“There are some men that think that way, but I believe it is because they have forgotten what it is like to love someone. They were trapped in an arranged marriage and let their hearts become calloused.”

“Then what was it ye were talkin’ to Isobel about?” Elena asked as she tilted her head to catch a glimpse of Gabriel behind her.

“Jacob wanted me to give her a note. I couldnae very well have handed it to her in front of yer maither, she’d rip it up. But I’m certain if ye ask Isobel, she’ll tell ye what Jacob wrote to her.”

“I’m sorry,” Elena whispered as she let all vines of doubt and discord die within her. “I should have known better than to think ye were anythin’ like my uncle and brother-in-law.”

“Ye love yer family, Elena. There is nay doubt about that. Yer kind and loyal to them. But Anna I believe is in a horrible relationship and doesnae ken how to get out of it.”

“What makes ye think that?”

“The day they arrived,” Gabriel explained. “I stopped Vincent from strikin’ yer sister. I told him if I caught him layin’ a hand on her while under my roof that I’d flog him.”

“That explains the punishments,” Elena mumbled.

“What punishments?”

“Emily and the other servants have informed me Anna is sleepin’ on the floor. How Vincent yells at her at night, they hear them in passin’ when dustin’ the candles. It’s why Anna said she cannae go home. I think she wants to but Vincent willnae let her.”

“I see,” Gabriel mumbled.

“What am I to do?”

“Nothin’,” Gabriel said in such a stern tone that it rattled Elena. “Ye just be there for yer sister. As for Vincent, let me handle him.”

Chapter 32

Gabriel’s mindtwisted and turned throughout the night. He found each time he closed his eyes, a new issue arose that stole the sleep from him. Finally, after tossing and turning beside Elena, he slipped out of the bed without a sound.

Throwing on his trews and shirt, he stole a glimpse of Elena on the bed resting peacefully. He couldn’t help but smile at how peaceful she looked. The moonlight hit her skin making her look like an angel in his bed. Every breath she took made him wish he could remain by her side. Yet, thoughts of Vincent and Anna filled his head and he knew he’d only keep her up if he stayed next to her.

As quietly as he could, he slipped out of the bedroom and left her to sleep. The castle was eerily quiet as he moved down the hallway. The hallways were dark and dreary with slivers of the silver light of the moon creeping through the windows and cracks under the door.

Moving to the study, Gabriel closed himself into the room and swiftly rekindled the fire. The orange glow flickered about the room as he plopped down in the chair. The heat from the flames kissed his face as he tried to come up with some way to speak to Vincent. After all, he had promised Elena he’d take care of the situation, yet, he had no idea how to go about it.

I cannae just send them back home. He is sure to do far more damage there. Yet, I’ll nae let Anna remain under his care. And what if he’s treatin’ the bairns this way too? What damage is Vincent doin’ to their little minds?

Troubled, Gabriel mulled over his plans until the sun slowly drifted over the horizon. Even with the golden light of the sun coming up, he was perplexed. His mind felt weary and weak. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he found no solution that would grant Anna an escape.

“Forgive me, M’Laird, I dinnae think ye be awake at this hour,” Jacob said as he entered the room. Gabriel glanced over to Jacob and let out a sigh.

“Are ye alright?”

“I’ve nae slept,” Gabriel confessed.

“Would ye like me to fetch Emily and have her make ye a concoction or some tea then? Perhaps it was the meal last night?”

“Nay,” Gabriel said, shaking his head. “It wasnae due to the food.”

“Then perhaps a dram of whiskey to ease the nerves?”

“I daenae think that will help,” Gabriel said, trying to give Jacob a smile. But he knew his heart wasn’t in it.

“Perhaps ye’ll tell me yer troubles? I might have a solution for ye,” Jacob said as he moved to the fireplace and tossed another log on the burning embers.

“What would ye do if ye ken that a family member was nae a very nice person?”

Jacob’s head bobbed as Gabriel felt his eyes on him. “Yer speakin’ of Vincent, arenae ye?”