He climbed up in front of her and took the reins, wheeling the horse around. “Ye should hold on. Nothin’ untoward, but I daenae want ye fallin’ off.”

Saoirse did as she was told, gingerly grasping the hem of Scott’s jerkin. With that, he urged the horse into a gallop, charging down the forest road so fast that Saoirse knew her grip wouldn’t be enough. Reluctantly, she put her arms around his waist, wishing it was Noah.

“Scott?” she shouted, as a thought came to her.

He twisted his head back. “Aye, M’Lady?”

“Why are ye nae with Noah if he’s attendin’ to business? I thought ye always went with him on such things.” The woman’s warning came back to haunt Saoirse.

Scott shrugged. “Sometimes, he says he doesnae need me, or he needs me to oversee the Castle in his absence. He’s only gone to one of the border villages to discuss the theft of some livestock. Ye’ve nay reason to worry for his safety.”

If Scott had said anything else, Saoirse might have been calmed by the explanation. Instead, the strange woman’s words rattled around in her head:“It’ll start with him needin’ to go away on business, to tend to somethin’ at the border. He’ll pretend there’s a skirmish or some stolen sheep. Really, he’s rollin’ in the hay with some farmer’s lass.”

Saoirse squeezed her eyes shut, wishing she’d never gone wandering on her own. After all, she’d been waiting for something to come along and ruin her happiness. It paid to be careful what one wished for.


Annoyedby the wasted journey he’d taken to the borders of his territory, Noah let thoughts of Saoirse soothe his irritation. At least, this way, he wouldn’t be away from her until evening. Indeed, he planned to keep his return a secret from the council, so he could spend all day with her, with nothing but her on his mind.

He was just about turn his horse, so he could ride along the battlements to the rear gates where only a few guards would see him enter, when another drum of hooves caught his attention.

“Saoirse?” he whispered her name in shock.

She sat atop Scott’s horse, her arms wrapped around the man’s waist in an intimate gesture that spiked anger through Noah’s chest. To make matters worse, Scott brought the horse to a standstill in a coppice of apple trees, a good distance from the main Castle gates. There, he slipped down from the saddle and grabbed the reins, walking forward as if he’d never been riding with Saoirse’s arms around him.

Incensed, Noah urged his own horse toward them. “What is the meanin’ of this?”

“Noah!” Saoirse cried. “What are ye doin’ here? I thought ye’d be gone until evenin’.”

Noah’s eyes narrowed. “I was misinformed. There wasnae any livestock stolen, just a greedy farmer pretendin’.” He nodded to Scott. “And what are the pair of ye doin’? Dae ye think it proper to be ridin’ together in the same saddle?”

Scott dropped his chin to his chest, looking guilty. “I wanted to return swiftly so I could contend with the council.”

“I went walkin’ on my own,” Saoirse chimed in hurriedly. “Mary sent him to chase me down, fearin’ thieves might attack me. I dinnae want to cause him any more trouble, so I agreed to let him ride with me, so he wouldnae be late to the council meetin’.” She showed Noah the full coin purse attached to her belt.

Noah took a breath, realizing he was dipping into the temper that he’d worked so tirelessly to keep at bay. Another deep breath turned his anger into gratitude, for he had no reason to doubt the story of either of them. They were his wife and his dearest friend. The two people most loyal to him in the world.

Daenae put two and two together and get five,he told himself.Ye’re frustrated because of the farmer. Daenae take yer annoyance out on these two.

“Daenae tell the council I’ve returned,” Noah said, in a softer voice, as he drew his horse level with Scott’s and held out his arms to Saoirse. “After the day I’ve had thus far, I should like to have some peace and quiet with my wife.”

Scott visibly relaxed. “Aye, M’Laird. I willnae tell a soul. I’ll instruct the guards to keep their mouths shut, too.” He paused. “I’m sorry for ridin’ with Her Ladyship. It really was just to return more swiftly, and to keep her out of the way of any thieves who might’ve spied that coin purse.”

“I believe ye and ye’re forgiven.” Noah smiled, meaning it. All he had to do was look at his wife, breathe in the innocence she still possessed even though she wasn’t so innocent anymore, and know that his heart was still safe. She wouldn’t betray him, just as he wouldn’t betray her.

Saoirse took hold of his arms and let him pull her into his saddle, though he made sure to put her in front of him. If he’d seen her and Scott riding likethat, his suspicions might’ve lingered for a while longer.

“I missed ye,” she said, turning to face him.

He grinned. “I missed ye, too.”

“There really were nay stolen sheep?” Something like pain flickered in her eyes for a moment. It concerned him.

“Nay stolen sheep, just a farmer who thought he could trick me,” Noah assured, lifting his hand to her face. “Are ye well,mo cuishle? Ye look pale.”

A soft sigh made her shoulders lift and fall. “I had a fright,” she whispered. “I’ll tell ye about it when we’re alone.”

“Would ye like to go to our secret place for the afternoon?” Noah wanted to put some roses back in her cheeks and take the worry from her eyes.