My whole body shivers with pleasure as she screams for her girls to help, knowing they’ve already backed off so far, they’re practically out the door. The teacher seems to have stepped away for a moment as well, obviously giving me a moment to teach my own lesson for the day.

Leaning down to her level, I push some of the hair that’s fallen forward into her face away, tucking it behind her ear as I lean in so only she can hear me.

“You’ve just put your name on my list, Peach. It’s not a fun place to be, let me tell you. Not even big strong Noah can keep you safe now,” I coo softly, causing goosebumps to cover the skin that I’m breathing on. I pull my knife from my boot with the hand that isn’t caressing her face on my desk and whip the blade out dramatically before running the blunt edge along her lips, thinking about how good she’d look with a permanent Joker smile in place. I take a long moment to enjoy the whimpers that fall from her mouth, looking up at Ren and nod my head towards the door.

And like the universe wanted to offer me the perfect HBIC moment, the school bell rings and indicates that class is over. “Saved by the bell,” I whisper, standing up tall and turning on my heel to walk out of homeroom, knowing Ren will be right behind me with all of the stuff I left behind. Now I’m definitely ready to have a kick ass day here at good ol’ Salvatore Prep.



“Are you sure this is a good idea?” SB questions me as we make our way down the dark alley leading to a giant metal door on a wide brick building. I can visibly see her nerves getting the better of her as we walk further into the shadiest part of town. It’s Friday night and we had to make a whole trip of it, since we’re not in Kansas anymore—that is to say, we’re not at home, but rather closer to the central part of California and a much more widely known location for criminal activity.

“You’ll be all good SB. Ren won’t let anything happen to you. Even the biggest and baddest around the globe are afraid ofil diavolo,” I joke, turning my head to wink at Ren and earning a smile and a hard smack on the ass in response. Sexy god-damned bastard.

“Ha-fucking-ha. Laugh all you want, but you’re not exactly wrong. Your man is pretty intimidating…” She trails off when the door opens and a large bald man stands before us with his tree trunk arms crossed across his chest. He looks us up and down, unimpressed.

“Name?” he asks.

“Salvatore-Gavino,” I say back with a grin, enjoying the immediate discomfort written all over his face—probably a little too much.

“It looks more like you’re the intimidating one in the relationship,” she laughs uncomfortably, side stepping the dominant mountain of muscles while staring at him wide eyed, clearly on edge because of his stature and presence. He’s a big and scary bouncer, it’s part of the job, but he’s notthatbig and scary. I’ve definitely seen worse. She hustles inside ahead of me when he winks at her, laughing at her reaction to him.

Before we make our way fully inside the building, I push Ren forward to stay with our girl and backtrack to the bouncer who’s just started to pull his phone out of his pocket, only to drop it when he jumps at the sound of my lowered voice. I get right up in his personal space and yank him down to my level by his shirt and whisper, “don’t even think about letting your boss know I’m here. I’ll be the one to do that. If I even get the slightest inkling that you’ve tipped him off, I’ll come for you next. If someone else informs him that I’m here tonight, I’ll assume it’s you and come for you anyway. Is that what you want?” when he shakes his head no in response, I let him breathe his own air. “That’s good. I really hate killing people. It puts such a damper on my mood and don’t even get me started on blood stains in the laundry. Talk about a nightmare. Now my husband, he’s a different story…” I trail off with a smirk and walk away, knowing he’s looking past me and to my little family waiting for me just inside the door—back to Ren.

We walk down a long dark hallway, which leads to a surprisingly clean, open spaced bar. The decor is tasteful and the clientele is maybe a little too posh looking, considering the entrance and surrounding area the building is located in. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say this is a nice, upstanding establishment. It’s too bad I do know better and I’m fully aware that we’re not here to gallivant with the seedy fucks of the upper crust lifestyle. These guys don’t just come here for the decor and expensive as fuck drinks. They’re here for the entertainment as well. Unfortunately for them, so am I. They’re about to lose all their fucking money tonight. Kissing Ren goodbye, I trust him to go do his shadow thing and have my back. I guarantee he’ll get to our destination before I do and no one will even know he’s there.

Avoiding the bar, I pull SB closer to me as I walk over to the roped off section—a clear indication that it’s for VIPs only—only to run into another bouncer, only this one’s a little too big for his britches.

“This section is VIP only,” he states, letting his gaze rove over SB in a lustful way and then to me—obviously finding me and my attire lacking as he scrunches his nose in disgust.

“And what makes you think I’m not VIP?” I question, only for him to laugh.

“You’re kidding, right? Look at your friend and then look at yourself. She’s dressed to impress and even she can't get in here. You don’t stand a chance, looking like you belong outside dumpster diving.” His response eliciting a deep belly laugh from me.

SBisout here looking like a snack with her black low cut, swoop neck tank top and skintight jeans with some cute little black suede ankle booties. Her fierce red curls, carefully done up to look messy in that intentional sort of way. Her makeup is bold with a smokey eye and sharp liner and a dark purple lip color. She’s stunning and drawing plenty of appreciative gazes her way.

Me? I’ve got my hair up in a high ponytail because fuck putting in work on it. I’m wearing black jeggings that are meant to look like jeans with intentional scuffs and tears, rolled up to cuff over my all black shit kicker boots. My shirt, a black midriff cut-off that says,what doesn’t kill me, better run like a motherfucker, with a little skull and crossbones and stabby knife pattern under the lettering, and to complete the look I’ve got a black and white flannel tied around my waist. My makeup is my signature cat eye and red lip and personally I don’t see why he doesn’t like it, I look cute as fuck. I’m not dressed as pretentiously as, well, all of the other patrons here, sure, but that doesn’t mean he should be so rude. Maybe he needs a lesson in manners…

Smiling, I look over to SB, who looks downright worried at this point. She slowly shakes her head, warning me not to cause a scene, but knowing how much anger and sadness I have built up within me just waiting to come unleashed.

“You need to leave. We don’t need the likes of you scaring away our customers. Or worse; making them think we allow low level trash in. Leave or I’ll be sure to escort you out myself. I don’t even understand how you got in here in the first fucking place,” he scoffs, a poor attempt at shaming me that’s totally ineffective because I couldn’t give any less fucks about him or his opinions.

That’s when SB’s patience finally runs out though. All of the intimidation she’s felt since we got here is gone in an instant on my behalf and I’ll be damned if I don’t love her fire.

“Oh,hell the fuck no.I know you didn’t just say that. Girl, I’m not even trying to stop you from ruining this guy's whole ass day. Fuck him up,” she snaps, stomping her heeled foot on the ground and sassily popping her hip out. Her hands are flailing through the air as she loses her shit, making me smile ear to ear. She may not be a fighter, but she’s a damn good best friend.

“Happily,” I respond, whipping my knife out and moving quickly so I’m behind him before he even knows what’s happening. I kick his knees out from behind so he buckles and falls to the ground, and I hold my freshly sharpened blade to the pulse point on the side of his neck, bending low to talk directly into his ear. “I’d like to introduce myself if you don’t mind… Oh, who am I kidding? Of course you don’t mind. You’ll do whatever I say because your life is literally in my hands right now,” I laugh, flicking my wrist just enough to leave a small shallow cut where my blade sits. “It’s only fair that you learn your lesson the hard way not to judge a book by its cover since you decided to be a major dick and judge me based on my appearance. My name is Alessandra Evelyn Quinn Salvatore-Gavino. It’s a total mouthful, I know, but I go by Alessandra or Quinn if that’s easier. Have you heard of me?” I ask, loving watching gooseflesh cover every inch of his skin at the sound of my name.

“Y-yes. You’re the heir to the Salvatore fortune and the Underboss to Alessandro Salvatore, married to Ren Gavino, also known asIl Diavolo, and the Underboss to Raffaele Gavino.”

“Hm, so word hasn’t travelled far enough yet it would seem. Raffaele isdead.So basically my husband and I run the motherfucking world,” I tell him, delighting in his grumbling misery. Part of me feels vindicated over his response, and part of me is itching for him to make it worse for himself.

Lately, bloodlust has been pumping harder through my veins, practically burning me up inside with a need to be released the more I refuse to deal with my internal struggle on how to best deal with everything involving my men. Some days I want to strangle them and some days I want to demand that they fix what they broke because my heart is barely beating without them.

Tonight might just be a start to healing. Or it could be the final nail in the coffin of everything I know is meant to be.

* * *