Elena dropped her head in shame as she licked her dried lips. “Yer right. I was harsh on Isobel.”

“Aye, maybe a wee bit. So what are ye goin’ to do about that?” Gabriel asked as his eyebrow arched just a bit.

“I need to speak wit’ my sister,” she said.

“Go then, and tell yer family they are welcomed here. I’ll have Emily start preppin’ the rooms, although somethin’ tells me she might already be doin’ just that.”

Gabriel leaned in close and crushed his lips to hers. The taste of his breath teased Elena a bit. She found comfort in his kiss she was not expecting to find.

“Go,” he whispered. “And I’ll see ye at dinner.”

Elena stared down the long hallway as her chest tightened a bit. Shame and guilt raked through her as she walked to the drawing-room.

Gabriel is right, I shouldnae have overreacted. I just hope I’m nae this emotional for the rest of my pregnancy. Good Lord, that would be a bit too much to bear.

Chapter 30

“I’ve almost forgottenhow much family ye have,” Gabriel whispered to Elena as he sat beside her in the great hall. His eyes scanned the room as he exhaled. From his estimate, the entire Baxter clan had shown up to celebrate the news of their child. Elena sat a bit tense beside him, her shoulders were pulled back tight, and she barely said anything to him. He wished he could take away all her anxiety and worries and hoped she wouldn’t be so uptight for the entire pregnancy.

“Are ye alright?” he asked as he noticed she barely touched the food on her plate. Elena flashed him a weary little smile that never touched her eyes.

“I’m fine,” she answered him although she never once shifted her eyes to him. Gabriel slipped his hand under the table and curled his fingers around her knee. Every fiber of his being wished there was some way to take her mind off of things. He had thought with her family staying with them, that at least one of her sisters would be able to put her back together. But it seemed to him that despite so many people there to celebrate her, she felt even more isolated than ever before.

“Ye daenae look fine,” he said. “Ye look as if yer at a funeral and there’s nae a single soul in this whole room that can pull ye from yer sorrow.”

“I’m sorry,” Elena sighed. “I should be thrilled and I certainly daenae want to be ruinin’ this moment for ye. Perhaps I should retire to the bedroom for a moment or two.”

“Nay,” Gabriel said, shaking his head as the grip on her knee tightened. “I cannae let ye go.”

“And why nae?” Elena’s eyebrow rose as she stared at him with the utmost wonder. It was as if he’d slapped her and the shock was too much for her to contain.

“I fear if ye leave me, I may never see ye again. Besides this is yer family. They’ve come to celebrate ye. Perhaps ye should go and speak to Isobel, or Iona for a few moments.”

“If I am to be honest, it is Anna I want to speak to, yet, she’s still nae arrived,” Elena said and it all became clearer to Gabriel. Elena wasn’t worried over the bairn as much as he thought she was, it was her older sister she wanted.

A smile tugged at his lips and he released her leg and sat straighter. “If it is yer sister yer wantin’, ye’ll nae find her in yer bedroom. Best to stay here a bit longer.”

Elena’s eyes narrowed on him as she tilted her head. “Is there somethin’ ye ken that I daenae? Ye look as if yer the cat who ate the canary.”

“Perhaps I have been up to nay good,” Gabriel teased as he leaned closer to her. Little bumps rose on her arms as his breath caressed her neck. “But if ye leave, ye’ll miss yer surprise.”

Gabriel’s eyes shifted to the window and noticed the servants scrambling from their posts in the stables. His smile stretched out further as he planted a quick kiss on Elena’s cheek.

“Wait here,” he said to her.

“Now where are ye goin’?” Elena hissed, trying not to draw too much attention to herself.

“Daenae worry,” Gabriel reassured. “I’ll be right back.”

Without drawing too much attention to himself, Gabriel rushed out of the great hall and out the side door. His heart jumped in his chest the moment his eyes landed on Anna’s face. Although he knew they had their differences, it was Anna that Elena wanted to see the most, and having her finally arrive gave him hope.

He moved swiftly to the side of the carriage, getting ready to open the door for her when Anna’s distressful tone caused him to stop.

“Ye’ll do as I say,” Vincent snapped. “Or I’ll nae step one foot out of this carriage and we’ll go right back home.”

“I daenae understand why yer bein’ so unreasonable. The rest of the family is here too. It would be shameful of me nae to congratulate my sister on such an accomplishment.”

“Ye can send a letter,” Vincent growled as Gabriel rose to the tip of his toes to catch a glimpse inside the carriage. Anna’s eyes were red and her cheeks just as flustered. It was clear by the puffiness around her eyes she’d been crying.