“Or married,” Scott replied, with his usual air of nonchalance. “Which is what is happenin’, so there’s nay concern. Besides, Christie isnae a saint and I’m nae the only man she’s taken to her bed. The McCormick lad is all too eager to have her for his wife, notches on her bedpost and all. He’s been goin’ on about startin’ a family and such for years now. Seems to me like this is a blessin’ for all involved.”

“I wish ye werenae involved in this scandal at all,” Noah growled.

“Will ye calm yerself?” Scott patted Noah on the shoulder. “Nae all of us can be as pious as ye are. Although, I must say, I’m impressed wit’ yer newfound dedication to yer wife. I’d come upstairs to check on the situation. Did she throw ye out once she’d had her wicked way wit’ ye?”

“What are ye talkin’ about?” Noah’s heart sank into the abyss of his stomach.

“Ye, standin’ outside yer wife’s chamber in naught but yer robe. And Saoirse comin’ into the kitchens this mornin’,” Scott explained, as if it should’ve been obvious. “To be honest, I thought she’d be the kind of woman that sleeps until noon, but she was bright-eyed as a sparrow. She asked what yer favorite foods were, and I warned her nae to bother ye, but it’s apparent that when that lass gets somethin’ in her head, she doesnae back down.”

“Nay,” Noah said, dropping his shoulders. “She doesnae.”

“So, what happened? Did she get lost? Did she entice ye to her chamber wit’ the breakfast? Did ye forget to eat anythin’ at all, with somethin’ more delicious before ye?”

Noah cringed. “I shouted at her. She startled me, and… I dinnae mean to do it.”

“Aye, ye did,” Scott remarked, suddenly serious.

Noah straightened up, fixing his friend with a stern gaze. “Well, I wouldnae have shouted at her at all if ye’d ensured that she dinnae come to disturb me.”

“Daenae look at me like that.” Scott wagged a finger. “I warned her, as I said, but seein’ as she’s yer Lady and yer equal now, I figured there wouldnae—or shouldnae—be any boundaries between ye. So, aye, I encouraged it. Mercy, I thought it would be good for ye! But I wouldnae have sent her into the lion’s den if I’d kenned ye were goin’ to be a bastard to her.”

A great pressure in Noah’s chest weighed down upon his heart. Seeing Scott’s exasperation, shame replaced Noah’s guilt and ground his nerves into a paste. “Ye’re right,” he murmured. “Thereshouldnaebe boundaries between a married couple, if they’re in love.”

“We’re nae doin’ this conversation again.” Scott shook his head vehemently. “Ye care for yer wife, and ye’ll never convince me otherwise. Ye could throw her in the dungeons, and I’d say it was just an act.”

“It’s nae that I daenae care,” Noah conceded. “It’s just, she gets under my skin. I’ve only known the lass for a few days, and she’s managed to seep into every part of my life. I just… wanted one place where she couldnae invade, ye ken?”

Scott’s laughter filled Noah’s ears. “What did ye expect?” Scott clapped his friend so hard on the back that he nearly dislodged some lung. “Ye’re married to the most beautiful, intriguin’ lass I’ve certainly ever seen. As the heavens dictate, she’s left her maither and faither and everythin’ she kens to become one with ye. Though, usually, ye do that with yer bodies before ye do it with yer minds. I guess ye’ve always done things the odd way around.”

“If ye’re tryin’ to make me feel guilty about sendin’ her away, ye can stop now. I already feel horrible about it.”

“And here I thought ye dinnae care for the lass.”

“Well, I—” Noah hesitated as he stepped back from Scott. “Daenae we need to be somewhere?”

Scott laughed as he shook his head. “Seems to me, if ye want peace in this castle and to make the heavens happy, ye’d best make amends. And fast.”

“Get the horses ready,” Noah ordered.

Scott grinned wider. “As ye wish, M’Laird, but the mess of someone else’s marriage isnae goin’ to take yer mind off yers.”

As Scott bounded off to prepare the horses, Noah stood by the stable doors and glanced over to the Castle. He couldn’t help but notice the tension that hung on the air like thick smoke. As he watched the servants in the windows, going about their daily work, he wondered where Saoirse was hiding. A part of him wanted to go back into the Castle, storm up to her chamber and apologize, but remorse held him back. She’d need time to calm herself too, before she was ready to see him again. Not to mention, he wasn’t entirely certain what he would say to her to make her forgive him.

I daenae think I want to lose ye, Saoirse.Despite his best efforts, an affection had begun to form. It wasn’t love, it couldn’t be, but there was a spark of something there. If there wasn’t, he wouldn’t be so concerned about her, or feel such a need to make things right. Saoirse’s teary eyes and pale face flashed before him, causing his chest to tighten.

“Are ye ready?” Scott interrupted a short while later, leading two horses out of the stable.

Noah shook off the thoughts lurking in his mind, grabbed his horse and climbed up into the saddle.

“Aye,” he replied. “Let’s see what we can do about these sheep and this weddin’. And, so help me Scott, if I find out ye’re the faither of this child, I’ll—”

“I’m nae,” Scott interjected with a tone of absolute certainty. “As ye should already ken, I never make mistakes when I’m bein’ careful. I ken better than to leave behind such things.”

Noah turned the head of his horse to block Scott’s path. “Ye willnae interrupt again. Let me make this very clear—if it turns out that the timin’ fits and yearethe faither, then ye’ll be in the same boat that I find myself in.”

“And what is that?” Scott asked.

“In a marriage ye’re nae ready for,” Noah answered.