“No. I just want to make sure you have Viola’s best interests in mind.”
Another deep breath, another sigh. The air between us was spiked with trepidation since neither of us had gotten over what happened with Steven. My father couldn’t forgive the fact that I’d run away from him and the family, as well as the fact that I chose to be with a non-Italian man. It went against everything he’d been trying to teach us about loyalty and familial obligation.
Obviously, I couldn’t forgive the fact that he imposed such a traumatic experience on me such as taking my boyfriend’s life right in front of my eyes. I knew he ordered hits on people, but I never saw it happen. I’d seen blood on my brother’s and uncles’ shirts and on their hands; I’d seen them cleaning and reloading their guns, but I’d never seen them in action until that day. It was unforgivable to put your own daughter through that, in my mind.
“Olivia, I had your best interests in mind, always. You just don’t see that.”
“What, exposing me to my boyfriend’s execution-style murder was in my best interest?”
He shrugged one shoulder. “In a way, yes. You needed to learn consequences and grow a thick skin.”
“A thick skin? How nurturing, Papà.”
“I don’t nurture, Olivia. I parent.”
“Clearly.” I’d built up enough courage to stop fiddling my hands and put them on my hips instead. “I just hope that you’ll listen to her concerns, especially when it comes to Huxley Moretti himself.”
“What the hell do you mean by that?”
“I mean, if he turns out to be an abusive husband, or makes her miserable in any way, I hope you’ll have the decency to do something about it.”
“What happens in someone else’s marriage is not my concern.”
I scoffed, shaking my head in disbelief. “You’ll never take responsibility, will you? For any of the decisions you make! It’s always for the familia or for loyalty!” My voice raised steadily as I spoke. With each word I uttered, I wound myself up. “Never for love, Papà! You don’t even know what love is, do you?”
Now his face grew red, and his lips pulled tightly together. “You will not speak to me with disrespect!Maronna Mia!If only your mother heard you now! She would tell you a thing or two about love! She loved this family with everything she had; she helped build us up from the ground!”
“And look where that got her, huh?”
That was it; I’d crossed a line. His chair banged against the cabinets behind him as he stood and leaned forward on his desk, speaking with low, urged words. “Your mother’s death was a sacrifice for this family! She was strong and brave and until her very last breath, she didn’t speak a word against the Romanos! That much, I cannot say for you!”
“She didn’t need to die! If you’d have just given thosestronzo’sthe money they wanted, she’d still be here!”
While still fuming, I saw his confidence falter. I knew there was guilt somewhere deep down in his soul. It wasn’t entirely his fault, though. When he refused to do business with a group of lowlife drug dealers, they demanded money, or else. When Papà laughed at their threat, they took Mamà without warning. After torturing her for information, they slit her throat.
Ruthless fucking bastards.
Papà ground his teeth, clenched his jaw, then reached around to sit back down on his chair. I felt bad for bringing it up, even if my father was being his usual merciless self. He seemed to have lost some steam and wiped his forehead.
“Look, Olivia. This goes beyond what I want, or what you want, or what Viola wants. These marriage arrangements are for your own safety.”
“Couldn’t Tony protect us? Why does it need to be the Moretti’s? I’d be willing to bet we’d be safer marrying men who don’t—wait, marriage arrangements? Why do I get the feeling you’re not referring to my old arrangement?”
A look of tired defeat came over his face. “I was going to call you in here later to discuss it but… I think you’re ready to hear it now.”
I frowned. “Hear what?”
“Your marriage arrangements are almost finalized as well.”
The usual noises of the house faded away, and my vision narrowed, focusing right onto my father’s eyes. “What?”
“I’ve been in contact with an old friend of mine who has shown interest in a mutually beneficial marriage between our families.”
His words sounded hollow, as if we were standing in a massive drainpipe. I felt lightheaded, trying to comprehend this news. I couldn’t believe it was happening not only to Viola, but to me,again.
Merda! The audacity! The fucking nerve! Anger boiled inside me and threatened to burst out of my mouth in a series of curse words and physical violence, yet, I remained frozen on the spot.
“His name is Christian Reyes. He lives in Columbia and owns many, many successful businesses there. He and I were discussing his expansions to New York city when the topic of your failed marriage arrangement came up.” He looked up at me with his head turned down, like a grumpy teacher glaring at a late student. “Christian isn’t bothered by your… spoiled virtue. As it is, his family is not as rigid as ours, and truth be told, I’m relieved.”