Page 103 of Ascension (Dominion)

"I won't let you go." His voice is firm. "I'm not letting you commit suicide. There are others willing to fight him. Besides, the Council's plans are for more than just Soren. He's only one of a group who share his goal. You could kill him, but someone would step up to take his place."

"I only care about him," I say and cross my arms. "Others can kill the rest of them."

"The Council will be unlikely to approve a move against Soren alone. It would alert them to our plans."

"I want the chance to make the offer," I say.

"I won't let you," he says, his voice pained. "I didn't become this monster so you could commit suicide."

I turn away.

"Then you can leave. Is there any reason why Vasily can't bring me your blood in a vial when I need it tomorrow?"

He shakes his head and goes to the door.

"Consider yourself a prisoner, then."

He closes the door, and I hear the lock click.

Chapter 24

"Better a cruel truth than a comfortable delusion".

Edward Abbe

THE NEXT DAY PASSES SLOWLY and I prepare to fight – and win – a battle of wills with Michel. I don't expect to see or hear from him during the day, but I do expect he'll show up and try to talk some sense into me in the evening. I'll be prepared with a counter argument.

Vasily tends to me, bringing me my meals on a tray now that I'm a prisoner of my own bedroom. He doesn't say much to me, but I can feel his disapproval. Finally, I decide to confront him.

"You think I'm wrong," I say as he pours me a cup of tea later in the afternoon.

"I understand you want Soren dead," he says. "We all do. Council is already planning to destroy him and others who are part of Blackstone. This is why Michel accepted this. You should be thankful you have Michel taking care of you."

"How can you say that? He almost killed me. Now, I'm no better than an addict."

"You offered yourself to him," he says, stirring sugar into my cup. "Soren would have done it immediately. Luke as well. There are only a few who are as honorable as Michel. And Julien." He places the cup on my tray. "I wish you'd open your eyes to what you have. It's far better than anything you would have outside these walls and outside of their domain."

"Their domain? You talk about them as if they are gods."

Vasily doesn't respond.

"You really think Michel didn't do this on purpose?"

Vasily frowns at me. "Of course not. You don't know him the way I do. He didn't want this for you at all. He feels terrible that he almost killed you. I know he deeply regrets what happened, but you're very lucky to be in his care. Intheircare."

"You can't understand," I say, unwilling to admit that what he said might be true. "All of these vampires should have just left us alone. I would have had a real life with my mother and father instead of the hell I did have."

"You were fated to this Eve, from the moment you were conceived. Make no mistake about it," he says and sits on the chair by the door. "There's only so many ways to escape your destiny. You were lucky that fate brought you together with Michel and Julien instead of letting you get caught up by others. You were meant to play music, not fight vampires and that's why he lost your file. When you found manuscript, it changed everything. He tried to wipe your memory, send you back into obscurity, but it didn't work. Events thwarted his plans."

"You know what they say – the road to hell is paved with good intentions."

Vasily shakes his head. "I wish you understood how lucky you really are but you're very young. One day you will understand and then you will kneel down to Michel and thank him. Thank Julien."

"I'll never kneel down to anyone," I say with contempt. "Michel and Julien included. I don't believe in kings or gods. Or fallen angels."

"Famous last words?" He folds his arms, a patronizing expression on his face.

I turn to my meal without further argument. What was the use? Vasily obviously admires Michel and Julien. I eat in silence, hoping that Vasily will get up and leave, but he doesn't. Finally, I put my fork down.