“Dae ye have to?” Saoirse swallowed the lump of anticipation down her throat. She wished she knew how to seduce her husband so that she could make him stay. But, as she stared at him, she noticed the change in his expression. He lowered his gaze from her, severing her connection to his soul.

“Aye,” he said, the muscles in his jaw tightening.

Saoirse had never noticed how square his jaw was before.; it was as if she was looking at it for the first time. Every hair on his face, every handsome feature, down to the slope of his nose and the bow of his lips, looked fresh and new.

Reluctantly, Noah stepped back and drew his arm from around her waist. Saoirse’s body shivered as the heat from her husband left her. She felt exposed outside of his cocoon. He was like a blanket, wrapped around her, keeping her safe and secure. Now that he had removed himself from her, she felt the awful, familiar prick of rejection.

Without even a bow of his head, Noah turned on his heel and strode for the door. Saoirse’s head swam and pranced through the moment, repeating every succulent moment in her mind. Flushed with heat and confusion, she fanned her hand in front of her face to try and cool herself down. The click of the bolt being undone rattled her. She found it both a blessing and curse.

Did that just happen?Tilting her head, she stared at the golden harp and concentrated on the finer details. Every string shone like silver, the curved shape of the instrument making her think of the way Noah had caressed her own curves. Even the dust floating on the beam of light that poured in through the window seemed magical and otherworldly. Perhaps, she really was dreaming.

Yet, Saoirse could still feel Noah’s mouth lingering on hers, making it feel as if he never left despite being alone in the room. With her knees weak and head foggy, she knew it would be best to sit. Carefully, she sank down in the chair that her husband had just vacated, where he’d shown her such life-changing things.

What happened? Why did he walk away like that?With the clarity that came with catching her breath and steadying herself, the joy and exhilaration that flowed through her was replaced by doubt and worry.

Should I expect him to dae that again? What if he doesnae, and this was just his way of makin’ me forgive him, one time and one time only?Chewing on the tip of her fingernail, Saoirse glanced to the door as the anxiety festered within her.

This is bad. This is very, very bad.Her heart willed Noah to come back and tell her that all was well, but the door remained closed.

After a few moments, she found her eyes drifting to the large bouquet of flowers that he had dropped. Mustering all the strength she could, Saoirse walked to the peace offering and picked it up. She raised them to her nose and sucked in a deep breath. Her heart quickened as her legs grew weak, for the scent was so sweet. Much like the gesture that seemed to have been forgotten.

* * *

Noah moved swiftly down the hallway and darted into the nook between two rooms. His heart pounded in his chest as he felt beads of sweat forming on his forehead. Even swallowing seemed difficult as he leaned against the wall and looked to the ceiling.

Why did I dae that? Why daes she get under my skin every time? It’s like I cannae keep my hands off her, and I daenae want to.He blamed the perfume that still maddened him. He’d hoped the scent of the wildflowers would mask it, but her particular aroma had pierced through.

Noah ran his fingers through his hair, trying to regain some normalcy. The kiss still burned his lips as he tried to push aside all lingering thoughts of it. He had gone hunting for Saoirse, with the intention of gaining her forgiveness, not leading her on. He certainly hadn’t intended to reveal a new world of pleasure to her, or to torment himself in the process. Feeling his fingers inside her wasn’t enough. He wanted to feel himself inside her.

Swallowing hard, Noah licked his lips and smiled as he thought of how Saoirse had curved and molded to his body. He caught himself, knowing such thoughts would be dangerous. Blinking, he pushed off the wall and glanced over his shoulder, observing the door of the music room in the corner of his eye.

Why dae I want to storm back into that room and dae it again?

Defeated, Noah’s shoulders sagged. He headed out of the nook and stepped back into the hallway. Putting one foot in front of the other, he fastened his jerkin closed and straightened the hem. Without stealing another glance at the music room door, he marched away.

“There ye are!” Scott’s voice called, followed by the drum of footfalls on the floor. “What have ye been doin’? I’ve been searchin’ high and low for ye.”

“Nothin’,” Noah answered abruptly. “What is it ye need?”

“The council meetin’ has started, or did ye forget?” Scott’s eyebrows scrunched to the bridge of his nose with suspicion.

He glanced around Noah, just as the door of the music room opened. Noah’s eyes widened as Scott clearly spied Saoirse slipping out of the room, looking dazed and smoothing down the front of her skirts. A small smile slipped over Scott’s lips as his eyes flickered back to Noah.

“What were ye doin’?” Scott repeated in a more knowing tone, with an impish grin and a nudge to Noah’s shoulder.

“I told ye. Nothin’,” Noah said, at the very moment he felt Saoirse’s presence behind him. He didn’t dare turn around for he knew that if he took one look at her, he’d want to hold her in his arms and never let go.

Scott grinned wider. “This is a pleasin’ turn of events. I take it the two of ye have made peace with one another?”

“I daenae ken what ye’re talkin’ about. There was nay quarrel to begin with.” Noah started down the hallway, refusing to answer any of Scott’s questions.

“Och, come on,” Scott hissed, as he draped his arm over Noah’s shoulder and walked with him. “I ken somethin’ happened. The guilt in yer eyes betrays ye.”

“Nothin’ happened,” Noah insisted.

“Then why is she holdin’ the flowers that ye picked as if they were the most precious thing ye could have given to her?” Scott spun Noah around. “And why is she flushed in the cheeks, in thatveryparticular fashion? Ye should ken, I’m well acquainted with that kind of flush. I see it almost nightly.”

Noah held his breath as his gaze turned and landed on Saoirse. She looked peaceful and dazed, almost as if she were lost in a moment. He couldn’t help but smile as he watched her. Evidently, she was thinking of him, and the things he had done. Scott was right—there was a pinkness to her cheeks, a lightness in her step, and a glimmer in her eyes that wasn’t there before. Not even when she was intoxicated had she looked so carefree.