“Or we’ll eat each other,” Saoirse pointed out, but she saw what Bianca was trying to say.

“Aye, ye could well do, but I see promise in the pair of ye. And… I’ve heard things from Scott that bolster my thoughts about ye,” Bianca admitted. “So, it’s good of ye to be patient, and I’d urge ye to continue. Daenae cast the Laird out of yer heart just yet. He may surprise ye.”

“Perhaps,” Saoirse said pensively. “What have ye heard, if I might ask?”

Bianca tapped the side of her nose. “I’ll tell ye another night. I daenae think it’d do ye any good to hear it now, while ye’re still brimmin’ with emotion. Yer mind would only twist it.”

“For tonight then,” Saoirse murmured, “Noah and I have made our beds, and I do believe we’ll be sleepin’ in them alone.”

* * *

Noah stared up to the silver orb shining through the mist and stars. The low hum of crickets and the chirp of frogs filled his ears as the wispy clouds drifted past the moon.

“I’m a fool,” he mumbled to the emptiness before him. “What… possessed me to do that? I meant to apologize, and instead I’ve made it worse.”

The moon, as ever, didn’t answer, but it did seem to judge him.

“Talkin’ to yerself? Now, I’m really startin’ to worry that ye’re goin’ mad.” The sound of Scott’s voice directly behind Noah startled him, prompting him to stand straighter as Scott stepped out into the courtyard.

Noah smiled. “Just makin’ a confession to somethin’ that willnae make me feel like even more of a fool.”

“Here.” Scott shoved a small leather flask into Noah’s chest. “I though ye might need somethin’ like this. It willnae give ye any answers, but it’ll help dull ye.”

“What are ye doin’ here?” Noah drew the flask to his nose and breathed in deeply. The aroma warmed him as if he’d already taken a sip.

“I figured I’d come to see how ye were farin’. Did the council try to oust ye after ye all went into the drawin’ room?”

Noah shook his head. “They’re bein’ polite, but they willnae stay that way. I suppose, like everyone else, they’re content to wait and see how everythin’ unfolds. For now, anyway.”

“And how are we feelin’ about yer good lady wife?” Scott smirked knowingly.

“That woman is the most infuriatin’, stubborn person I’ve ever met,” Noah grumbled as he took a long sip from the flask, before handing it back to Scott.

“Even more than ye are?” Scott teased, ramming his elbow into Noah’s side.

Noah winced: his side still hurting from his brush with the door. “I’m nae stubborn.” He paused. “Am I?”

“As a donkey that’s nae been fed.” Scott chuckled. “We’re all accustomed to yer ways, but ye have to remember that Saoirse isnae. She’s only known ye for, what, two days now? Ye cannae expect her to fall in line beside ye if ye daenae give her any reason to.”

“She’ssupposedto obey.”

Scott shrugged. “So am I, but I speak my mind to ye when it’s necessary. Ye’d rather I was honest than blindly obedient, nay?”

“Ye need to stop havin’ all the answers, Scott. Ye’re beginnin’ to make me feel like a dobber who kens nothin’.” Noah mustered a laugh. “I was goin’ to say sorry to her, ye ken. That was why I raced back from the forest. But… it’s all gone wrong again.”

Scott shrugged. “Night’s still young. Turn it around. Just daenae go hurlin’ yerself at any more doors. Knock, whisper sweet nothings, and marvel as she opens that door to ye… and opens somethin’ else to ye as well.”

“Ye heard about the door?” Noah cringed.

“The servants talk, but I wouldnae worry. They’ll be gossipin’ about somethin’ else by midnight.” Scott sipped from the flask. “Anyway, I asked Bianca to have a word with Saoirse, to make her more amenable to a second visit.”

Noah’s eyes shot wide. “What? Why? Why would ye do that?”

“To move this thing along,” Scott replied. “Ye’ve already played out the whole marriage in yer head to its conclusion. But the truth is, ye daenae ken what the future holds for the two of ye. She could be the one that eases all yer pain. That mends the broken pieces of yer soul. So, I’m intervenin’. Meddlin’, if ye will, and I willnae apologize for it.”

“Do ye think she’ll see me, then?” The words were out of Noah’s mouth so fast that he didn’t even realize what he said. Only when his eyes met Scott’s did Noah realizes the weight of his words.

“A…ha! I kenned it!” Scott pointed an accusing finger at Noah. “Ye do like her.”