Page 59 of Bound to Him

I leaned in and pressed my lips against his.

He reacted by holding my face to his and parting my lips with his tongue. It was smooth, I’d give him that, but I put my hand onto his chest to let him know that was enough. He pulled back and sighed with pleasure.

“My oh my, sweetheart. You’ll have me all riled up and ready to go!” He looked down at his own crotch bulging, and I felt like throwing up. I pretended to feel shy, turning my face away, and wiping my lips to ensure my lipstick hadn’t smudged. “Don’t be shy, princess.”

He suddenly slid his hand up my thigh, taking the material of my dress with him. His touch was once again forceful, the sensual man in him disappearing as his libido built. I put my hand on his to stop him and looked up through my lashes.

“Mr. Reyes, behave. I gave you something to look forward to, but only after the wedding, okay?”

I became worried that my flirtatiousness was too much, and he’d say, “fuck that” and keep trying anyway, but it seemed that it worked. He smiled excitedly and pulled his hand back.

“As you say, soon-to-be Mrs. Reyes.”


The rest of the evening was much the same. I didn’t kiss him again—I saw what that did to him, and I would never be going there again. I merely kept up my politeness and pretended to actually enjoy myself. Luckily, he bought it and dropped me back at the house, all smiles and talks about looking forward to our wedding night. He promised he would talk to my father about setting the date as if I were also excited.

I climbed out of the car shy and giggling; I walked away from the car hardened and determined to bring this fucker down.



Iwas just finishing up at the club when I got the message. Of course, I knew who it was and where I’d be heading.

Olivia: Meet me in room 786.

With a stupid grin on my face, I rushed to the car and screeched when I stopped at the hotel. The elevator ride was way too long, and when I reached room number 786, I banged on the door impatiently.

Olivia opened the door in a white hotel bathrobe.

“Very sexy,” I said, looking down at the thick, lumpy soft robe she had swaddled around her. She chuckled and pulled me by my belt buckle.

“Come here.”

Inside, I wrapped my arms around her waist and picked her body up against me so our faces were at the same level, then kissed her without question. She put her slender hands on my cheeks and held me there, against her lips, for minutes. My tongue tasted her, played with her, and begged her for more.

As much as I wanted to tear that robe apart and throw her onto the bed, I had to first check if she was okay. I put her down.

“Is everything okay?”

She smiled up at me. “Much better now.”

“Did he hurt you? Touch you?”

I started pulling her robe open just to check for any bruises, but she stopped me, laughing at my urgency. “No… he didn’t hurt me. I just needed to see you… and get the smell of him off me.”

“Oh? You showered without me?”

“You were taking too long.” Her bottom lip jutted out, and her smile broke free. “Besides, now there's so much less for you to rip off of my body.”

My mouth lifted into a side smile, and I licked my lips. Fuck, this woman had me by the balls. But I had to clear my conscience first. I pulled her by the hand and sat her across my lap on the long seat in front of the bed.

“Baby, I’m so sorry you had to see him again. I wish I could have stopped it…”

She shook her head, putting her arm around my neck and touching my cheek. “It’s okay. I could handle myself. Knowing that there was a plan in place and that I would end up in your arms by the end of it, made it so much easier.”

She kissed me.