We played in the ocean and stole some snorkel masks and one of the little blow up boats on the docks to go a little further out to see how many different kinds of fish we could find.

He told me stories about his childhood, which explains so much about him as the man he’s grown up to be. Strong and fierce, unstoppable once he puts his mind to something. It doesn’t matter if he’s on a game field, fighting low life mobsters, or falling in love with someone just as damaged as he is. When he does something he gives it his all. Sometimes his all is bloody and messy and scary as fuck, but hey, no one’s perfect and I love him even more for it.

His grandpa used to beat him bloody on the daily. His parents never stepped in to help. Thinking that it would make him stronger and work harder, they allowed a monster into their home to mold and shape my Pretty Boy in his image. What they didn’t expect is for their monster to one day fight back and kill the man who tortured him since he was a young boy.

One day, he’ll come for them too. They hold his title and his trust over him to keep him in line, but they had no problem shipping him off to boarding schools growing up and eventually to live with Matteo to finish out high school.

The dude is wicked smart, but only does enough schoolwork to keep up for sports. He’s not convinced he needs an education when he’s guaranteed a place in the family business and is basically only used as an enforcer as it is.

He’s a lot like Ren in that way. Both of them hold their crazy in as best they can and unleash it when necessary. Ren wears his pain on his sleeve though, whereas Noah likes to hide his behind his perfect smiles and funny jokes and sexual capabilities.

Abuse is a senseless thing. It costs nothing to be kind and too many people take that for granted. What does it hurt tonotsay something horrible about someone or not bully a person. I’m not perfect, but I don’t go out of my way to treat people like shit either. I would never treat anyone the way I was treated as a kid.

Abuse shapes you in ways that you may never understand and it comes in so many forms; mental, physical, emotional… Some people might say because I wasn’t beaten as a child, I wasn’t abused by my fake mother. Some would argue that neglect is abuse in its own right and changed the course of my life immensely. I’d say, I turned it into the best situation I could and learned to fight for myself and my right to hold my head up high, walking with confidence in every step I take.

People are assholes and everyone has an opinion. It doesn’t mean they are right. What happened to Noah isn’t the same as what happened to me. But both could be argued that they’ve impacted us deeply regardless.

Noah arguably has the biggest heart of anyone I know. That heart wasn’t treated with care when it should have been and yet he knows how to love with every bit of who he is. He’s created a family between me, SB and the guys and I don’t doubt for a second that he wouldn’t kill for any one of us, that he wouldn’tdiefor any one of us. He may be a monster, but he’s the most selfless monster I know and I’m so grateful to call him mine.

* * *

“Whenever I get my period,I always feel like my cunt is more swollen, more desperate than usual…” Noah reads the line from these newly released book, a part of my new favorite book series out loud,Chaos At Prescott Highby C.M. Stunich, and then turns to look at me, eyes widening the more he reads of the erotic, filthy scene. His dick is hard as a rock, and I’m swollen and wet. It’s a good problem to have honestly. Maybe we should read to each other more.

“Is that true? Are you more horny when you’re bleeding? We aresofucking getting it on the next time your period comes around.” He gives me a suggestive smile, while offering up some crude sexual gestures, clearly designed to make me laugh. Guess what, it works. Childish humor works on me, huh. Interesting.

“Yeah, I mean. Sort of. I don’t know if it’s a hormonal thing or what, but I do tend to feel a little… extra around that time of the month. I’m down for whatever you want Pretty Boy. Don’t you know I live to make you and the boys happy?” I smirk at him.

“I know you’re kidding. I do, but between your words and this whole sex scene, I’m aching to fuck you. Right now. Bloody or not, I don’t care as long as it’s you I’m draining my balls into.”

“Gee, you sure know how to make a girl wet, ya dick. Whatever happened to romance?”

“First of all, the romantic shit is more Matteo and Cohen’s thing. I’m the fun one. Second, you’re wet. I can practically smell your arousal from here and I can’t wait to get a taste. And the third and final thing, arguably the most important thing; you are still owed a punishment for leaving me and pissing me off and I have every intention of getting what I’m owed.” He says calmly, like he isn’t calling me out and telling me he’s going to punish me. What does the word punish mean in Noah’s brain? Oh, fuck. I can’t tell if I’m trembling in fear or excitement.

“Strip for me feisty girl. Let me see all of you.” The gleam in his eye promised so much pain and so much pleasure, I can hardly do what he asks. Luckily, I’m only wearing a swimsuit and a cover from our outdoor adventures earlier today so I can get it done quickly and without too much thought.

“Now come lay that fine as hell ass down on this bed. Arms above your head.” When I do as he says, I earn a genuine smile, causing me to want to please him more. Maybe there’s something to this BDSM stuff after all. The more time I spend with these guys, the more I learn about my own sexuality. It’s far more empowering than I’d ever thought it would be. He walks over to my dressers and pulls out… two pairs of panties?

When he brings the panties over to the bed I’m genuinely confused, that is until he uses each pair to tie my hands to the bed posts on either side of my headboard.

I test the bonds to see if they’ll actually hold me, and sure as shit, they do. I don’t know how I feel about this just yet, but if the wetness coating my thighs is any indication, I’m more excited than anything.

“Is it too tight love?”

“No, it’s fine.”

“Good. Now I’m going to flip you over so you’re ass up, face down. Okay?”

“Uhh, sure. Mhm.” I keep the tremble out of my voice, but only barely. I don’t want him to think I’m afraid of him. Quite the opposite, in fact. I trust him more than anything, but my body is starting to show signs of desperation, including the shakiness of my voice.

“Damn, Feisty! This ass… Mmm, fuck. I could just…”

“Ow! What the fuck? Ha. Why did you bite me like that?” I try not to laugh, but I’m not doing a very good job apparently.

“Is something funny Feisty?” The dark note in his tone has me paying close attention to what happens next.

“Sorry, Pretty Boy. It just caught me off guard.” I bite my lip and play coy. I know he can see right through me, but he’s enjoying the game so he moves on.

“I’m going to spank you ten times and then I’m going to eat that soaked cunt of yours. It smells so good; I don’t know if I have the patience to give you the spankings you deserve.” He growls out the last part as if he’s angry that he enjoys feasting on me when we both know that’s far from the truth.