Page 19 of Bound to Him

I closed the door and tucked myself into the corner against the stone balustrade, leaning my shoulder against the wall, looking out over the gardens. Sighing with frustration at the kind of family my own father had unknowingly signed me into, I took out my cigarettes and tapped one out of the box. The first pull was always the smoothest, and I let it billow out of my mouth and into the cold night air.

Just as I settled into myself, enjoying the quiet, and taking my second drag, the doors behind me jerked open and closed again. Slowly, I turned my head, and even in the dim light, I recognized the beautiful Olivia, standing right there with her back against the door, and her head dropping back. She looked shaken; her eyes closed while she tried to take deep breaths.

I turned around fully and leaned back against the wall, my hand in my pocket and the other gripping my cigarette between my thumb and forefinger. I could see so much more of her now than I ever could inside the house. I could also see that she wasn’t wearing a bra under that thin silky dress. The realization sparked a vision of her naked body, posed as she was right before me, mine for the taking.

Fuck sakes, Hux. Keep it in your pants for once, would ya?

“Rough night?”

Her eyes shot open, and she squinted as she tried to decipher who I was. I swore I could see the moment she realized it was me. A trace of pride swelled my chest when her eyes widened, and her breath hitched.

“Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t know anyone was out here. I’ll go.”

She quickly turned around to open the door again but paused when I spoke a second time. “My refuge is your refuge.”

I took another drag, keeping my eyes on her, letting them fall, and caress her slim body again. Only this time, she’d conveniently turned around for me, letting me gaze upon her olive tanned back, and sexy-as-all-hell rounded ass. Her face turned toward me, frowning. “Sorry?”

Pulling in another drag, I released the smoke and gestured to the stone balustrade beside me. “We both needed the fresh air, I’m assuming. I don’t mind sharing.”

Her hand dropped from the door handle, and she turned to face me. “Well, how very kind of you,” she said sarcastically.

The side of my mouth shot up in a smile. She was feisty, but receptive at least, maybe even playful. I could work with that. I held out my cigarette, offering her a little nicotine relief. She looked confused at first, then contemplative. Finally, she stepped forward and took the cigarette, letting her fingers envelop mine.

“Don’t you dare tell my sister about this. Or anyone, for that matter.”

She arched her head to make sure no one was watching us through the French doors, then leaned against the balustrade next to me. Close to me. When she took a drag, her eyes lifted to mine. I crossed a finger over my heart.

“I won’t tell a soul, princess.”



For a second, I felt like a blushing teenager. Swooning because the hot guy called me princess. But in the next second, I remembered how every other man had been treating me this evening, and it didn’t seem so cute anymore. My eyebrows lifted.


His smile widened, and he licked his lips. “Aren’t you?” His eyes kept dropping, sweeping over my body, and then returning to my eyes without shame. I wanted to feel offended, but I didn’t. I liked it.

“No, I’m not a princess.”

“Alright then, your secret will stay safe with me,Queen Olivia.”

I couldn’t help it when my lips finally cracked, and I smiled. I took another quick drag before handing his cigarette back to him. “I do prefer that title.”

“It’s fitting.”

I turned to look over the gardens again, leaning down onto my elbows. “So, what forced you out here, seeking refuge?”

Huxley remained facing me, taking a last deep drag and then killing the stump under his foot. “Other than needing a smoke, probably every person in that room.”

I couldn’t help the scoff that burst from my mouth. “Tell me about it.”

He leaned forward onto his elbows as well, positioning his face close to mine. “I could, but I’d rather hear about your reason for refuge.”

It took me a moment to decide what to say. There was so much going through my mind—Huxley Moretti being so near to my body was the bulk of it, but my father and Christian were a very close second. However, I couldn’t talk to him about that. It wasn’t his business or his problem.

“I just… had to get away.”