“I’ll go fetch my bow,” Gabriel said with a nod of his head, “and meet ye outside.”

“Excellent. And we can discuss a few things while we are out today. As I recall, I have yet to name an heir and I’ll be speakin’ to the both of ye about it.” In the corner of his eye, he noticed Vincent sit straighter. Apparently, the news shocked Vincent sober. Gabriel pursed his lips into a tight line and gave a swift nod.

He turned and moved as swiftly as he could through the castle trying to get back to Elena. Flying through the door, he startled Elena as she slept.

“I’m sorry, my love,” Gabriel said as he made his way around the bed.

“What is the matter?”

“I’m goin’ huntin’ with yer uncle and Vincent,” Gabriel answered. Elena’s eyes widened as she propped herself up onto her elbow.

“Be careful,” Elena said as she stretched her hand out to him. “I daenae trust Vincent.”

“Aye, I ken. Tis why I’ll be takin’ this,” Gabriel said, slipping his hand between the mattress and pulling out a small blade.

“Ye’ve had that there the whole time?” Elena asked as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. “Do ye nae trust me?”

Gabriel leaned in and pressed his lips to her forehead. “Tis nae ye I daenae trust. But ye I want to protect, always.”

Tucking thesghian dubhin his armpit, he secured the leather strap and slipped his vest on.

“When will ye come back to me?” Elena asked as he kissed her once more.

“Daenae ken, yer uncle wants to stay out till dusk I’m sure. Seems he has a few words for us he’d like to share away from the rest of the family.”

“Please, be careful.”

“Always,” Gabriel said as he finished getting dressed. “I’ll come back to ye as soon as I can.”

Gabriel moved to the door as a sinking feeling filled him. He glanced over his shoulder a moment and smiled at Elena as she nuzzled back into the pillows. The moment he pulled the door open, Jacob stood with his hand raised, ready to knock.

“The horses are ready, M’Laird,” Jacob said. Gabriel patted Jacob on the shoulder and nodded.

“Stay here,” Gabriel said. “And watch over my wife.”

“Wit’ my life,” Jacob said as Gabriel moved to the entrance and found Vincent and Darragh eager and ready.

“To the hunt,” Darragh said in a loud booming voice. Gabriel walked to his steed and climbed into the saddle. Settling himself, he stared at his home as if he’d never see it again. The dread swelling in his stomach nearly made him want to pass out.

I love ye, Elena. I swear, whatever happens this mornin’, I’ll find my way back to ye.

Chapter 33

“Fine day, is it nae?”Darragh said as his attention seemed to be more on the canopy of the forest than the trails.

“Aye,” Gabriel answered, riding next to him.

“Ye seem to be a bit wobbly there,” Darragh called to Vincent as Gabriel noticed Vincent slanting on his saddle. “Straighten yerself, lad.”

Vincent waved back to Gabriel and Darragh as they meandered through the trees. The smell of moss and wet earth filled Gabriel’s nose as Darragh jerked on the reins and slipped off his horse. Gabriel pulled back and looked at him.

“Everythin’ alright?” Gabriel asked.

“Come now,” Darragh said. “We all ken tis nae huntin’ season. We’ll only be bringin’ back rabbit meat this time of year.”

“Then why did ye want to come?” Gabriel asked as he dropped out of the saddle and tied his horse off.

“Ye and I are men of action,” Darragh said with a boisterous voice. “We daenae brin’ our disputes before the women. We take it outside. And here, we’ll be able to discuss a few things that need to be said.”