“If ye dinnae want to come, why did ye?” Anna asked in a stern tone as Gabriel noticed the anger festering in her gaze. “It’s nae as if ye daenae have better things to do back home. I’m sure yer mistress would have enjoyed yer company this week.”

Vincent’s hand rose into the air and before he could strike, Gabriel rushed to the door of the carriage and pulled it open.

“Just what do ye think yer doin’?” Vincent demanded as his attention shifted swiftly to the doorway. No doubt Gabriel knew Vincent was expecting a servant there, but when Vincent spied Gabriel instead, he dropped his hand and rolled his shoulders back.

“Welcome my family,” Gabriel said in a boisterous and welcoming tone. “Elena will be so eager to see ye.”

Vincent’s eyes widened as he focused on Gabriel’s face. There was a moment of hesitation as Gabriel extended his hand to Anna to help her out of the carriage. Rage billowed inside Gabriel as he took Anna’s hand to help her out. A part of him wished to defend Anna right then and there, but with the rest of the Baxter clan inside his home, he didn’t want to cause a ruckus.

“Gabriel,” Anna said as she stepped down and smoothed her skirt out. Vincent climbed out of the carriage and with his departure, he brought forth the stench of whiskey. The smell was like a thick cloud hovering around them. For a moment, Gabriel wondered if Anna had noticed it, or if her senses had been dulled by the overpowering hint of the alcohol.

“Everyone is inside,” Gabriel said with a smile to Anna. “Ye’ll find yerself better suited and most comfortable around yer family, I’m sure.”

Anna bowed to Gabriel and brushed her fingertips over her eyes a moment before pinching her cheeks. Gabriel watched as Anna made her way to the front doors and disappeared inside. Vincent started to escort her, but Gabriel’s hand was on him in a flash.

“And just what exactly is it ye think yer doin’?” Vincent demanded as Gabriel pinned him against the carriage.

“Tis nae my business to interfere wit’ yer marriage to Anna,” Gabriel said in a sharp hostile tone. Vincent’s jaw flexed as anger grew in his stern gaze.

“Aye, it’s nae.”

“But Elena’s happiness is,” Gabriel said. “And I’ll do anythin’ to make Elena happy. That includes invitin’ the likes of ye and Anna into my home. But so help me, I catch ye raisin’ yer hand to Anna again, and it’ll be my hand that raises against ye. Do ye understand? Yer in my house, under my roof, and will abide by my rules.”

“Ye should mind yer own affairs,” Vincent hissed.

“And for the most part I do. But I’ll nae tolerate yer foul behavior. And if I catch ye sippin’ one drop from my stock of liquor, I’ll toss ye in wit’ the pigs.”

“How dare ye speak to me in such a manner,” Vincent said as he shoved Gabriel off him. But Gabriel barely budged an inch.

“I’ll speak to ye anyway I please. Yer intoxicated as it is, and daenae deny it, I can smell the whiskey all over ye. And by what I’ve seen so far, ye daenae need anymore.”

“I’m a grown man,” Vincent said, shoving Gabriel once again with all the strength he could muster. Gabriel shook his head as his eyes bore deep into Vincent’s gaze.

“Yer nothin’ but a scared lad who has nay right to be treatin’ people as if they are below ye. Yer nae the Laird nor are ye the chieftain of my house. I am the ruler here and if ye daenae like it, then ye can go someplace else and leave yer wife and children under my care. I’m certain Elena would love nothin’ more than to have her sister wit’ her durin’ this time.”

Gabriel shoved his forearm hard into Vincent’s chest causing Vincent to stumble back into the carriage. Straightening his vest, he flashed Vincent a stern gaze before turning away from him. Although Gabriel wanted nothing more than to punch the man, he knew he couldn’t. In doing so it would cause too much strife with the family and this time wasn’t about settling scores, it was about giving Elena all the peace and comfort he could.

Moving to the entrance, Gabriel waved to Jacob. Jacob rushed to his side as Gabriel tried not to pay any attention to the tantrum going on outside.

“M’Laird?” Jacob asked as Gabriel noticed his eyes shifting to the ruckus Vincent was causing outside.

“See to it ye keep an eye on him for me,” Gabriel whispered. “As well as Anna. If that man lays so much as one angry finger against his wife, tell me and I’ll handle him. Do ye understand?”

“And what of Lady Anna?” Jacob asked as worry flashed across his face.

“Keep an ear to their door, and have the other servants keep their eyes and ears open. The last thin’ I want is for Elena to be more stressed than she already is. If there is an altercation, brin’ it to me and I’ll make a swift end to it.”

“Understood,” Jacob said as Vincent stormed up to the entrance. Pulling in a deep breath, Gabriel followed Vincent into the great hall. The sound of laughter and giggles filled the room and set Gabriel’s heart at ease. He scanned the room for Elena and found her locked in Anna’s embrace.

In the back of his mind, Gabriel kept note of Vincent in the room. He could feel the daggers Vincent sent him as he moved to Elena’s side.

“Did ye ken she was comin’?” Elena asked. His heart skipped as he finally saw the smile he so longed to see plastered on her face. It was as if the whole room was light and airy again. Although he wished the storm clouds would remain far from her, he knew it was only a matter of time before they would come back again. Then again, with all of Elena’s family here to cocoon her in love and safety, his hope rose.

“Aye,” Gabriel answered.

“He wrote us insistin’ we come,” Anna said with a weary smile on her lips. Gabriel couldn’t help but wonder what her life was like living under such conditions. It was clear from the dreariness in her gaze that her life was not nearly as complete as Elena’s was and seeing her incomplete broke his heart.

Nay woman should be subjugated to such a life. Perhaps we should extend a welcome to her and the children. Have them stay wit’ us a bit. Although, her troubles are likely to greet her at the door once she gets home. Still, there must be somethin’ we can do to help.