Page 26 of Bound to Him

I had to find Viola. I had to let her know.By the way sis, your fucking wedding date is set. And it’s around the corner apparently. I stomped from room to room, looking for her and calling her name.

Meanwhile, this irritating, nagging feeling kept pulling at my emotions, and I stopped my search to let it process, dropping down onto the bench in our secret garden, amongst the lavender.

Huxley.I’d been ignoring his existence completely until my father mentioned Viola’s wedding date. Now, my body was nagging me to actually deal with that information. Huxley was going to marry my sister, and soon. Not only would that mean he’d be my brother-in-law, but it would also mean he was a married man. Entirely off-limits, in my books.

At the Moretti restaurant last night, I’d had to make a decision. I knew exactly what I was doing when I wore that dress because I thought of him while I chose it, while I put it on, and while I put that red lipstick on. Every single decision I made was based on the fact that I was going to see him.

And then I saw him. He looked sexier than ever in black slacks with a white shirt, always tucked into his classy black leather belt. His shirt buttons were undone at the neck, and he had the sleeves rolled up. I thought I almost gave myself away to Viola when I couldn’t stop staring at him, at his thick biceps and forearms. The way his shirt stretched over his swelled-up pecs and wide shoulders had me running to the bathroom and drying out my panties.

“Oh, God, Huxley…” I murmured to myself, holding my head in my hands. I had to let this attraction go. I had to let him go. That’s why I pushed him away like that, and let me tell you, it fucking broke me. His kiss was so utterly soft and warm, his hand so welcome on my cheek, but I had to let him go. It felt wrong and plain evil, if only toward my own heart. I wasn’t sure how he felt about me, but he didn’t come back to the restaurant after that. I figured it must have had something to do with the look in his eye when he asked me if I wanted ‘this,’ and I told him no. God knows, that was the biggest lie of my life.

I remembered why I was looking for Viola, and my gut wrenched again. Huxley was going to marry Viola; he was going to kiss her like he kissed me and hold her and touch her… and he was going to have sex with her.

Shit!I’m only torturing myself here. Back to business. I wiped my face, stood up, and headed back inside. If anything, I was strong. I could deal with this.

I ended up in the car garage, looking to see if her bodyguard's car was even here, maybe she’d asked to go out. Before turning the corner though, I heard a small moan.

What was that?

I rounded the corner, only to jolt back and hide.

Maronna Mia!

Slowly, I tipped my head around the corner and confirmed what I thought must definitely have been imaginary.

Viola’s bodyguard—Matt, I believe it was? —had Viola up against the wall with her legs around his waist. His pants were down, ass exposed, as was hers because her dress was hiked up around her own waist. With his face in her neck and hers moaning to the ceiling, he was fucking her.

There was something about the way they moved, moaned, and looked at each other that told me this was not the first time. I turned away and leaned my back against the wall, absolutely flabbergasted. I mean sure, I didn’t think Viola was a saint or anything, but this? Not only was she clearly not a virgin as our father believed, but she seemed to be an expert on the subject already.

Christ, and here I was, only having had sex once in my lifetime. On top of that, I was having the craziest urges and fantasies about the man that she was going to marry—who was going to end up fucking her exactly like Matt was.

I’d never been a jealous sister, but today I turned into one. Even over something as crazy as her sex life, I was completely, utterly, unbearably jealous. How could I just let her have Huxley when she didn’t even know his worth? When she didn’t even think him attractive? When she was too interested in fucking somebody else?

No. No way.

I’d been controlling myself out of respect and love for Viola when she didn’t even have an ounce of respect toward her own pending marriage. And you know what? She was right. I’d lost respect for our father a long time ago, and as for his plans? They could go to shit. I didn’t care anymore.

I’d bet he’d have a pretty difficult time trying to shoot Huxley Moretti in the head.



“Hey Huxley.”

I heard a voice behind me when I left my room in the morning. I turned to see Mia coming from their grand bedroom at the end of the upper floor corridor, smiling at me pleasantly.

“Well good morning, Mia.” I smiled back and let her take my arm to descend the stairs. It wasn’t like I was always this gentlemanly, but Mia had my respect, and I liked her—and she always wore stick-thin, sky-high heels, so I felt she needed the support. “What's up?”

“Antonio is already in the office. Won’t you go see him?”

“You worried about somethin’?”

She shrugged. “Not too much… He’s just so focused right now with so many business partners and deals to make. Your father always used to keep up the friendships, you know? Now it’s his responsibility, and he’s struggling cause he doesn’t even like the guys.”

“Oh yeah, he was complaining about Don Enzo last night.”

“Exactly.” She stopped me in the foyer, turning to face me. She spoke with a low voice, since the office was through the French doors behind her. “One day, I believe that this empire will truly be his. But we’re not there yet. For now, he’s still working the job his father left behind. He needs to make it his own. He needs to work on his own ideas and create his own friends. Won’t you help him get there?”