Turning her into his arms, Noah burst out laughing. “Is that the lesson she willnae soon forget?”

“I hope so,” Saoirse replied uncertainly.

He cupped her face in his hands and smiled down at her. “I love ye. Ye daenae have to fear anythin’ breakin’ us apart,” he promised. “As long as we have each other, and we keep our promise and our love, we might just have a long and happy life together.”

“Wouldnae that be a fine thing.” With a relieved sigh, she raised up on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his lips.

Every kiss they’d ever shared had a different meaning, and this one was no different. As their mouths moved together, it whispered a clear message—if they could overcome adversity and have faith in one another beyond all doubt, their love would grow wild and strong, leaving a legacy that would last long after they were gone.

To Noah, that sounded like a very fine thing, indeed.

The End?


Eager to learn howSaoirse and Noah’srelationship evolved?Then enjoy this complimentary short story featuring the beloved couple.

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But before you go, turn the page for an extra sexy and wild Scottish treat from me…


Turn on to the next page to read the first chapters ofThe Iron Highlander,one of my best stories so far!



“Lady Kate,ye have been summoned to the great halls by Laird McGowan!” A servant announced to Kate as she sat in her bedroom.

“I’ll be with him shortly,” Kate replied. She turned on her seat, wondering why the Laird had summoned her, especially at such an hour. She turned back to the mirror and grabbed a comb, which she ran through her hair, preparing herself to go before him. As she combed her thick black hair, she pondered on her last meeting with McGowan, and had seen just how nasty the man could be when he was upset.

He had watched as a part of the wall in his estate had been rebuilt by the servants, only to tell them to tear it down and rebuild it again, as they had missed a simply dismissible design. In a fit of rage, the Laird grabbed the servant who had spoken up and flung him to the dogs. The servant had barely survived, but that made sure that the wall was rebuilt right to the letter. McGowan was not one to be trifled with, and she knew better than to keep him waiting.

Donning a cloak to protect herself, Kate rushed out of her chambers and out to the rain outside, heading for the great hall, where McGowan would be waiting. As she headed for the building, she looked up at the castle, seeing lightning flash across the skies. A few servants moved around, clearing the gutter for the waters to flow out of the compound. Kate felt the weight of the frigid rainwater pull down on her cloak, and felt a pang of sadness for the servants who had to work under the rains to keep the lands of Laird McGowan as he desired.

She stepped into the halls, and a servant took her cloak and hung it by the door. She smiled and thanked him, as she realized that the service was one which they had copied from the English. Katherine smiled to herself as she began heading up the stairs. As she moved her hand up the rail, she felt the gleam on it, and looked to see that it had been polished. McGowan always ensured that his home was exquisite, for all of his guests to see.

The castle spoke of the riches of the Laird, with all of its fancy items, from glass holders for the candles of the castle to gold-tipped rails for the ends of his curtains. McGowan wanted everyone to see just how much he had. To his guests, he wanted them to see his home as a beautiful place where he was loving of all who lived in the castle. He pretended to be jovial with his servants, and Kate and her sisters as well, but he was anything but. Her uncle, the great Laird McGowan, was truly despicable.

McGowan was not just cruel to the servants; he was cruel to Kate and her sisters as well. After her parents had been killed by the Laird of McDonald, McGowan had taken Kate and her sisters Freya, Willow, and Lily in. He was a man who seemed on the edge of losing it, as he would often be incredibly cruel, and other times would act as though he was an entirely different individual. The dual personalities made it hard for even clansmen to follow along with him, especially when there was a heated argument with the Laird.

“He has been expecting ye, Kate,” came Isla, the right hand to McGowan. The woman had been overseeing all of the activities which went on in the castle for as long as Kate could remember, being the one in charge when McGowan was away on important business.

“Hope I’m nae late,” Kate replied.

“Well that depends, doesnae?” Isla replied.

Kate pushed the doors to the halls and stepped into the great halls. As she did, a breeze from the outside followed her past the doors and threatened to take out the flames on the candles which lit up the room. She closed the door behind her.

“The much-honored Max Sweeney, Laird of McGowan.” Kate curtsied as she greeted, looking up at her uncle who sat on a fine wooden chair, carved out of the finest mahogany. The chair had been adorned with a few rubies on its armrests, and above it, a crude lion had been skillfully carved into the chair. From the distance, McGowan looked absolutely stunning and imposing,

“Katherine,” Max began.

“Uncle,” Kate replied. Max was the only one who had gotten away with calling her Katherine, and she absolutely despised it. When she was younger, her mother and father had called her Katherine, and in a way, she took to it. Everyone else had called her Kate, even the few times she met with Max, he had made sure of it, but now, with both her parents gone, he had taken it on himself to constantly remind her of what she was missing by calling her Katherine. McGowan was utterly despicable.