“I was just… um… lookin’ for the kitchens,” Saoirse explained, her gaze flitting toward everything but the couple.

The woman curtsied. “There’s nay need for ye to come down here, M’Lady. I was just about to bring yer tray up to ye.”

Saoirse’s eyes shifted to the man who had yet to emerge from the shadow of the bear’s head. “I told Mary I’d see to my own breakfast. There must be some mistake if ye were asked to fetch a tray.”

The woman seemed flustered. “Ah, I forgot to check with Mary. My apologies, M’Lady.”

“There’s nae need to apologize.” Saoirse put on a smile, willing the concealed man to show himself. Dread gripped her stomach in a vise.

It cannae be him. It willnae be him. He wouldnae be so… so… cruel.She swallowed, remembering the vague rumors that had floated around before her wedding. Tales of Noah being a wicked rogue. She hadn’t believed them, but what if she simply hadn’t wanted to?

“Forgive me, M’Lady.” The man stood. For a terrible few seconds, the figure sounded and looked like her husband.

Then, the shadows fell away, revealing Scott. He wore a sheepish grin, stuffing his hands into his pockets like a naughty student.

“Scott?” The word left Saoirse’s lips on a breath of relief.

He grinned wider. “Surprised ye remembered.”

“I rarely forget a face, or someone who frightens me half to death.” Saoirse managed a return grin.

“Did ye rest well? I ken ye couldnae have been comfortable in the carriage, with yer headache an’ all.” Mischief glinted in Scott’s eyes. “At least someone enjoyed the weddin’ night, eh?”

Saoirse blushed furiously at the thought of her wedding night, not simply because of her embarrassing behavior, but also the opportunity she might have missedbecauseof those actions.

“The celebrations, I mean,” Scott added quickly.

Saoirse scuffed her toe awkwardly against the stone floor. “Aye, well, it was to be expected, was it nae? I mean, what would ye do if ye’d just married someone that ye’d never met? I intended to sip just enough to ease my nerves, but I think I left my nerves at the bottom of several quaiches.”

“Scott,” the maid chided. “Stop teasin’ M’Lady. Can ye nae see ye’ve made her uncomfortable?”

“I’m nae teasin’, Bianca,” Scott replied with a chuckle. “Merely statin’ the facts and cheerin’ M’Lady’s dedication to the celebrations. She’s a lass after me own heart, in that regard. That is perfectly acceptable, is it nae?” He glanced back over at Saoirse and gave her a wink.

“I wouldnae expect anythin’ less.” Saoirse allowed herself a laugh. “In fact, I’d encourage ye to speak the absolute truth to me, nay matter my title. ‘Tis better to have somethin’ said to my face than behind my back. At least, that is what I was raised to believe.”

Scott wore an expression that bordered on pride. “Aye, M’Lady. If I had a cup of somethin’, I’d toast to that.” He pinched Bianca’s backside instead. “I hope ye’ve taken heed of that, Lass.”

“I have, ye fool, and I’d urge ye to remember that it’s nae me who loves to gossip.” Bianca smacked away Scott’s hand, but her smile lingered.

Saoirse smiled as she watched them interact. They seemed like a happy, besotted couple. Yet, she couldn’t ignore the drumming of envy that pounded in her chest as she realized that her own relationship was the exact opposite. They had she what she wanted, and they weren’t even married.

“Scott, do ye ken when the Laird might awaken?” If Saoirse could orchestrate an “accidental” meeting with her husband, Scott might be the very person to help her.

“I daenae, M’Lady, but it willnae be until later,” Scott answered, with a wry smile. “He had somethin’ of a troublin’ night.”

Bianca nudged him sharply. “There are some things that yeshouldkeep yer lips shut about.”

“Nay, nay, I would prefer to hear it,” Saoirse replied hurriedly. “I just assumed that, with the sun bein’ up, he would have Laird business to attend to.”

To her surprise, it was Bianca who explained further. “Aye, but when he goes away for a while, he always sleeps late when he comes home. I suppose the Laird doesnae sleep well unless it’s in his bed.”

How does she ken that?Saoirse’s throat went dry, as those rumors floated into her mind again like dusty motes.

“When Mary is otherwise engaged, I sometimes take his breakfast tray to him. He doesnae have one until it’s almost luncheon when he’s been away,” Bianca added, offering Saoirse a reassuring smile. The small gesture of kindness caused tears to prick in her eyes.

Blinking them back, Saoirse mustered a smile. “But he’s wastin’ a very fine mornin’ and there are things I’d like to see and ken about the Castle, so I daenae enter the wrong room again.” She exchanged a knowing look with Bianca, who hid a chuckle behind her hand.

Scott, on the other hand, turned suddenly serious. “If ye’re plannin’ on wakin’ him, I’d advise against it. The Laird willnae take kindly to bein’ disturbed.”