I promise to be your teammate and share not only my heart, but my thoughts and ideas, my adventures, and my mistakes. I’ll be yours just as you’re mine and I’ll never ever stop loving you. Through time and distance. Through good times and bad, you will forever be mine and I’ll forever be yours.”

Grabbing her face in my hands again, I brush my mouth across her lips and whisper, “prove it.”



My back falls flat against the cool comforter on Noah’s bed and it feels so good against my overheated skin that I moan my appreciation. Noah dragged me into his home away from home, tearing at my clothes like a rabid dog. As in, they’re now shredded in a pile somewhere by the entrance and I’ll be needing some of his clothes when it comes time to leave here. Not that I’ll complain about smelling like him.

I got my revenge by ravaging him right back as we attacked each other with savage intensity, barely coming up for air. There’s something different in the way he’s treating me now. He’s always had a certain ruthlessness to him, but now he’s loving me and hating me in equal measure. Even with the sweet and gentle promises he made, I know he’s not completely over everything. I’ll need to prove myself.