“And ye brought only yer axe?” Lily asked in disbelief.

“Different priorities. This was important to me, and it still is.” Willow replied.

“So where are ye gon’ sleep?” Kate asked.

“It’s alright, I got an extra blanket, knew she was going to mess up,” said Freya.

“Alright then, everyone huddle together,” said Kate. “God help us all.”


Reuben watchedfrom the window of his castle, staring at the figures making their way towards the McDonald estate. From the distance, he could tell that they were exhausted, and had quite the night. However, tensions were high in the highlands, and he was not looking to take risks. Regardless of who they were, if they were coming to his castle, they would have questions to answer.

He got off his chair, where he sat sharpening his blade, and put the weapon in its sheath. Hurrying down the stairs, he looked out at the travelers again, as they were closer, and he realized that all four of them were women. He turned to one of his men out in the foyer, calling them up to where he stood.

“Ye recognize any of em?” Reuben asked, pointing at the women.

“Nae, never seen. Guard on high alert as ye commanded, but nothin’ of a threat. Probably just travelers.” The guard replied.

Reuben nodded, and continued down to the gates. He knew that his men would be watching their every move, wanting to see what they would do. No one had traveled that far inland just to find them, especially when their clan was a small close-knit community. Everyone knew everyone, and so the strangers who had just come into town heading straight for the castle were a red flag.

As he jogged down the stairs, he saw Hudson, his best friend, accompany his mother all the way to the gates. He walked all the way to them, and Hudson turned around to see him coming. Before he could speak, the gates swung open and the women walked in, each of them out of breath and exhausted.

“Let yer ma handle this one, alright?” Hudson began, putting an arm across Reuben’s chest.

“Welcome travelers, I am Lady Grear, what brings ye to the McDonald estate?”

“I am Katherine,” the oldest of the women began. Reuben and Hudson turned to her as she spoke. “These are my sisters Lily, Willow and Freya. We have traveled many days to come to yer estate. We’re hoping to find some shelter, and…”

“Where are ye from?” Reuben asked, his voice thundering and causing Lily to jump. He stared at her with glaring eyes, not showing any weakness.

The woman who had spoken got between him and Lily and his gaze fixated on her. Reuben stared into her large brown eyes and found himself lost in them. She had a fierce gaze to them, and that seemed to pull him in even more.

Her lips were full and a dull pink, and her cheekbones high on her face. As the wind swept her black hair, Reuben felt himself smitten. He had seen several girls in the town, and a number of them had been vying for his attention. But this traveler had caught his eye. He quickly blinked away and shook his head, not allowing himself to get distracted. He had to appear strong, as there was a chance that they were spies sent by their enemies.

“Reuben, ye cannae be askin’ them like that!” his mother turned back to the women. “However, Katherine we must know where ye are from.”

Katherine let out a breath and turned back to Freya who nodded. “I am Katherine McGowan, of the McGowan estate, and these are my siblings of the same household.”

Reuben reached for his sword, baring his teeth. “We would never allow our enemies into our own home, especially not from that clan. Turn back now, and I and my men will spare ye the mercy of killing ye.”

“Put yer sword away!” Katherine raised her voice, startling Reuben. Hudson exchanged glances with his Laird, not sure what to do.

“Yer goin’ have to explain yerselves,” said Grear. “Much as we won’t turn travelers away, if yer spies or enemies, we cannae let ye in here.”

“We aren’t spies, my Lady. We aren’t. We are the nieces of the Laird Max Sweeney, and we had to run away from him,” said Katherine.

“Why?” Lady Grear asked, turning to Hudson and her son. “Put yer swords away! They are nae armed.”

“We were attacked by him, he asked of me somethin’ which I could nae give, and I told him I wouldnae and he sent his men after me and my sisters.”

Lady Grear stared at Kate and understood. “In all of my time, I always knew that Sweeney was no good. Hudson, take them to the halls and have my servant take them to the guest chambers.”

“Aye.” Hudson turned to the women. “Come with me.”

“I daenae trust them,” said Reuben.

“Society rules that ye offer, if ye can, shelter to those who ask for it. I have told ye nothing but the truth, and I wish that ye honor it.” Kate turned around to her sisters. “If ye decide against, then fine. We’ll go somewhere else.”