“There is so much I need to talk to ye about,” Elena said scooping her arm into Anna’s. “I ken we’ve nae seen eye to eye on a lot of things, sister, but I do hope ye ken I love ye.”

“Of course I ken that, as I ye.”

“Then once ye are settled, perhaps we can chat alone?” Elena said as her eyes shifted to Gabriel. He smiled at her and stepped away. The moment the space beside Elena was open, one of her many sisters stepped into the spot.

Although there was a part of him that wished to tell Elena about his encounter with Vincent outside, he knew now was not the time to say anything. He’d have to wait till later to speak of such things. For now, he knew the moment belonged to Elena.

In the corner of his eye, he spied Vincent and Darragh in the corner. Vincent’s gaze was locked on Gabriel as he spoke in hushed tones with Darragh. And despite being pleased to see Darragh up and about after his scare with the poison, Gabriel couldn’t help but wonder if Darragh’s mind wasn’t now being poisoned by another means.

Now, what is that snake of a man up to?

Chapter 31

“Anna?”Elena stepped out into the cool night air. Every inch of her skin felt as if it were on fire. Not even the crisp air seemed to alleviate her discomfort.

“Elena, what are ye doin’ out here? Ye should be inside wit’ yer feet up,” Anna said, quickly wiping the evidence from her face. Tilting her head, Elena studied her sister. She could tell Anna wasn’t happy and wanted more than anything to help her sister.

“I needed a moment of peace,” Elena said as she waddled over to Anna and eased herself down on the bench near the willow tree. “I daenae ken if ye ever noticed, but uncle can be a bit overbearin’ at times, nay?”

Anna chuckled a moment as her eyes shifted to the wide bay windows of the sitting room. Elena turned to stare at her family and couldn’t help but smile at seeing all of them in there. Iona was busy reading in the chair while Isobel played some new melody she had been working on for the past several months. Darragh and Vincent were huddled in the corner gambling no doubt, while Saoirse and Georgia entertained the children near the fireplace.

“Tis much more comfortable out here, if I do say,” Elena said, breaking the silence. Anna shrugged as the haunting melody of crickets and frogs played out their evening tunes.

“Aye,” Anna agreed as her eyes shifted to the ground.

“Is everythin’ alright wit’ ye? Ye’ve been a bit distraught ever since ye got here. If ye’d rather go back home, ye can. I’m sure one of them inside will inform ye the moment yer nephew or niece is born.” Elena rubbed her swollen belly trying to find some way to comfort the bloating.

“I ken we’ve been here for a while,” Anna said. “Suppose I do miss my home.”

“Then why daenae ye leave? Nae that I daenae love havin’ ye all around me, but surely ye have better things to do than coddle me?”

“Ye were there for me when I was wit’ my first, do ye remember? What makes ye think I’ll nae be here the whole time for ye?” Anna asked as sympathy and love flowed out of her and crashed against Elena. Elena couldn’t help but feel her heart overflow from all the endearments her family bestowed on her.

“Well,” Elena said, hoping not to sound too ungrateful, “Ye have bairns now of yer own. Surely they miss their home too.”

“This has to do wit’ Gabriel, does it nae? He doesnae want us here anymore, which is why he’s asked ye to come and tell us to go.”

“Nay,” Elena shook her head and grabbed her sister’s arm. “Gabriel understands what ye all mean to me. In a sort of way I think he enjoys havin’ ye all here. But I’ve notice ye come out here almost every night. Although, this is the first time I’ve seen ye here this early. Normally I notice ye in middle of the night. Ye come here to cry, why?”

“That, dear sister, is nothin’ ye need to concern yerself wit’,” Anna snapped.

“Yer my sister and while I understand there are some secrets best kept between husbands and wives, I cannae help but notice how sad ye are. What is goin’ on?”

Anna pursed her lips into a tight line as her eyebrow arched. She licked her lips a moment before shaking her head. “I’ll be alright. Maither says every couple has spotty moments in their marriage and that is all that is happenin’ wit’ me and Vincent. We’re just nae seein’ eye to eye like we used to and we are adjustin’ accordingly.”

“Anna, be reasonable,” Elena said. “We all see how the two of ye act at dinner. Ye barely can stand to look at each other. And I’ve nae yet seen him show ye any signs of affection the whole time ye’ve been here.”

“Yer startin’ to sound like maither,” Anna growled. Her jaw flexed as she lifted her chin higher. There was tension in Anna’s back and shoulders as if she carried the weight of the world.

“Well, maybe ye should listen then,” Elena said, trying not to sound too judgmental. Although she could hear her tone rising a bit, it was only due to her sister’s stubbornness. After all, Anna was the oldest and always seemed to have all the answers. It wasn’t like her to be so stressed and saddened.

“And maybe ye should listen to what I’m tellin’ ye. There’s nay issue.”

“Ye daenae have to lie about what is goin’ on between ye and Vincent. We all saw him last night. He practically ripped Emily’s head off for nae cleanin’ his clothes on time. Gabriel had to remind him he’s nae the Laird in this castle and had nay right speakin’ to our servants in such a manner.”

“Is that why ye’ve really come out here? To get me to speak to my husband about how he acts to yer servants? Aye, Elena, I understand. This is yer home and yer life is so perfect that ye have to rub it in every chance ye get. Even now, when I’ve come out here to be alone, ye have to come and gloat about how amazin’ yer life is.”

“Anna, what is wrong? I came out here to get some air,” Elena explained. “I happened upon ye and came to see if ye needed to talk. How is that to do wit’ anythin’ about me rubbin’ in my position?”