“What a pity.” Georgia chuckled, sparking panic in Saoirse’s chest. If tending to her marriage wasn’t troublesome enough, she was now going to have to keep a keen eye on her sister.

“Would ye like to see the Castle?” Saoirse said hurriedly. “I’m sure I can find Mary to show us all around. I would be the guide, but I still get lost almost every time I set foot outside my chamber.”

Georgia batted her eyelashes at Scott. “Would Mr. Pittsborough nae be willin’?”

“Afraid nae, Miss. I’ve soldiers to wrangle and battlements to oversee.” Scott bowed low, peeking up to catch Saoirse’s eye with a look that said,“Daenae fret, M’Lady. ‘Tis only teasin’. I ken she’s prohibited.”

Saoirse relaxed and mouthed a quick“Thank ye”before corralling her sisters toward the Castle.

Half an hour later, having been unable to find Mary anywhere, the four girls were entirely lost in the labyrinth of Thorn Castle. Saoirse had thought she’d figured out the directions from the tapestries and paintings, but she’d struggled to remember whether boars meant left or right. Now, they were in a part of the Castle that she didn’t recognize at all.

Seconds from going to the nearest window and shouting for help from anyone passing by, a saving grace arrived. “I heard there were four fine ladies wanderin’ aimlessly. Thought I’d offer my services as yer guide.”

Saoirse whirled around to find Noah standing there, with an unexpectedly warm smile on his face. “How did ye find us?”

“I, unlike ye, ken my way around the Castle.” He chuckled. “And every servant I went by said ye’d gone this way. Though, I do wonder why ye were headed toward the dungeons? Have ye done somethin’ that would require punishment?”

Saoirse’s cheeks blazed, while her sisters stifled shy giggles. The embarrassment didn’t last, though. She was too stunned by the change in her husband. Noah didn’t even seem like the same person.

“If admirin’ yer Man-at-Arms is a crime, then put me in shackles,” Georgia jested, fanning herself.

Noah pulled a teasing face. “Nay, I think I’d have to puthimin shackles for his own safety.”

Georgia and Anna erupted into laughter, while Ayda looked on in confusion. Even Saoirse cracked a smile, surprised that Noah even knew how to make a jest. It charmed her, adding another brick to the foundation of her growing affection for him. If he could make her laughandmake her feel the way she had yesterday, they would have a truly enviable marriage.

“I wish I’d kenned ye were arrivin’, so I could have welcomed ye properly to Thorn Castle,” Noah continued, slipping his arm so casually around Saoirse’s waist. “I’m already havin’ chambers prepared for ye all, so ye can enjoy yer time here in comfort withmo cuishle.”

Between the arm around her waist and the sound of that potent nickname, Saoirse felt like she must be dreaming. She went rigid with shock, peering up at him. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Georgia and Anna exchanging an excited look.

Mo cuishle? Is that what he thinks of me?Saoirse’s heart threatened to burst, for those two sweet words meant, “my pulse.” And one couldn’t live without that.

* * *

Having left Saoirse’s sisters to settle into their chambers and wash away the journey they’d undertaken, Noah walked along the hallway with his wife at his side. Their arrival had been something of a fly in the ointment, but he’d done his best to behave in a way he thought Saoirse might appreciate. He’d been attentive, ensuring Saoirse’s sisters had everything they needed, and lavishing them with as much charm and humor as he could muster.

“Did ye receive my note?” Noah broke the silence first.

Saoirse glanced up at him. “Why did ye call memo cuishle?”

“Did I?” He rubbed the back of his neck, fully aware that he had. “I… um… daenae ken. I daenae remember.”

In truth, he’d said it by accident. A pleasant kind of accident, but unintentional, nonetheless. He’d been thinking about her all morning, and how she made his heart pound. When his arm had slipped around her waist, the intimate pet name had just come out. But he didn’t want to admit that, in case it sounded like he hadn’t meant it.

Saoirse smiled but didn’t press him further. “Ididreceive yer note. Perhaps, next time, ye could address it tomo cuishle.”

“If that would please ye, then… I will.” He struggled to make the promise, but he was doing everything within his power to be the husband she deserved. If that meant being uncomfortable at times, then so be it. “Ah, that reminds me, Mary wants to speak with ye in the kitchens. She’s thinkin’ of havin’ a small feast prepared for ye and yer sisters, out in the gardens, but I said she should ask yer opinion first.”

Saoirse halted and her face lit up as if someone had sparked fireworks inside her. She grabbed his hands excitedly, jumping up and down. “Are ye certain ye willnae mind?” she gasped. “Will ye nae need me to dine with the council, to appease them?”

“There will be plenty of time for stuffy dinners with the council, Saoirse.” His heart swelled at the sight of her pure joy. “Enjoy yer feast with yer sisters. After all, I denied ye a true celebration on yer weddin’ night. Let this be a second chance for it.”

Saoirse’s eyes widened further. “Ye wish to join us?”

“If that wouldnae be offensive to ye.” He chuckled stiffly.

“It would be a fine thing, husband of mine.” She threw herself at him, looping her arms around his neck and holding him tightly. His arms instinctively came up to embrace her in return, inhaling that intoxicating perfume that he’d yet to tell Mary to throw away.

His eyes closed as Saoirse’s lips brushed against his earlobe, as she whispered, “Ye would be most welcome, but, I should warn ye, I might have a drink or two.”