"I’m going out in a few minutes," he says after a pause, his voice sounding as if he hasn't even heard what I said. "Going to run a little errand. It may help me get more information from the Blackstone group if I succeed. Get right inside the Blackstone if so."

A jolt of fear goes through me. "How do you get inside Blackstone?"

"Oh, I have ways of getting inside places," Julien says and smiles.

"How will you do it?"

"Most people have a price," he says. "The trick is to find out what that price is and offer just a bit more so they bite."

I look away, wondering what price he’s going to pay.

"Unfortunately, I haven't figured out your price yet or I'd be rolling around under the sheets right now, smelling your sweet perfume instead of sitting here all cold and lonely."

I smile even though I feel more like crying.

"Well, it's time to go." Before he stands up to go, I turn to him, reach out and touch his arm.

"Be careful." I can’t hide the fear in my voice. "I wish you hadn't told me. I won't be able to sleep now." Then he pulls me into his arms, buries his face in my neck. I can’t help but respond, my arms slipping around him, tears in my eyes. His mouth is next to my ear.

"It should be me," he says, his voice so quiet I’m not sure if I hear him right.

He pulls back, looks at my face. Rubs my cheek with his thumb.

"It should be you what?"

He stands and leaves, stopping in the office for a few moments before leaving the apartment. I sit with my head in my hands, fighting my emotions, unable to understand what he meant. When I regain control, I rise and go to the bathroom.

On my way back, Vasily’s waiting for me by the bed. He hands me an envelope.

"What's this?"

"Boss said to give it to you after he left."

"Thanks." I switch on the lamp beside my bed and open the envelope. Inside is a small slip of paper folded in half. I spread it out.

Onmyhands and knees.


Chapter 11

"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."

Oscar Wilde

I WAKE TO MY CELLPHONE RINGING instead of my alarm. Four a.m. I've barely even been asleep. I grab the phone from my nightstand, my heart already thumping in alarm. The call display reads, O'Neil, Ed.


Ed speaks on the other end, his voice rushed. "Sorry to call you so late, but we need you in here, right now. Something happened, and, well, you'll see when you get in."

"OK," I say, my brain barely functional. "Should I get Julien?"

"Eve, Vasily knows about this. Just come down and meet me as soon as you're ready. I'm outside waiting."

The line goes dead.

I rush around the room, dressing on the run, and then go to the bathroom where I give my teeth a hasty brush and rake a comb through my long messy hair before clipping it up in a makeshift bun. I glanced in the mirror at my face. I look tired with dark circles under my eyes. Makeup would help to make me look presentable but there's no time.