She smoothed her palms down his muscular back until her hands settled on his backside. It seemed only fair that she should guide him, as he had guided her. Gripping his firm buttocks, she urged him deeper inside her, crying out in passion with every measured stroke.

However, it soon became clear that he couldn’t restrain himself any longer. His pace quickened, his moans grew more ragged, until, at last, he stilled with her name upon his lips, “Saoirse… Och, my sweet, sweet Saoirse.”

He thrust twice more, before collapsing into her. Sliding his arms underneath her, he held her close, burying his face in the curve where her neck and shoulder met. He mumbled something against her skin, but she couldn’t hear it. Although, she would pretend that it was a whispered, “I love ye.”

“So,thatis what I missed because of my drunkenness?” She chuckled into his hair as she toyed with his locks, enjoying the weight of his body against her.

He lifted his head. “Aye, but it wouldnae have been like that. We were strangers, then.”

“And we’re nae now?”

He grinned. “Nay,nowwe’re married.”

“What of yer heart? Is it still mine?” Saoirse gulped, praying he wouldn’t hurt her.

“Aye, Lass,” he replied in earnest. “It’s still yers, but… be patient with it. Be patient with me.”

She nodded, so happy she could burst. “I’m beginning to understand that the best things come to those who wait.”

“Aye,” he chuckled, “so am I.”

“But what now?”

He frowned. “What do ye mean?”

“Should I retire to my chamber? I ken ye like to sleep alone.”

Wrapping her tighter in his arms, he rolled them both onto their sides and mumbled into her hair, “Daenae dare. From now on, this is chamber belongs to both of us. From now on, I want ye to sleep beside me. I want to ye wake up, seeing ye right here.” He pulled back so he could look at her, as a grin spread across his face. “Besides, wife of mine, I’m nae finished with ye yet.”


The next fewweeks were like the festival that Noah had taken Saoirse away from, in all of his foolish stubbornness and misplaced unkindness. The Castle had transformed into one of joy and peace, led by the Laird and Lady who were at the smitten center of it all. Indeed, they flaunted their newfound affection and passion as if they were the first to discover its beauty, to the point where servants began peering around corners to make sure they didn’t happen upon their Laird and Lady in the midst of a kiss. Some servants, on the other hand, wanted to steal a glimpse so they’d have something to gossip about.

“Ye’ve got to be more careful where ye entangle yerselves,” Mary scolded, on the day that marked Saoirse’s fourth week at Thorn Castle. Though, to Saoirse, it felt like she’d been there for years.

Saoirse feigned embarrassment. “We’ll do our best to be warier of where we show our affection. Indeed, Noah will be away until tonight, so there is nay chance of anyone catchin’ us at anythin’ they shouldnae.” A touch of sadness creased her brow. “It seems too mean that he’s gone away on the very same day that my sisters are leavin’.”

“Am I nae enough for ye anymore?” Mary’s expression softened, but there was a hint of genuine hurt in her voice.

Saoirse went to her friend and put her arms around the woman. “Ye were my first friend here and, even if I had nay one else, ye’d be more than enough. Please, daenae ever doubt that.” She gave Mary a squeeze. “I’m just distracted, that’s all. This… tenderness between Noah and I is still so new, and I keep waitin’ to wake up alone in my chamber, to find that I dreamed it all.”

“Och, would ye listen to me, actin’ as jealous as a wee lassie!” Mary sniffed, like she’d been close to tears. “Forgive me, M’Lady. Of course, ye should be enjoyin’ this sweetness in yer marriage. The Lord kens I wanted this for ye, and now I’m mitherin’ about it. Ye kiss His Lairdship as much as ye please and wherever ye please. Daenae mind what I or anyone else says.”

Saoirse smiled and pressed a kiss to the old woman’s brow. “I’ll always listen to what ye have to say, Mary. And I ken we’ve been too reckless. Once he returns, we’ll show more restraint when we’re away from our chamber.”

It still made her heart soar to think of that chamber astheirbedchamber. She’d made a few changes, adding some feminine touches and having the bathtub moved there, to make it feel more like a shared room. If Noah minded, he hadn’t said anything. Moreover, she still had her old chamber to use as a dressing room and study, if she needed some time to herself. That hadn’t happened yet, but she knew it might.

“Daenae dare,” Mary chided. “Ye carry on as ye were.”

Saoirse clapped her hands together. “Well, if ye insist.”

“But what will ye dae with yerself today? I’ve got so much to attend to that I willnae be able to spend much of the day with ye.” Mary scrunched her wrinkled lips. “Are ye sure yer sisters cannae stay a while longer?”

Saoirse shook her head sadly. “Accordin’ to Georgia, my Faither was adamant about them leavin’ promptly. I suppose he’s worried that I willnae concentrate on my marriage if they’re with me, and I daenae want them to get in trouble in case my Faither doesnae allow them to come back.”

As if summoned, the three sisters appeared at the door to the Morning Room where Saoirse and Mary liked to share breakfast and gossip after their morning in the kitchens. Despite Saoirse’sverylate nights, exploring everything there was to know about Noah and the pleasures between a man and woman, she never failed to show up at dawn to help with breakfast preparations.

“The carriage is ready,” Anna said solemnly.