Soon after, she settled into his hold, resting her head on the same shoulder she’d thumped, while she draped an arm around his neck. His heart ached, knowing that he held something so precious. The evening had proven that to him, beyond all doubt. It was the wedding night sheshouldhave had, and it cheered him to know that, albeit a bit late, he’d given it to her.

Wielding her all the way to the upper floors, he paused halfway down the hallway that belonged to both of their bedchambers. Did he take her to her chamber or his? Deciding to prove something to himself and to his wife, he carried her to the doors ofhisbedchamber.

“M’Lady.” He smiled as he kicked the door open and stepped over the threshold, making sure to kick the door back into place before carrying her to the bed. There was no need to bolt it. No one would enter without his permission, as the only one daring enough was already inside.

“I thought this room was forb—” Noah dropped Saoirse on the bed before she could finish the sentence.

As she landed on her back, surprise widened her eyes. A second later, she burst out laughing.

“Did I do somethin’ amusin’?” Noah climbed onto the bed and crawled to her. Planting his hand either side of her face, as he had done once before, he raised an eyebrow.

She smiled back, her laughter fading into breath. “I never kenned ye could be playful.” Her fingertips toyed with the loose strings of his shirt collar. “I’m learnin’ so much tonight.”

Sitting up, Noah pulled off his jerkin and threw it to the floor. It was already much too hot in the room, now that Saoirse was in his bed. That done, he lowered himself and slid his hands underneath her, folding her into his arms.

“I’m nae lackin’ any education tonight, either,” he told her, gazing deep into her eyes. “Still, there’s the matter of my… gift, or whatever ye wish to call it.”

She nodded. “I’m ready to receive it.”

“There was one truly grave mistake that I made at our weddin’. I made many, I ken, but it’s the one that troubles me the most,” he purred, concentrating on her plump lips.

“And what was that?” Her voice, thick with emotion, made him burn with want.

He licked his lips. “I dinnae kiss ye, to seal our marriage and our vows to one another. I’ve regretted it ever since.”

“I kissed ye.”

“Aye, but ye shouldnae have had to. So, let me make amends now. Let me seal the promises I made at the altar. Let us start our marriage afresh, and as we mean to go on.”

Her breath caught. “Then, show me ye mean it.”

“Och,” he said, bringing his mouth to hers, “I fully intend to.”


If Saoirse thoughtshe knew anything about being kissed, the crush of Noah’s lips against hers let her know she knew nothing. It wasn’t the hesitant kiss of their first, nor the impulse of their second, nor the desperate hunger of the third. It was all three at once, and so much more.

His mouth moved slowly, his tongue exploring, only to make her gasp as sudden passion possessed him, driving a harder, bruising kiss against her lips. Then he’d slow again, taking his time, grazing her lips like he was savoring them. She matched his every move and mood, knowing she could happily stay entwined with him forever, kissing him like this.

“Why did ye decide to bring me here?” she murmured, taking her kisses up the side of his face. The roughness of his short beard bristled against her mouth, but it only made the softness of his lips more wonderful as she returned to them.

Noah paused. “To Thorn Castle?”

“Nay,” she chuckled, “to yer chamber. I thought it was forbidden to me, though ye dinnae let me finish before.”

He smiled, running his thumb over her lower lip. “’Tis part of my new vows to ye. From now on, nothin’ and nowhere is forbidden to ye. Nothin’ at all.”

Their lips met again. Hungrier, this time. Ravenous, almost. She felt his hands on her, smoothing down the curve of her waist and over her hip, before tracing back across the flat of her stomach and up to her breasts. Her gown, beautiful as it was, began to frustrate her. How could she feel his touch properly with so much material in the way?

As if reading her mind, Noah sat up, pulling her with him. Turning it into a graceful act that reminded her of a dance, he started to undress her. Garments drifted to the floor: bodice, chemise, petticoats, stays, sleeves. Watching her skirts cascade downward was like observing a grand, magical bird, the way they floated in the air for a moment.

“Are ye certain ye’re nae a goddess, come to me in human form?” Noah purred, his eyes wide as he admired her naked body. Naked but for her drawers, anyway.

Saoirse chuckled. “Do ye and Scott share the same ways of flirtin’ with a lass?”

“Hmm?” Noah looked confused, and Saoirse worried she might have ruined the moment.

“I… um… heard him say the same thing to Bianca.” She swallowed, hoping he believed her.