Noah dropped his head and stepped back from her. “Ye’re right. I was the fool here. Please, continue dancin’ and bein’ merry. I’ll nae bother ye again.”

“Of course ye willnae,” she huffed. “But I’m curious as to why it bothers ye so much. Did ye nae tell me an hour or so ago that this marriage is a sham? How did ye put it… a marriage of convenience? How there will be nay love between us? So, why does it matter if I dance wit’ another? Are ye one of these men who has a thousand mistresses, but whips his wife when she so much as looks too long at another man?”

The shocking nature of her words froze Noah for a moment, as did her more sober demeanor. Had the drunkenness been an act? What had she heard? Had Scott been a little too loose with his tongue? Not that Noah’s previous wildness was any great secret, but the famously sheltered upbringing of the McPherson daughters had been part of his reason for marrying into the family.

All of that is in the past.Noah pursed his lips and stepped toward her. His eyes locked on hers as his lips twitched. “Ye’re mine whether ye like it or nae, and I’ll nae have another man touchin’ and playin’ wit’ what is mine.”

“I see ye made nay mention of ye behavin’ in kind. I suppose that’ll remain to be seen.” Saoirse lifted her chin.

Noah tried hard not to smile at her feeble attempt to look bigger, considering she stood a good head shorter than him. Not to mention he could wrap his arms around her small frame with ease. As such, her way of looking stern only served to amuse him.

“Ye ken what I think?” she added, poking her finger into his chest. “Ye’re so tightly wound in there that ye daenae ken how to have any fun.”

“And bein’ a drunkard in public is entertainin’ to ye, is it?”

“Public?” Saoirse’s eyelids twitched as she looked around. “This is my family. Or have ye forgotten where we are?”

He shrugged. “Family or nae, there’s somethin’ called decorum to consider.”

“Oh, andyewould be the one to lecture me on such a thing?” If she hadn’t been sober before, she was now. Keen clarity shone in her eyes. “Ye really dae think me a dolt, daenae ye—so foolish and naïve that I couldnae possibly ken the kind of man ye are? Make nay mistake, M’Laird, I’ve heard the rumors.”

That cannae be true, unless ye’ve heard them tonight.Noah held his tongue and watched Saoirse’s cheeks grow redder. Anyone could see that she was furious, growing madder by the second. But the red hue reminded him of the way she had previously blushed, and the fiery spirit that was revealing itself only made her more appealing. He could neither explain why it stirred him nor ignore it, though it would’ve been far easier for him if she was meek and obedient.

Seizing her by the arm, he pulled her flush against him. “I think it’s time we retire.”

“But the celebration is just beginnin’.” She pushed back on his chest, her expression panicked. “There’s nay reason to rush to b—sleep.”

He noted the hasty change of words and slipped his arm around her, wanting to keep her held against him. “Nay, it’s late and there is still one more matter we need to address,” he said thickly, watching as the color drained from her face.

“Perhaps just one more drink,” she mumbled. He heard her swallow loudly. “Aye, one more, to steady myself.”

His lips curved in a strained smile, meant for the slyly watching and whispering crowd instead of her. “Ye’ve had plenty. Any more and ye’ll faint.”

“I’m merry from the dancin’ nae the drink. Or I was until ye intruded. I’ve hardly had a full cup of anythin’ to myself,” she slurred a little as she spoke. The anger that had sobered her had vanished, or perhaps this was just another drunken act to avoid the inevitable wedding night.

Noah’s eyebrow arched. Shaking his head, he tried his best to sound patient. “I ken a drunken lass when I see one. If I were to release my hold on ye, ye’d stumble or worse. I bet ye cannae even see me clearly.”

“I can see ye perfectly well. In fact, I can see right through ye.” Saoirse scrunched one eye shut, confirming his words. With both of her beautiful eyes open, he was likely a blur.

However, it was impossible to reason with someone who had imbibed too much. She wriggled out of his grasp and staggered back, immediately knocking into the corner of a nearby table. A hiss of pain escaped her tempting lips, and he rushed to the sound.

“Careful,” he warned, settling his hands on her hips to guide her away from anything else that might bruise her.

She blinked in surprise and her hands quickly moved to cover his, like she was about to wrench them away. Something stopped her. Her curious eyes locked with his as she chewed on her lower lip, sparking a burst of envy in his chest. She tilted her head and her frown smoothed out, any lingering anger or shock fading like smoke on the wind.

“What?” Noah asked, suddenly feeling a bit uncomfortable under her dreamy observation. Her rage was easier to contend with than this enchanting expression of intrigue.

She flashed a crooked grin that caught him off guard. “Ye really are annoyingly handsome,” she blurted out, rising on tiptoe to get closer. “And ye have these tiny specks of gold in yer eyes. I thought they were reflections of the light, but they’re nae—they’re in there. It reminds me of sunlight trying to peek through a forest canopy.”

“That settles it.” Noah grabbed her by the arm as he tried to hide the heat flushing through his cheeks. “Now I really ken ye’ve had too much to drink. Let us head upstairs before ye make more of a fool of yerself or me.”

Saoirse chuckled, disarming him more than if she had smacked him across the face. “Nay, I really do think I’ll be havin’ that last drink. I’m nae inebriated, but I’m thinkin’ I would like to be.”

“Is everythin’ all right?”

Noah’s skin prickled as if he had stepped into a hive of bees. Turning his head, he sucked in a breath as Michael appeared at his side. His new father-in-law was a portly giant of a man with thick arms and a reputation that preceded him, and though Saoirse was no longer her father’s concern, concern was all that Noah saw in the older man’s expression.

“Aye,” Noah replied quickly. “We’re just ironin’ out some differences. See, yer daughter here has a notion that she can dae whatever she wants, when she wants, and I’m nae inclined to agree.”