Page 63 of Bound to Him

“Fuuuck, yes, Olivia, baby!”

I pumped a few more times then pulled out and let myself come all over her ass.

Sitting back on my feet, I held my dick and tried to catch my breath. Olivia was a limp piece of meat, completely exhausted.

“Christ, babe,” I panted, “that was… something else.”

Her body heaved slightly with her breathlessness. “Fuck, Huxley. I don’t know that much about sex, but I know that was fucking insane.”

“Definitely, without a doubt, the best orgasm of my fucking life,” I said, getting up to fetch a towel.

“I feel like I have to say the same…” she mused. “Cause that angle? Fuck me, it was perfection.”

I chuckled. “You’re perfection.”

When I finished cleaning her ass up, I flipped her again, gaining another giggle from her, then untied her wrists. She stretched her arms out, and I ripped the covers down to get us in the bed. Once comfortable, with her tucked in between my arm and my chest, I kissed her head.

“Sweet dreams, my beautiful Olivia.”

She smiled; her eyes already closed. “Sleep tight, my sexy Huxley.”



“You girls stay together, okay? Papà is in his office, and our uncles are stationed outside here, protecting you while the rest of us are gone.”

I hugged Tony and nodded. Viola kissed his cheeks and patted his chest. Next to us, Mia was kissing Antonio goodbye, with Fiona at her side, looking our way somberly. I looked around Tony and saw Huxley leaning against the hood of the car, dressed in all black—suit, shirt, and coat. I knew that under that coat was more than one gun; it was obvious in the way his arms didn’t sit against his body. He was finishing off a cigarette and stomped on it, winking at me to say he’d be fine.

I’d already spent a lot of time this morning kissing and loving him. I’d said everything I wanted to back in the hotel room before Matt picked me up, and I snuck back into my bedroom. Now, I stared at him with my heart beating out of my chest. I couldn’t lose him, not now. Not after everything we’d been through and after I’d finally gotten my father to accept my love for Huxley.

Tony saw the look on my face and followed my sightline. He turned back to me and jerked his head toward Huxley, giving me the go-ahead with only a slight look of annoyance. I rushed down the steps and into his arms, holding his head as I kissed him hard and long.

“I’ll be back soon, baby,” he said softly, and I held my forehead to his.

“You’d better, I love you.”

“I love you too.” He smiled, and I felt a little more confident.

The guys all got into their respective vehicles and drove off, leaving us girls watching them with worry in our hearts. Slowly, we turned and headed into the informal lounge, where we each took a seat on the comfy sofas, pulling a pillow or a blanket to our chests.

We hardly ever spent any time in here, since it was like a family room, and we rarely spent time together as a family. If Viola and I hung out, it was in our rooms; we had TVs there after all. On the wide cream-colored sofa, I tucked my feet in under me, and Viola stretched across the sofa to my left. Fiona and Mia got comfy on my right.

“So… we’re having like a slumber party while the guys are gone?” Viola asked.

“I guess we are.” Mia smiled, always seemingly the strongest in the room.

“Hey, Mia?” I asked, sitting up straight, and dipping my eyebrows in curiosity. She raised her eyebrows expectantly. “What was it like, when you joined the guys that time?”

“You mean before Antonio and I even married?” she asked thoughtfully. “Well… it was a pretty angry time in my life, but it felt really good to help them end those fucking ruthless Corsetti assholes.”

“Did you kill anyone?” Viola asked.

She nodded. “I killed a guy that day… I’ve done what I had to since, but that was the first time.”

“I don’t know how you even have the stomach for it.” Fiona shook her head.

“I suppose if you really hate the guy, it's easier?” I asked, thinking about how I could have found the strength to cut Christian that day he pinned me down.