“Yes, yes!”
I purposefully gave him a jiggle, and we heard the clatter of his phone falling to the pavement below.
“Oops, sorry sir, I believe your mobile device is fucked now,” I said sarcastically, smiling from ear to ear.
I love the smell of fear in the morning.
“Hux, put him down.”
I loosened my grip on one ankle, eliciting a frantic shout from Mr. Borini.
“Oh, you meant inside?”
Antonio lifted a brow, and I obliged with a dark, low laugh, pulling the man up with a steel grip on his shirt. He crumpled to the floor, breathing erratically.
“So, you were about to explain.”
“Yes, yes—sir, I mean, Don Antonio, please, I meant no disrespect.”
I bent down on my haunches beside the man. “Oh, but you did, when you refused to listen.”
“No, no!” He started to cry, and I sighed, while Antonio shook his head and pulled a chair closer, sitting down in front of the guy.
“What’s your explanation, Mr. Borini? Let’s hear it now before my brother here decides to break your legs.”
“Or your face, for that matter,” I said, absentmindedly pulling out my brass knuckles. The contractor tried his best to control his breathing, his eyes frantically darting between my fist and Antonio’s impatient face.
“I… we—it was the commissioner, sir, I mean Don! He—he sent someone to say that they’re cleaning the streets or some shit like that! That we needed to hire men from this specific company!”
“What company?”
“It’s—it’s called True Workers, Don. It’s led by a labor union man with connections to the commissioner!”
Antonio became thoughtful. “The commissioner, huh…”
“Yes, yes, Don Antonio.” He nodded speedily, his eyes watching me still.
“Thank you, Mr. Borini, for reporting this to me now. It’ll be handled, and you’ll get back to work with Moretti boys on site tomorrow morning, I assure you.”
The man swallowed with relief. “Okay, yes, thank you Don.”
“Hux.” Antonio nodded, rising from his seat and already heading for the doorway.
“Yes, boss,” I said, then knocked the guy unconscious with one shot.
Outside, I found a tap in a garden bed and rinsed the blood from my knucks. It wasn’t much, just a busted nose’s worth of blood, but I wasn’t going to ruin my suit over that. Meanwhile, Antonio stood beside the car, staring out over the city.
“So, the commissioner has finally made a move.”
“Seems so… what you thinkin’?”
After a deep sigh, he turned to me. “That it’s high time he and I became acquainted.”
I smiled. This was why he was so suited to the don position. He didn’t get angry immediately; he always took new information in his stride, choosing to stay quiet and strategize rather than to react. Unlike myself, of course, who preferred to react and make my stance known.
As we drove home in silence, both of us deep in thought over differing matters, I wished I could make my stance known to Olivia. I wished, with my heart and my dick, that I could let my impulsive side out and let her know what I was thinking. Let her know that the mere sight of her had my pulse thumping and my inner-alpha howling. Perhaps even ask her to join me for a drink, alone, somewhere we could talk privately. Where I could tell her every little dirty detail running through my mind.