“I ken that yer maither and sisters have had their fair share of issues wit’ childbearin’. But that doesnae mean ye will. Do ye ken why I ken that?”

Tucking his knuckles under her chin, he drew her face to meet his. “Because yer sisters have nae experienced the kind of love that I have for ye. They’ll never ken the lengths I’ll go to ensure yer well taken care of durin’ this time. All ye have to do is snap yer fingers and I’ll make sure ye have whatever it is ye need or want. I doubt yer sisters’ husbands have made such a promise.”

“Yer bein’ a fool,” Elena said as Gabriel noticed the redness in her eyes fading along with all her concerns.

“Nay,” he said, shaking his head. “I’m merely a man madly in love wit’ his wife and will do anythin’ to show that to her.” He reached his hand to her and pressed his palm to her flat stomach. A smile stretched across his lips as he thought of how her stomach would grow with the child. It was a thought that filled his mind. Love swelled within him, threatening to spill over the edges.

“How can ye be so calm about all this?” Elena asked as she swallowed hard.

“Because none of this is up to either of us, so why worry? If the Lord Almighty wants us to have this child, then we shall and if he doesnae, then we willnae. That is nae for us to say either way. All we can do is take care of what he gives us. Ye and that bairn are my responsibility to keep and to cherish.”

Elena placed her hand on his and nodded. Gabriel felt relief when he noticed his words finally derailed her train of thought. A smile played on her lips as her hand shifted to her belly.

“Ye ken, I’ll blow up to the size of a cow,” she said with her eyebrow arching.

“Nay,” Gabriel said. “Maybe a horse. But nae a cow.”

Elena slapped him on the arm as she let out a soft little giggle. “This is goin’ to change everythin’, ye ken that right?”

“Aye,” Gabriel answered. “But for the best. Ye’ll see. There will be nothin’ to worry about. Yer goin’ to be a kind, lovin’ and carin’ maither. I just ken ye will.”

“Do ye think we can keep the news to ourselves? Just for a bit? Just in case?” Elena asked as she batted her eyes. Gabriel’s fingers ran through her hair and nodded.

“If that is what ye wish to do, aye, we can hold off tellin’ anyone. Although, ye do ken at some point the secret will be a bit difficult to hide, right?”

“I ken,” Elena said. “But I’d still like to keep this between us for now.”

“Why?” Gabriel asked as he studied her face. He could see there were still reservations lingering within her. There was an urgency within him to stamp out all the issues arising in her mind. In the back of his mind, he knew that no matter what, he’d give her what she requested, but still, his curiosity pricked him.

“Just in case,” Elena answered. “What if we tell everyone and then somethin’ happens? I’ll nae be able to face my family after somethin’ like that.”

“Yer family will understand, and so will I. Ye have to stop thinkin’ so negatively about this and start envisionin’ the bairn skippin’ through the halls wit’ a full life before them.”

“If it’s all the same,” she said. The sadness in her voice broke his resolve. He understood there was nothing he’d be able to tell her that would ease her fears. Nothing he could do would stop the doubt from seeping in. But if she wanted to remain silent about the child, he’d give her that.

“Just so ye ken,” he said with a twinkle in his eye, “when ye have the child, and ye will, I’m goin’ to make ye remember this moment. And ask ye who was right about it all.”

“How can ye be so sure?”

“Faith, my love,” Gabriel answered without hesitation. “Absolute faith that the Lord will give us this gift and that ye’ll be strong and brave to deliver it to us. But, to ease ye now, I swear, I’ll nae say a word,” Gabriel promised as he leaned closer and crushed his lips to hers.

His heart fluttered and bounced around within him. All Elena’s fears were valid, but he refused to let any of them seep into his mind and poison the happiness swelling within him.

I’m goin’ to be a faither.

Chapter 29

Elena pacedthe floor as she absentmindedly rubbed her belly. Her mind raced over all the possibilities of having a child. Although there was a strong part of her that was thrilled to be bringing new life into the world, she couldn’t shake the gnawing in her gut that everything was about to change.

I’m nae ready for this. A bairn is too much right now. And what will happen if I cannae deliver? What happens if the child doesnae come at all? Oh, how I wish Anna were here to ease my mind. She’d have the right words for me, I just ken it.

I ken it is too soon to worry about such things. I should go about my business and keep things in order here. I must nae dally or cause too many people to suspect somethin’ is amiss.


Elena whipped her head about and came to a sudden stop. For a moment she couldn’t help but wonder if the words had slipped from her lips by the way Emily stared at her. Clearing her throat, Elena lifted her chin a bit higher.

“Aye?” Elena answered as she pressed her hand to her chest. Anxiety pounded on her like the hooves of a run-away steed.