“Ye tell me ye’ve been watchin’ how Vincent treats me, well what about Gabriel? I’ve seen his eye wander to the servants and our sisters. He’s nay saint, Elena. I bet he’s bedded more than one of the servant girls here and ye daenae even ken because yer delusional about what is really goin’ on in yer own home.”

“I beg yer pardon, but Gabe is nae that kind of man,” Elena snapped. “He’s kind and loyal to me. There is nae a day that goes by that he’s nae tryin’ to help me, or love me.”

“See, there,” Anna said as she wagged her finger in the window. “Yer precious Gabe is all over Isobel.”

Elena stared into the window, keeping her eyes locked on Gabriel as he hovered over the piano listening to Isobel play. A small seed of doubt dropped into Elena’s mind as she wondered why he was leaning so close to her sister. Watching him, she pulled in a deep breath as Gabriel’s eyes shifted to the window as if he knew they were talking about him.

Flashing his crooked grin, Elena knew beyond a shadow of any doubt that he was smiling at her. Although the reflection in the glass may not have disclosed her location to him, it was clear he knew she was watching him.

“Yer wrong, sister,” Elena said as her voice dropped. “And I daenae ken where ye are gettin’ yer wild ideas from, but Gabriel is nae like Vincent.”

“And what do ye ken of my husband of ten years? Do ye think ye ken him better than I?”

“I ken he yells at ye before bed. I ken the servants come to me askin’ if they need to make up another room so that ye are nae sleepin’ on the floor. And that it is Vincent who has wandered to my servants’ beds, nae Gabriel. Ye think I daenae ken what goes on in my own home, yer sorely mistaken. I ken. Which is why I wanted to ask ye what it is that I can do to help ye.”

Anna’s lips twitched with anger as she rose to her feet. “I’ll nae sit here and listen to ye spout lies about my husband.”

“And I’m supposed to listen to ye talk about Gabe in such a way that dishonors him? Who do ye think ye are, sister? Is it that yer jealous?”

“Ha, jealous of what? Of bein’ coerced into a marriage I dinnae want? Married to a man who pretends to love me when in fact he doesnae? Ye are foolin’ yerself, sister, if ye think yer happy wit’ Gabriel.”

“But I am happy. Gabe has given me everythin’ I could possibly ever want. He’s been there for me. But I think yer so miserable in yer own marriage and life that ye want to hate someone and blame someone. If anythin’ blame Darragh for yer arranged marriage. As I recall, sister, ye too were handed over to the highest bidder.”

“I’ll nae listen to this any longer,” Anna snapped and started for the side door. Elena watched as her sister paused a moment, the tears now fresh on her cheeks broke Elena’s heart. It wasn’t that she wanted to hurt Anna, all she came out to do was get fresh air. Yet, somehow it all turned sour.

“Perhaps tonight, before ye go to bed, ye’ll ask Gabriel how he treats his mistresses here. Because he has them, every man does. And yer a fool if ye daenae understand and realize that fact. Gabriel is nae a saint. Nor is Vincent, but Vincent is my husband till death do us part. And I’ll stand behind him.”

“A woman shouldnae stand behind their husband the way Darragh thinks but beside, to help their husbands. Perhaps it is ye who should take a closer look at yer relationship.”

“Well, some of us arenae as fortunate to be married to weak men. Mark my words, Elena, that child will be a curse to ye. Ye think it’ll brin’ ye and Gabriel closer together? It willnae. If anythin’ it’ll give him a reason to leave.” Anna said as she turned and stormed away.

Elena’s mind spun as she tried to recall how the conversation turned so hostile. All she wanted to do was spend time outside with Anna. Yet, it was very clear something was amiss with Anna and Vincent and there was nothing Elena could do about it.

Slowly, she rose and waddled to the door. Her heart ached and her head hurt. Every muscle in her body seemed to be screaming at her to relax. Even the baby in her stomach twisted and flipped under her anxiety.

“Easy there, little one. Ye rest well. Yer faither loves ye very much as do I,” Elena said as she rubbed the bump of her stomach. A little flutter brushed her palm causing her heart to quicken. She wanted to call Anna to come feel the baby move but knew her sister was long gone, probably sulking in her room.

“Is everythin’ alright?” Gabriel asked as he popped his head out. Elena’s eyes swelled the moment she caught glimpse of him. Gabriel was at Elena’s side in a flash. His eyes were wide with fear as his hand flew to her stomach.

“What’s wrong? Is the bairn alright?” he asked in such a panic that it deflated the fears billowing in Elena’s mind.

“The child is fine,” Elena said as Gabriel helped her back on the bench. “It’s my sister though. I daenae think she is very happy here.”

“She’s nae a prisoner,” Gabriel said as he took his seat beside Elena. She felt his hand on her back, rubbing the kinks and knots from her shoulders. “She can leave.”

“I daenae think Vincent will let her.”

“Doesnae surprise me,” he said casually. Elena shifted as best she could and used Gabriel for support.

“Do ye have any mistresses here?” Elena asked. The moment the words fell from her lips she regretted saying them. His fingers curled around her arms as his hot breath caressed her neck.

“Aye, ye,” he answered. “Yer more than enough and are all I will ever want in this life.”

“Anna told me every man has a mistress, and that I’m foolin’ myself if I think otherwise.”

“Is that what ye believe about me?”

“Darragh says the same thin’,” Elena said as her chest tightened. She didn’t really want to be discussing these things, but she knew if she didn’t get them out now, they would fester in her.