“I never liked him,” Elena grumbled as Georgia tilted her head. Lifting a hand up, Georgia tucked a loose strand of Elena’s hair behind her ear and smiled.

“Perhaps, but he’s always had an eye for ye. Told me so once upon a time.”

Elena’s eyes popped as she shook her head.

“Why is this the first time I’m hearin’ about it?” Elena asked as she curled her arm into Georgia’s and led her sister into the hall.

“Perhaps because yer married to him now,” Georgia said with a giggle. Elena shifted her eyes to Gabriel, watching him play with her nephews. There was a tenderness about him she hadn’t seen before. The moment he looked up and caught her eye, Elena dropped her gaze.

Where is that mean little beast? This has to be some sort of prank... One my family seems to be vested in. Darragh must have put them all up to speakin’ such things about him.

Elena dropped her arm the moment they reached Anna and Vincent. A cold chill drifted over her neck causing the hair to rise. Shivering, Elena smiled at her sisters before scanning the room for her uncle. If there was one person who would tell her why she had to marry Gabriel it was him. Darragh, after all, arranged the union.

“Where ye goin’?” Anna called to Elena as Elena left, ignoring her sister.

Where are ye, uncle? I’ve a bone to pick wit’ ye.

Elena searched the dance floor and finally found Darragh sitting beside Iona. She pulled in a long deep breath.

I’m a married woman now. He’ll have to respect that.

A prick of terror coursed through her as she marched to the table. Although she wasn’t certain what she’d say to him, she wasn’t about to let him off the hook so easily.

“There’s the beautiful bride,” Iona said, rising as Elena stepped closer. “Yer faither would have loved to see ye like this.”

“Why did ye pick Gabriel McAllister as my husband?” Elena blurted out. Although she had hoped the music playing would mask her question and keep her conversation private, the moment she let out the words the music stopped. All eyes shifted to her.

“Already trouble in paradise, aye?” Darragh laughed as the music started back up. The muffled conversations around the hall slowly started up again and Elena knew precisely what the topic of conversation was.

“I need to ken why ye picked him. Out of all the men who ye could have paired me wit’,” Elena said, trying hard not to let her words slur. The moment Darragh knew she was feeling a bit wobbly, he’d refuse to answer her.

“It was my right to do so,” he answered. “Yer of age and it was high time ye did so. I couldnae very well have ye roamin’ about unwed. I did it for yer reputation and that of the family’s. Besides, he’s a laird. Gabriel will take care of ye so long as ye take care of him.”

Darragh’s eyebrows wagged as he flashed her a quick wink. Suddenly, the playfulness in his face vanished as he tilted his head. “Yer worried about yer duties, is that it?”

“My duties?”

“Aye, as a wife and a bride. Yer nae thinkin’ about denyin’ yer husband of his God given rights now, are ye?” Darragh’s voice lowered into a growl. Elena felt as if she were five years old all over again. It never crossed her mind what she would have to do this very night, but suddenly the image was clear in her mind.

Swallowing hard, she couldn’t help but wonder how things turned on her. She had come over to know why he picked Gabriel and was suddenly pressured to merge her body with Gabriel’s. The thought repulsed and excited her.

“Everythin’ alright over here?”

Gabriel’s fingers gently curled around her shoulder. She could smell his musky scent flow around her making her senses dull.

“Aye,” Iona answered as Elena opened her eyes. Panic washed away all the joy and sobered Elena quickly. The mead she had consumed prior wasn’t nearly enough to get her through the task of the night’s events.

With her back straightening, and her body going rigid, Gabriel cleared his throat.

“Suppose it would be best to keep yer bride away from the mead,” Darragh said. “It’s nay fun when they are passed out.”

“I beg yer pardon,” Gabriel said, “But I think it’s best ye follow yer own advice. Seems to me, Darragh, yer lettin’ the whiskey talk for ye. This is yer niece’s weddin’ and as her husband, she can drink till she’s under the tables for all I care. God willin’ this will be her only weddin’.”

“Aye,” Iona said with a hint of a smile. “To the happy couple and a love that lasts a lifetime.”

The crowd cheering did nothing but make Elena’s face burn a bit hotter.

“Will ye join me on the dance floor once more before we retire?” Gabriel asked as he lured her away from the table. Elena’s head bobbed as she tried not to look Gabriel in the eyes.