Page 35 of Due Process

The fear was back in his eyes. “I get immunity. And you drop the gun charges.”

“Ty, Ty…” Sienna shook her head. “You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. You give me Rojas. I give you something back. It’s how the game is played.”

He licked his lips again. “I’ll give you Rojas.”

“Keep talking.”

“Buckner drives for Taylor.”

“Jack Taylor?”

“Right. Buckner’s worried that the FBI is on to him, paranoid about being under suspicion so he hijacked Jack’s cargo for some quick cash to get out of the country.”

“So Rojas was purchasing Taylor’s cargo?”

“Yeah, Buckner could have asked for what he wanted, and Rojas would have given in.”


“Rojas hates Taylor and would love to take something away from him and rub his nose in it.”

“Now let’s talk about the Colorado shipment.”


It was late evening when they parked out in front of Rojas’s office and went up to the front door. Even with Tyrone’s statement, it had taken her the rest of the day to obtain a search warrant for the stolen weapons. Sienna knocked, but after ten minutes, no one came.

“Where is that little weasel?” Sienna said under her breath. She turned to A.J. “I’m going to check out back. Stay here.”


“No buts. You stay put, no matter what. I’m just going to check it out.”


“A.J., just do what I say.”

A.J. sighed and reluctantly nodded, turning back to the front door as Sienna’s form slipped around the office building and disappeared.

Five minutes passed and no one came to the door. A.J. was getting restless when all of a sudden, he heard the unmistakable sound of automatic gunfire.

He ran to the car and grabbed up the shotgun there and headed around the building at a run. When he reached the back, he saw Sienna crouched down behind a dumpster, close to a dark sedan from which three men were firing at her. They hadn’t seen him, so he went down onto his belly, crawling until he skirted the dumpster. He used a Mack truck to hide behind.

Sienna peeked around the dumpster and returned fire, giving A.J. the opportunity to crouch and stalk quietly along the side of the sedan.

“Hold your fire!” he yelled as he popped up right at the bumper and all three men stopped shooting at Sienna. “Drop your weapons!”

They complied. As soon as the order was given, Sienna came out from behind the dumpster, pulling a set of handcuffs from her belt.

“Facedown,” she ordered. But out of the corner of A.J.’s eye, he saw a long black muzzle and a finger slip down to its trigger. When he screamed Sienna’s name, she jerked upright, and her guard dropped. Without hesitation, without thinking about how easy it would be for the man to turn his weapon on him, A.J. sprang headlong at the hidden shooter.

In the instant that A.J. collided with him, a rapid succession of explosions nearly deafened him. He went down to his knees, stunned. He heard a scuffling, but it was only a faint sound through the ringing in his ears. A little dazed, he rolled to avoid the butt end of the automatic weapon. With a scissoring motion of his legs, he tripped up his assailant and knocked the gut to the pavement. After a quick succession of punches, the man was unconscious.

* * *

After A.J.’s lifesaving shout and flying leap into the hidden man with the gun, Sienna had her hands full taking down the first two men who had launched themselves at her. She had dispensed with them just as the third dove for one of the dropped weapons and brought it up.

But Sienna was already moving, executing a kick that sent the gun spinning out of the man’s hands. Her second kick sent him flying into the big black sedan, his head slamming against the passenger’s side window. The window broke, sending glass flying.